Series of events [Pt.3] - Just Demons being Demons


Taking a hefty amount of damage as he slammed against a tree and then collided with the ground, his head was spinning, his vision was spinning, and his thoughts, they were racing as all he could think was–'It hurts!'...

"Looky here brother, I found the boy~"

"Indeed you did"

"But why is he naked?"

"I do not know?"

"Could it be he's a pervert?"

"It could be? Or maybe we were interrupting something?"

"Interrupting? Could it be there's another behind that bush?"

"I think so sister"

With a vile grin, she waved her hand and the Tank Zombie walked into the bushes, moments after, he returned with a struggling dog girl and an old rusted mace.

"What's this, it's that girl we saw yesterday"

"You mean the one our zombiods were hunting?"


Looking up at the 2 who were talking, Hiro saw 2 Humans in traditional clothing, 1 Tank Zombie, 9 Regular Zombies, and 2 Purple Goblins–

–Plus the dog girl as she was being held by the neck by the Tank zombie, and she was squirming and kicking it as she tried breaking free, however with her current strength, that was impossible.

"What should we do with her now? She's irrelevant to the mission, our orders required us to collect him, not her?"

With her saying that he rubbed his chin and smiled,

"Your zombies are getting close to becoming Rank/Lv.2, why don't we continue boosting them? If lucky it could boost your power as a zombie chief~"

Hearing his suggestion, she grinned and looked at the dog girl one good time before she was to make a decision,

"That sounds like a good idea little brother"

Without saying a word the grip of the tank got tighter and as she couldn't inhale anymore air, she tried kicking it in the face, but as she did, she coughed out a sliver of blood.

"Please stop! Don't kill her!" Hiro yelled out as they were going to kill her, but he was too late as–


Her neck snapped, and as she was murdered, that pitiful dog girl who had been of great importance to the kids of the church and had tried saving his life by hushing him was now dead before his eyes.

The Tank Zombie then suddenly threw her corpse off to the side, and as she rolled on the ground, the 9 zombies pounced on her, hitting, ripping, and tearing into her flesh as if they had been starved for days.

With his eyes wide open as that innocent woman was now dead, his breath trembled and the look on his face was filled with terror as the undead were eating her corpse.

'Why... Why are they doing this?... Why why why... `-π@•| √-|π $¶ ×!&/ √-×# √ ¶@!×!!¶ '|!√`¶?@?–––'

With a look of terror all over his frozen face, the siblings saw him and laughed as his look was priceless,

But as their mocking laughs hit home, suddenly they felt a tremendous amount of negative energy as it filled the air, and it wasn't the same type necromancer or evil art users used, this was dark, very dark.

Looking to Hiro as his [claws] dig into the dirt, his tail thrashed, a Blood-Scarlett raged in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth, they felt an explosion of demonic energy from him.

What the hell was going on?...

But yet It was enough to silence their voice and as his state of mind was crumbling into a mix of rage and sorrow, those 2 suddenly they heard another voice.

"How dare you laugh..."

Hearing a voice suddenly everything blackened, the girl reached for her brother but as she did, her arm was cut off, right from the elbow, and blood splattered out onto the ground.

"How dare you hurt him"





The darkness vanished and as she were on the ground, something stomped on her chest, cracking her ribcage, and then she felt a yank at her arm,

With a voluptuous woman with a bloodied Greatsword in her left hand over her, the woman grabbed the girl's only arm and tore it off of her, tearing flesh from bone and making her scream as she ripped it off.


As she was in anguish "brother! Brother help me!" yet as she called out, to her left, just like her, her brother had all his limbs cut from his torso, but the only difference was that he was dead.

Looking at the woman above her, she looked into her demonic Red eyes and as the woman leaned down cuffing her face, she said,

"You hurt my love, and for that, I'll kill you over and over and over and over and over!!!"

But then as she glanced at Hiro who looked as if his mind shattered and he was going into another state of berserk,

She grinned and grabbed her by the neck, moving off of her and lifting her in the air,

Throwing her in front of Hiro as she bloodily and suffocatingly groaned as her words were muffled by the blood in her mouth,

"Better yet, he looks as if he wants this more than I do"

With her plopping in front of him, her eyes moved up, and as the zombie chief girl saw his face, *ChOmP* his body ached and as he laid there, hell, he could feel his body on the mere limits of collapsing.

Yet, he moved, and as he moved, his teeth beastly sharpened and bit into her head. . .Breaking past her skull and taking a chunk out of her head.

Farrelly acting like a wild animal desperate and clinging to life, his hands quivered, and as they did, they pushed forward grabbing her head, as he then proceeded to cover himself with blood and brain matter as he savagely ate her like a dog eating out of a hotpot.

Killing her.

[Zombie Cheif killed]

Watching the sight of this, as he dug his teeth into her split-open head and ate her brain just like the foul zombies off to the side eating the dog girl, the Demon was taken back as this wasn't the actions of a Sex Demon, an incubus, this was the actions of a beast.

He was such an abnormality...

She... She loved it.

And as he ate half her brain and tore at her flesh consuming that corpse as he had a total of [61/324 health points] Due to the damage inflicted on him by the Lv.3 Tank Zombie merely tossing him around. He was consuming to heal, he was consuming to survive...

He was more or less a wild beast who fed on all,

And it got her heart pounding so hard that she didn't know what it was... It was almost dangerous for her to witness any more of this as her heart raced, it throbbed, and it ached.

Yet as she turned around and walked off to let him feast—

She was met with another surprising action as she was embraced from behind, arms wrapped around her neck/sholders, and as she turned her head because something didn't seem right about this, she was yet again stunned as his lips smacked against hers.

The taste of blood and brain matter invaded her mouth, and as he had made it onto his feet and to behind her, his hand moved to her cheek and he wildly explored her mouth as his eyes shut and he was deeply kissing her.

*ThUmP! tHuMp!*

Her heart melted and as she was weak to him, she couldn't help but be lost in the moment as she dropped her Greatsword and was pulled in by this deviant incubus.

"You're so weird, how can someone get horny after killing and eating someone?" However as she said that, she kissed him back and,

[Oracle: To be continued]