Incubus's curse: Path of Incubism; the Devine judgment

As moments passed with Sanibel confused on what had happened before, she started to ignore it as she began losing and she couldn't afford to lose, she had her pride on the line in this game of go fish.

Moments passed and as the bell for their next class had rung, Hiro had won, Chloe had fallen asleep long ago and didn't wake up, and Sanibel was now challenging him to a new game of Go Fish.

But it all had to come to an end as Hiro flicked Chloe's ear waking her up, and he looked to Sanibel trying not to sound thirsty.

"We can have a rematch later, I have an exciting date with a dirty rabbit to head to~," he said full of thirst as his lust had been spiking since he's been out here and he couldn't wait to have sex with Emily♡.

"Wait one more match! Fuck that date, let's finish this" She said as she had already put her pride on this game way too many times and she already, but wanted to try and earn it all back.

But as she said that and Chloe sat up rubbing her eyes, he got up and he pointed down at her,

"Play with chloe, anyways I gotta go" He said with a lewdish smile on her face which she saw but didn't care since she wanted to play another round,

But before she could sit "fuck no! You play me" he had started running off, leaving her up there with chloe.

Being voided like that made her mad, but she was too mixed up in the head to think too difficult about it,

So looking at Chloe she said,

"Okay listen up you dumb Lamia, no tricks, no magic, no nothing, play me in Go Fish"

Saying that to her, Chloe who was a quarter awake just sat on her knees and yawned,


* * * * *

Meanwhile, walking through the crowded hallways thinking about horny stuff, he walked to his third class when out of nowhere he was suddenly grabbed.

Feeling someone grab his arm he looked to his right to see Mari and she didn't look too well, she looked unsettled and grimish.

"Hiro follow me, don't ask any questions we need to leave right now" Mari

She said, but then just as she looked over with her eyes, she gritted her teeth and let go of his arm.

"Damn it... I'm too late" Mari

Confused about what was going on he turned around to where she was looking and as he did, he saw Sydney,

Seeing her she was approaching them and as Mari balled her fist, Sydney then said in a strong voice,

"Prisoner the 3rd patriarch of our Natsu clan has demanded your presence, along with yours Mari Natsu" Sydney

Saying that Hiro was puzzled as she had just said 3rd patriarch and our Natsu clan?

But before he could even think more into this, he heard,

"Sydney Natsu, how dare you..." But before anything could continue as he suddenly felt a Murderous Arua from Mari, he grabbed her arm with both hands and smiled,

"What a surprise Mari, grandpa came to visit~? Let's not keep him waiting" He said and as he did she looked at him with sharp but open eyes,

"Dumbass he didn't come to visit, he came to–" But as she was talking, he interrupted her,

"He came to visit~," He said not changing the happy tone in his voice, and as he did, she looked down at him grimly, as if she was trying to tell him to stop smiling.

Looking over to Sydney, he then said as he gripped Mari's arm tightly as he was no idiot, he knew what was going to happen.

"Lead the way" Hiro

Following Sydney now, he kept a smile on his face as he hugged Mari's arm, and Mari couldn't do anything but look down in shame as she couldn't do anything, even now, she was powerless to the hands of fate.

. . . . .

[Unknown: They're going to kill you]

Walking down the hallway Hiro suddenly heard a voice in his head and it wasn't Marcilina's.

[Hiro: I know ]

[Unknown: Why don't you try to escape? ]

[Hiro: There'd be no point ]

[Unknown: Why is that? ]

[Hiro: If "he's" here, then they had already put a barrier around the school to ensure I didn't escape ]

[Unknown: Who is; he? ]

[Hiro: he is the 3rd Patriarch of the Natsu clan and my Grandfather, his nickname: the executioner ]

[Unknown: So it's true about Dylan's decedents? They truly do kill each other. That's embarrassing. You're Natsu clan is unsettling ]

Not knowing what this unknown entity was talking about, it then said as he was walking and halfway there.

[Unknown: Question... Do you want to die? ]

[Hiro: No I don't ]

[Unknown: Question... If I could give you a second chance, would you take it even if it meant destroying everything that the Fire Barron Dylan had created; Your Natsu clan ]

[Hiro:. . .Yes]

[Unknown: Then why don't we make a deal ]

Talking with this unknown entity as they walked through the hallway, they had spoken with one another and it all came down to the final solution.

