Gains of the Drain, the energy drain... VITALITY IS KEY!


It was like the first day he first appeared in shadowfell because as she opened her eyes. She had the eyes of a hunter and they were looking at her prey,

But unlike ever before, the prey looked back at the predator and as he did, he bit his lip,

Because the very sight of those hateful eyes empowered his lust,

"My oh my master is looking at me with such hateful eyes, whatever will I do~"

He spoke full of lust as little hearts illuminated in his hungry eyes.

***The Next Day***

It was the early morning as Mari was at the branch house, and she was in nothing but her panties, Mary had just finished giving her a check-up.

Asmodeus had opened Mary's eyes to the fact that she might have been the only normal one in the family, so she was taking extra preparations by giving all 4 of them check-ups,

She had her 2 girls done, Kanna and Mari. And she had... Well, she had tried to give her husband Paul a check-up, but when she tried... It got freaky... And she ended up fucking him instead.

So she was going to check him again... Later... Tonight... Probably... Or fuck him... Again?

Which was also a part of her new "research".

Anyways, she had this in the bag. And all that was left was for Hiro to come in, in the afternoon so she could give him an examination since he seemed to be the only one with active Demon blood, or cursed blood as she'd like to call it.


"Thanks for letting me examine you so early in the morning" Mary

Jotting something down on her paper Mary was satisfied with the results of today's check-up, she was so satisfied that she was in a really good mood.

"How does it look, mom? I have great results don't I~" Mari

Taking a good look at her daughter, she was both pleased and worried, she didn't know how to say this correctly or if she wanted to, but it needed to be said,

"Yes, you've grown a lot since the beginning of the year. If you just train a bit harder, there's no doubt by December that you'll have reached the peaks of rank 3 phryic sorcery" Mary

Hearing her mom say that with praise she had an overwhelming smile on her face as that meant a lot to her-

"However I do have some worries, you're very skinny, and it is to the point where it's unhealthy" Mary

"I suggest that you eat more and try to gain back some bodyweight before you even think of training again" Mary

"Because the way you are now, your body might not be able to support your phyric energy seeing as it takes a lot of bodily energy to fuel our flames" Mary

But as Mary had warned her about this, she just nonchalantly waved her hand side to side and laughed,

"Stop worrying so much ma, it's so unlike you. Anyway I'm very strong and my firepower is fine" Mari

Mari's words concerned her, it was like she completely voided the part where she had told Mari that she was like a sack of skin and bones and that was very unhealthy for her phryic energy... But Mari didn't seem to care,

What was even more concerning was the lack of communication between her and her daughter, sure it was small before. But it was still there and it was strong, but ever since Hiro died, she felt like it slipped, she's slipped,

Wait, Hiro! She completely forgot about him for a sec, maybe he can get to Mari! After all, he's her little brother and he's back after all!!!

Hiro... ... ...hmmm...

'Wait a second? Do they even know Hiro's back? I hadn't seen him at home since he hadn't came back to life, and I'm always there with little Kanna?'

'Maybe Mari is the only one who knows since she goes to school with him. . .No, I take it back, Mari's been a pee brain lately'

'I don't think any of them actually know?'

"Mari, guess what I have some great news, your br-" Mary

But as she was talking the door sprung open and a girl dressed in all black came in, she reeked of alcohol and she was skinny just like Mari, what's with these girls looking like bones these days?

"Your brother's back!" Unknown

"What..." Mari

Looking at the girl, Mari's eyes looked chaotic, having mentioned him, she felt a burning fire rage in her body,

"That piece of shit is back!" Mari

Her eye twitched and her mother clearly heard that which brought up the question of who that girl was and how'd she know? Actually, why was it so important that it looked like her skinny ass ran a marathon to tell Mari that?

"I was just going to tell her until you rudely interrupted me, little girl. Now who are you and how do you know about my son" Mary said with nothing but seriousness.

Sounding displeased and serious enough to break the clipboard in her hand, her daughter ill-mouthed her brother and this unknown girl somehow got inside the building when she's nothing more than an outsider of the clan.

So she was already aggravated when she was having such a good day.

Meanwhile, looking over to the woman holding a clipboard, she felt a tremendous amount of magic power spiking off of her and she almost fell back as it was like a strong wave ordering her to submit to her will,

And so she did,

"My name Is Isabell and I slept with your son!.!.!" Isabell

Yelling that out, Mary's jaw drop as fast as that clipboard fell out of her hand and onto the ground... She was... There wasn't a description of how she looked or felt...

And at the same time, Mari was stunned,

"You fucked my bother?!"

But as she uttered those words, a tremendous magic pressure erupted from the side of the room and they both looked to Mary who had an aura of sky blue fire.

She used the true power of her flames and as they covered her in a phryic aura, Mari kicked the ground dashing forward and grabbing Isabell's hand,

"Bitch we gotta go! She'll burn herself out eventually!"

They both dipped before it was too late...

*****[Pov change]*****

I can't feel it anymore. That aching pulse of heat that's been spreading through my body like a wave of burning lust... It's gone entirely.

"cough cough" Unknown

But even as I say that I feel weak, it's as if that aching heat had burned out and left me as nothing but a char of used coal.


