Echalti Pt.1

As the day passed and the clouds shifted in the afternoon, 2 class periods had passed before they had all returned to Zoe,

But as students were entering her class, she was shaken and swallowed the spit building up in her mouth as she was anxious,

[P-PoV](Player perspective)

Watching those kids plus a few older than me walk in, this time they all looked excited, it was oddly unusual since the entire time I've seen them all they all seemed to despair.

But that doesn't matter as the only thing important is keeping that "heart-stopper" the hell away from me, and I'm talking about that short mage guy,

ugh, just thinking about him and that lady sends chills up my back,

"Hey, Hiro come here!"

Seeing the guy I hate the most enter my class I immediately called out to him, I need a favor and I had my reasons for hating his existence, yet right now that Witch is more troublesome to me than my meaningful revenge on this guy,

Hearing me practically shriek, he came over to my desk with that pretty white-haired girl who had attended one of my lessons once before,

"Come here, come here"

Waving my arm and telling him to bring his ass, he looked hesitant but came over to me and I grabbed him, bringing him close in and then crouching down so it was just me and him behind my desk,

"What's going on Sensei? You don't look so well?" he said brushing my hand off his shoulder,

"That's because I'm not!" I reattached my arm to his shoulder but then moved it closer, cuffing the back of his neck and pulling him closer because this was important to me,

"What's wrong?" he asked not looking that concerned, which he should have been!

"There's another mage in here like you and me, he's small and even tho he seems sweet and innocent, I'll tell you this once and only you. He's 200% evil..." I said not able to hold back the roughly taut sounds looming in my voice,

"Evil?" he questioned me which I didn't need right now. I was about to slap him and yell, E...V...I...L... BITCH!

"Did I fucking studder... I'm not going into detail because I think I might die if I do. But I'm sure he's evil and coming from someone remotely evil, I'm not ashamed to tell you I'm afraid. He's evil and I know he's planning something, I don't know what but it's something" I warned my fellow mage,

But as I did and as I fucking warned him of a threat greater than myself, his lips wobbly curved and that motherfucker looked as if he was trying his best not to burst into hysterical laughter,

"What's so funny, aren't you a slayer! Your supposed to do something about this and protect me!" I yelled softly as I didn't want the class or even that girl to hear that I was afraid,

I'd rather not die... But I'd rather shovel horse shit than lose face to my class.

"You said he was in our class, and that he was evil as well? Right?" he's was catching on, gosh! He's such a slow learner!


"Well, that's a shame because there's nothing I can physically do. After all, I have absolutely no reason to back a heretic Necromancer belonging to my superiors without any given orders from them to associate with you. Furthermore, he's your student meaning he's your problem. So as long as his evilness doesn't turn over to the undead's side and is used for fighting against them. I and the rest of the Rosa Marine slayers have no issues with him" Are you fucking kidding me!!!

"Are you fucking serious! Hiro, I need protection from people like him! If the slayers won't do anything can you do something!... please!..." I said changing my manner of approach,

*looks at him innocents and soft-spoken*

"Please, as my only friend, can you please do something~?" HAHAHA easy manipulation, this sob shit always works.

Listening to me I could see him thinking about it, and after a lot of seconds and me patiently waiting as I needed his help desperately-

"I can only think of one thing, but are you sure you want to?" he said cautiously but I don't care,

"I'll literally do anything..." well I don't mean anything. But there's certainly a lot of things I would do to avoid running into that Witch or that beastkid.

So if anything, I don't care how far I have to go, I'll even try my luck and use my natural beauty to seduce and fool this idiot who's not hostile to me unlike his fellow slayers,

Which now that I think about it, because he's not hostile to me, he's the easiest enemy to manipulate, and he's also a key part in controlling this class... So for now, until I can win over their favor, I'll have no choice but to keep him around instead of what I've been trying to do and that's killing him off.

"Sigh, I guess if he's that bothersome to you to the point you feel so scared, I'll just have to protect my little ray of darkness from another evil don't I" What he say, I wasn't paying attention,

Giving attention to him, "Wait so what was it? what's the plan?" this better be good or I'll kick your shin,

Smiling in a dorkishky cute way, he said "There no way in hell I'm going to let another man touch you, that's the plan" I didn't know where he's going with this, but how can he casually say hell in such manner?

"After all, you belong to me now. So there's going to be hell to pay if another male dares lay their hands on you" his smirk curved, his smile, his look, his manner, his speech... It all turned devilish before my eyes,

His hand glided through the air and cuffed my chin, his thumb pressed lightly against my lip, and he seductively said,

"Now what type of boyfriend would I be to you if I was stupid enough to leave such a cute little fine thing like you to another make who could easily charm you with his evil temptations"

NONONONO, the touch, the sight, he was making my chest hurt from the inside, it's pounding.

Ahhhh I don't know what to do! Get the fuck away from me or I'll beat the shit out of you!

But before I could beat him up, he stepped away making my hand fall from his shoulder and as he looked at my face he chuckled

"My oh my, what's with that look? Don't look at me like that, what I'm saying is that you are now my lover and only that. And it's not like I ever want to have sex with you, hahaha" listening more than I should have been-

WAIT HE DOESN'T WANT TO WHAT WITH ME!!! Saying that is like him saying he doesn't even look at me! What is he trying to say! I know I'm decent! But is he trying it bully me and say I'm too ugly to fuck! This motherfucking son a bitch!!!

"You asshole! Are you trying to call me ugly, short, not even worth the effort to look at! I'm so pathetic as a woman that I don't even look fuckable!" That's basically what he's saying!

He's saying I'm such a failure of a woman that not even a guy like him would look at me! And from my mom, I know men always look for and think about naughty and dirty stuff! Oh God am I that pathetic as a woman???