But then their talk had come to an end as they were in front of the Chairman's office,

Not knocking on the door, the 3 of them stepped into a luxurious room with 4 people already inside.

Inside was Mary, Paul, some old man with a long beard in an outstanding Nobel rode, and the chairman.

And as they stepped into the room, Hiro pulled down his left hand's sleeve as a small droplet of blood fell onto the ground from his fingertip.

Looking to the lot in front of himself he saw both Mary and Paul looking the same as Mari had before, and even now.

Sydney had walked off to the side and as Him and Mari stood there in front of the old man as their parents were to the side of Sydney, the man who faced the chairman desk then turned around.

"I want you to know that I'm disappointed in you Hiro, very disappointed" 3rd Patriarch.

As the room was silent and only Sydney and the Chairmen were looking to them, Hiro let go of Mari, stepping forward towards the 3rd Patriarch as he spoke.

"My Natsu clan is one thing. My Natsu is the definition of pride, we are like mightly lions; we are warriors, not cowards. We fight to defend the innocent and wreak havoc on evil" 3rd Patriarch

Stepping closer to him, Hiro glanced at the room but felt nothing towards anyone in here.

"But you... You have gone against all we stood for and have taken dozens of innocent lives and for that, today you will repent by losing the life in which the ALLMOTHER has blessed you with and you have taken advantage of!" 3rd Patriarch

Saying that in a priest like manner, he raised his hands, and as Hiro stopped in front of him only feet away, his smile faded and his scarlet eyes turned crimson red.

The 3rd Patriarch kept talking/preaching. And as he did, Hiro casually turned around and yawned,

"This is boring, I'm leaving" Hiro

Walking away from the man, Sydney grabbed her blade and yelled,

"Holt! Take another step and I'll cut you down!" Yelling this it had made the Patriarch stop talking and as he looked to the back of Hiro about to say something while using his name as the traitor in it,

"Then do it already, this old dragon is so annoying that I'd rather die than listen to another word" Hiro

Saying that, she took a step forward to kill him, but as she had, the 3rd Patriarch raised his hand telling to stop, and then he said,

"Oh so the traitor actually can talk, I heard from this junior here that you've been so ashamed of yourself that you haven't spoken a word since you murdered those people" 3rd Patriarch

Not turning around he walked to the door and responded with,

"I'm ashamed of the Natsu clan, you call yourself great, and yet your all just the offspring of witches and the Fire Barron Dylan, a coward who created a bunch of pathetic losers who think their important" Hiro

Hearing him say that his family gasped as he talked against the patriarch, not even Sydney reacted after he said that in front of their great Patriarch.

And as for the 3rd Patriarch, numerous veins popped on his head as he heard that from none other than some traitor trash of their clan.

Hiro then turned around and as he did, he said,

"Everyone in this room thinks they're something special, they think and call themselves important but they're not. You're all just a bunch of disappointments" He said and then looked to his parents.

"I'm disappointed in you the most Paul, look at you, you just stand there and do nothing as that lizard is about to execute Hiro, whether it's deserved or not" Hiro

Closing his eyes he shook his head and put his hands up to his chest, holding them together as if he was going to prayer, in which he then did,

"Dear ALLMOTHER... Remember me? Oh yes, I bet you do you sour bitch. We'll your disappointments are about to kill one of your children, what are you going to do about it?" Hiro

Hearing him mock the ALLMOTHER, mock their clan, and mock them, veins bulged on the 3rd Patriarch's head.

"HOW DARE YOU, YOU INSOLENT BRAT!!!" 3rd patriarch

Conjuring a sword made out of fire, he stepped into the attack and in a flash, he took off Hiro's head, disbursing his flame sword as he Flame Warped past the boy decapitating him.

Doing this in front of them all, Mary bit her lip to the point it bled as she stood there. Paul more or less did the same as he had already made up his mind on Hiro's situation due to Hiro taking too many innocent lives.

But as for Mari, she dropped to her knees as her little brother died before he very eyes, his head fell on the floor and his body dropped to his knees,

She stood there with her hand to her mouth and she didn't say a word as this was so traumatic that she could, she couldn't even scream his name even though she wanted to, she was just... Broken.