What's this feeling? This comfort? I can feel my very heart pounding from in chest and yet as I do, I can hear myself breathing hard,



I can hear it, my body is asleep and yet my mind is awake, my body's being torn apart, but not something or someone... But instead by itself,

As the bones in my body crack, I can feel every bit of it as they just hold and await to reform, even my flesh, the fibers that keep everything together had started tearing each other apart, not healing but standing still as it waits for something to heal it rather than healing itself.

I don't know what's happening or what happened, I sort of blacked out after lusting over master. But it feels as if I've been thrown into a Dryads lake,

Because my bodies absorbing something and it's taking it in for nutrition. I don't feel starving anymore just as I was before, I'm full and my mind is clear of all the chaos that had resided inside.



I can feel it, it's finally kicking in, it had been delayed as my body had been confused and not knowing what to do, but that stored substance... it's starting to spread, it's spreading all over my body.

It's seeping into my marrow and soaking into my fibers, it's even chilling and warming my heart, it's a weird feeling, it's cold but it's hot, its painful but its packed with pleasure... It is truly like the seasons,


[+128 points of Vitality has been absorbed from nutrition]

I can feel my heart flair up, this strange mix of hot and cold had startled flooding my heart, its thumping and throbbing, it's fighting but it can't seem to resist as blood continuously flows in and out and to the rest of my body as it attaches to my heart and flows through my blood.

But as it does I can feel it soaking in and absorbing into me, I can feel my life force expand as well as my stamina.

[+85% of strength has been absorbed from vital nutrition]

[+74% of agility has been absorbed from vital nutrition]

As blood courses through my veins, I can feel the fibers in my body start to rejoin, connecting with the help of this hot-cold and in return forming a stronger bond than before.

My body seems to be like a piece of iron to a blacksmith, he's burning me, washing me with ice water, and hammering me, but inevitably as his method is strange, it's working and it's reforging me.


[+1,895 points of Magic has been absorbed into your mana pool]

My body jerked as magic almost 2 folds stronger than my own invaded my mana pool. Pouring itself into there as an unknown substance and overflowing it as if it was a cup of water.

The water pours in and as it fills the cup it keeps going until it spills onto the table, but instead of leaking off to the edge, the water comes back to the cup and surrounds it.

The water then starts coming together and lift in up, covering the cup of water in a bubble, Bit instead of popping, the water starts dissolving the cup and as its fully gone, the flavored water from the original cup flows into the bottom of the bubble filling 1 of 5 layers.

But as nothing happens to the bubble, the bubble starts shaping itself and it stills, hardening into glass itself, and sinking in deep to the table as it became a permanent container...

A container for magic.

[Mana pool has forcefully expanded]

[Mana pool has successfully expanded]

Feeling like my body's going to burst I can feel one last thing, and it's my drive, it's my power, overall forget the rock, because my power had just expanded...


A second of resting and I feel so awake, but I'm asleep- no that's not right, I'm asleep but I'm awake--


Why am I so sleepy?... I'm already asleep?... My mind needs a break... I... I'm so tired now...


Meanwhile, as this was going on Zoe was in the comforts of her empty prison-like apartment after leaving and returning home instead of trying to escape Nefumia,

And her reason for that was that little kid... No wait never mind,

It was that lady, she was a Witch... A real Witch... And Zoe could feel her evil magic as she had talked to that boy in some strange language which she had never heard of before.

But all she knew was that that kid and that lady were going to be the absolute death of her, and she was 100% sure of it too.

She felt safe in the hands of the slayers then out there as she had been overwhelmed and frightened half to death as her aura was suffocating and she wasn't even in there in person...


Back in the comforts of a soft bed, Hiro's body and magic had been cultivated through some strange mystic arts.

And so as he laid there in a damp spot of his own sweat, he slept there peacefully until,


The door to the room had been slowly closed.


The sound of footsteps had started getting closer to Hiro with the occasional crunch of something from someone stepping on something,


The sound of the bed squeaking as someone had slowly crept onto the bed, making little indents into the mattress as they moved on it and got closer,


The loud sound of a slap that had echoed around the room, waking Hiro up with a strong and merciless sting,

"That's for taking my virginity you fucker. And that's also for cumming in me last night"

Opening his eyes and grabbing his face, he saw an unknown girl with short black hair above him and he grunted as that hurt like being hit with a lightning ball.

"Ouchhh! You didn't have to hit me" Hiro

"Your right" Unknown


The girl punches him in the face knocking him to his back,

"Eww you got blood on my hand" Unknown

Seriously about to fight this chick, whoever it was? He sat up to see it was some delinquent girl and as she had the blood from his nose on her knuckles, he grabbed his nose to feel it bleeding.

"You bitc-" Hiro

But before he could say anything she had moved quickly, no it was really quick and he could barely see her movement as she was already on top of him and pinning him down onto the bed.

His human form turned demon(Scarlet eyes, shifting 1inch Claws, and shifting 4 fanged teeth that now only appear when biting) and he snarled at her.

"Shut up, I don't care" Unknown

"Because you're my boyfriend whether you like it or not" Unknown

"Huh???" Hiro