Yelling at him he snickered and holy undead shit I can't believe this son of a bitch, I was all the way right... He doesn't even see me as a woman!

"Yeah... Kinda"

I felt like my eyes shattered because I felt so miserable inside as he said that. He even backed away with a bitter smile like he was hiding all the hurtful stuff from me to make sure I didn't get overwhelmed with how disgusting I was to him...



"So I'm not attractive at all?..." my voice pathetically trembled

"On a scale of 1 to 10, you're like a -12" he STATED

How the fuck does it even reach the negatives!

"Also I'd suggest you really take a shower, your musky, and smell. If you weren't my friend I wouldn't have even offered you any help because I would probably be sitting in the back far away from you~" he's insulting me again...

That piece of shit! He making fun of me again! GAHHHH!!!

"Keep talking and I'll rub your nose in my armpits! You complaining fuck!" I wholly dislike this guy,

"And stop being so mean! I'm your teacher damn it! And I do take showers and brush my teeth thank you!" well I am now(Today)... BUT THAT'S NOT MY POINT,

(Why wait now?)

Turtle I like you, but bitch now's not the time...

"Hahaha-" he laughed

He started laughing as I threatened him, but then I couldn't see it coming when he stepped forward as we were both still crouched down and he kneeled, pressing his knee on the ground getting even closer to me. And I already knew it was because he was going to bully me!

"How about you just take a shower with me... I'll make sure to make you squeak, and clean you up afterward~," He said making me speeches,

"Just kidding~ If your naked stay the hell away from me if you know what's best~... For me" I regret the thought I just had, I fucking hate you, Hiro!

"That's no way to talk to your girlfriend! You are supposed to-" but he cut me off as I was educating him on how to be a proper boyfriend,

"I don't need to do anything, after all, I don't love you and I never will, don't forget that... You piece of shit Necromancer~" he said stunning me as the look he gave me for the first time was cold, was this truly how he felt about me? Damn. . . . . . . . .

Standing up he left me as I was still crouched and dumbfounded, but then as this was happening so fast he turned around and I finally knew that smile that he gave me was fake, every time he looked at me his goodwill was nothing more than a fake smile towards me...

"Anyway, I'll go talk to him now while everyone's still coming in. You just start giving everyone a combatant spell before everyone actually gets here and it causes more work" he ran off leaving me stunned and all red-faced.

"Hiro you idiot!!!..." Why the hell am I blushing so hard, he was a dick and bully to me... UGH, I HATE HIM SO MUCH! THIS IS THE FACE OF HATE! I AM THE HATE!!!

"But if I wasn't to hate you, we both know... No now I know that I was the true fool... Because you hate me" I can't believe how surprised I am about this, after all, I already read his file, so I know that already... Don't I?


"All done love~!" he said with an accent(your choice).

Calling out to her she looked to the doorway and with a steamy red face as he had just said that openly, she glanced away from him, ignoring his existence as Emily was in front of her desk and picking 1 of 3 combatant spells.

Meanwhile, someone he knew came over to him as they hadn't followed when he left the class for a few minutes,

"What was that about?" Unknown

Chloe asked as she was interested in what happened between them as she was left out, and he left her alone in this class that gave her anxiety for a whole 5 minutes.

"Oh, I was just doing a favor for Sensei, but I'm also picking on her just enough to... Annoy her~"

That was bull-crap, he wanted her to dislike him, he wanted her to despise him, he wanted her to hate him to the point where she wanted to kill him...

His reasoning was nothing more than a self-interested game of his, she's strong, she's really strong in magic. So if he could get her to try and hunt him down to purely kill him, he can use that to strengthen himself through experience that could get him killed.

It seemed cruel and it was, he hated necromancers down to his last heartbeat, but since this one belong to the slayers, he was going to use her, he was going to use her for experience and training.

Henceforward she is indeed powerful, and that's what he liked about her, and that's all he liked about her...

"Why?" Chloe

"Call it love-hate~ I hate it, she loves it~" Hiro

"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Chloe

"Who knows?" Hiro

"You do..." Chloe

"Meh?" Hiro

Backing off from that topic, she grabbed his hand with her own and pretended to wobble. She was very innocent yet she was also a girl and she wanted him to repent for him leaving her alone for a while 5 minutes maybe 6 minutes,

"Let's go sit down? I'm feeling a bit woozy"

"Dumbass I told you not to complain if this was backfiring on you! sign, Your such a handful, okay let's go sit"

Just as calculated, she hid her sunny pure smile and walked back to their table-desk thingy.

But as this went on Zoe looked over to them and she frowned.

'Isn't he supposed to be my boyfriend? He should be holding my hand not hers... Wait why am I'm thinking about this? We're not actually dating?!'



[Lv.1 Sword strike]: Strait out of the Sword Kings basic martial arts manual, the blade becomes one with yourself and an extension of your body. Coated in a thin layer of magic power it causes additional damage and an ever greater attack than an original thrust/strait strike]

(+5 Damage)

[ Sword strike allows the user to inflict [Magic Damage] if trained to a higher level, damage ranges around +5-15 magic damage at max level with the addition of weapon Damage ]

[Lv.1 Bolster] : closing your hand and clenching your fist, you strengthen your body at the cost of your Mana, the longer you hold the more magic you consume]

(+5 Strength)

[Training might not lessen the cost of it on magic points, but just like any spell, the more you use it the more proficient it gets, and the more your body adapts, the stronger your will and body can become]

[Lv.1 Balance] : At the cost of magic points, you briefly smooth out your body's movement]

(+10 Dexterity)

[If is trained hard enough, not only does it correspond with other magics and training in other arts. But during the midst of combat, you can clear your distress and steady yourself faster]