But as she fell to her knees as tears started flooding her face, and the patriarch uttered something disrespecting under his breath towards Hiro, Mari sniffled and as she looked up she clenched her teeth.

About to clench her hand and make a sword of fire to seek revenge for her brother, before she could do so, suddenly she heard,

"You call that a fire? Hahaha that's pathetic" Unknown

Hearing that voice the Patriarch turned around, and as he did, the inlet part which he severed Hiro's head from suddenly burst into scarlet flames which then instantly turned black.

And as it had, Hiro's corpse then lifted its leg, kneeling to stand up as he was headless.

"You really are a disappointment?"

The headless corpse then bent over and as it did, it picked up the head and as he held it by the hair, he reattached its own head, which it then went and sealed itself back together.

Looking down at the teary Mari who was baffled at such a sight as blood was all down his neck and that was real, he was decapitated and it wasn't an illusion.

He moved his hands to her head and rubbed her head, opening his mouth and saying,

"I'm sorry my child, forgive me" His eyes then turned icy blue and he moved his hands apart breaking the shackles.

He then raised his hand and pointed his finger at the ceiling, into which he then turned around facing the patriarch.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself since I'm not actually in my right body, hahaha how silly of me~" Hiro

"My name is Asmodeus Hiragi and this is my act of revenge on the Fire Barron Dylan and his clan, the Natsu clan" Asmodeus in Hiro's body

"Act one closed~ Revenge of the Ice Barron! My Final Solution!" Asmodeus

"Ice Shard Meteor Swarm!"

[Ice Barron art: Ice shard meteor swarm] Hearing him say that loud and clear suddenly everything went black as the sounds of explosions crossed their ears.

Above the university, no, above the kindom, shards of ice had started raining down from the sky, and as those large ice shards hit the ground, they exploded and caused glacier-like spikes to shoot up from their crash.

And not only did just a few fall on the kingdom or Rosa Marine, but tens if not thousands or even hundreds of thousands collided with the kingdom.

Killing everyone.

* * * * *

Sitting legs crossed in an empty room in the dungeon of the forgotten, he was sitting in the center of a large scale magic circle and as his finger was pointed to the sky, he smiled,

"This is my final solution, the Kingdom Nefumia has been destroyed along with my own kin, but I can make more once I'm free"

"Izumi should be finished breaking my seal and I should be leaving this dungeon by next year"

"Dylan's going to be pissed off that I destroyed his all of his clan in Nefumia, so that should be fun to see what he does next"

"Oh and I guess I can fetch Hiro from the abyss in 6 months from now if he doesn't die and that means he's dead for good?... No... I think I have something better in stored for him for letting me use his body as a vessel"

"Hahaha everything going exactly as planned"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sitting in bed with her phone in hand as she was finishing up with her writing,

"And publish♡"

"Is this really how you're doing to end it, I know you had an epiphany the other day and you've been very stressed but you don't have to just end it just like that?"

"God Jonathan you sound like I'm about to kill myself?"

"You could..."

"No... Just No... No!"

"Then why are you ending it so suddenly? You brainstormed 2 years' worth of things to do, so why now? Are you tired of writing?"

"No that's not it–"

"Is this because I'm a better writer than you? Your novels are trash and you will never be able to write anything good in comparison to authors like Nanakawaichan or me; Monarch6319?"

"Waht no? And who are you calling trash! Shut up or I'll kick your ass!"

"You say that every week...But you never do. . .So Then why are you quitting?"

"I'm not quitting, I just–"

"Does this have anything to do with you having an epiphany and or behaving depressed and getting drunk for the past 2 days in a row while crying to me about it despite us being at school and you scaring our English teacher?"

"No! And I don't drink! I'm a Saint!"

"An emo wanting to die is a Saint, you're very much tainted"

"And who's fault is that!"

"Not mine"

"Jonathan shut up and just let me speak!"

"I'm not not letting you tho"

"Okay so what I wanted to say was, fuck you, I'm better, and your mom gay, ha!"

"Your avoiding saying what's wrong again... You seriously need to go to therapy, Turtle"

"I don't need therapy! And anyways I don't idolize you 2 incubus Novel writers, or anyone else, so suck my dick!"

"Maybe if you had one" that bitch Jonathan uttered under his breath and thought I couldn't hear him.

"Anyways bitch, yeah, I did have an epiphany the other day, and it seriously made me thing. Also I thought about life a little bit and some other stuff, and I just want to take a break from everything"

"Are you sure that's why? Because you are really impulsive and rash, so this is making me think that you're lying?"

"sign, I'm not, I just need a break and I think I'm going to just focus on school for a little bit, exams are coming up and I need to study and stuff you know?..."


"And what? That's it, you took a break from [I'm An Incubus] for 6 almost 7 months, and I think I might need to do the same as you"

But as Turtle said that,

"But your not him?"

Hearing the 3rd voice, both Jonathan and Turtle looked over to the open window, and as there was a small boy with an armored tail, wings, and Ram horns just sitting there, he smiled deviously,

"I'll say this again, your not him, your you, and your stronger than him, though not physically, mentally you are and your awesome, and I know that in time even tho your novels are trash compared to his, you'll be able to come close"

"Who are you and how the motherfucking fuck did you get in here" I yelled at this cosplaying stranger who looked like the not anime version of Asmodeus I always see in my head.

"Oh sorry about that my dear oracle, Turtle master♡"

"No literally! Who the hell are you and how the hell did you even get up here! Answer or I swear to fucking God I'll hit you with a fucking wrench"

"Turtle, me and Hiro made a deal. I doubt you would get it since you are from the 9th realm and we're of the 5th. But you are an Oracle who can see into lives of whom you are connected to, and you are connected to Hiro through your souls"

"That's awesome" Jonathan blabbered

"Literally what the fuck are you even spouting, leave now or I'll call the cops!"

"Hahaha, your funny and cute, I like it, but there's no time for us to "play" because I have to fulfill my part of the agreement"

Putting his hand up suddenly a think line appeared above his hand as if he was using some sort of advanced technology, and as lines and lines appeared and it expanded a bit, the then crushed it in his palm and some circle like thing appeared under me.

He disappeared and me and Jonathan looked to the bed which we were on, his eyes broader and a crazy smile formed on his face,

"Holy crap it's a real magic circle"

But as he said that I panicked, he said magic and all I heard danger, I tried getting up from the bed, but as I did, that boy appeared in front of me and grabbed my wrists, forcing me down to the bed,

"No can do turtle~ You can't go" his tail moved stabbing Jonathan in the chest and tossing him off my bed, I screamed but as it did he forced my voice down as he pressed his lips against mine.

What the hell, am I about to be raped! As soon as his lips touched mine and I was disgusted to the point I wanted to throw up, my body started getting hotter.

It was that same feeling of when you were super mega horny and I couldn't think straight as my face and body was super hot and I think I was blushing as he engulfed my mouth,

Holy shit I'm fucked... I'm going to die, aren't I?

Jonathan's dead I think and I'm about to be molested and killed by a psychopath! What type of fucking luck is this.

But then he broke away and as I felt like begging him to take me for some unknown reason? I could barely see him anymore as my vision started turning blurry, I saw the bottom of his mouth and I heard his voice as he then said,

"Now be reborn and merge as one, My little incubus. My Hiro Hiragi"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My head hurts and my bodies hot, it feels like the time I got drunk in Mexico last July, this is so annoying, I need water.

Sitting up the room was so bright, it hurt my eyes. Nonetheless, I need to get some water, so scooting out of bed I stood up.

And as I did, opening my eyes I glanced around the room, my room seemed to be so unfamiliar?

Walking to the door and heading into the bathroom, I turned the nob as I was too lazy to go to the kitchen and started drinking some nice cold tap water,

And as I did and it felt so good, I mean it was better than sliced bread type good, I felt golden.

After drinking that I decided since I was already in here and there was a towel in a basket, I guess I can just go and take a bath,

So turning away from the sink and mirror which I didn't look into, I undressed and threw my clothing onto the floor as I went into the actual part of the bathroom which was meant for washing.

But I swear... We don't have these where I live? I must be daydreaming or something because I'm pretty sure I moved to America a while ago?

Turning the bath on and letting the water flow, I watched as that water flowed in and when it was full, I hopped in, I haven't had a bath in a long time and I didn't even care about rinsing myself before getting in, I already took a shower last night so I should be good~

Soaking myself and enjoying the heat and steam from the bath, my hand went down, I'm a teenager so masturbating isn't unusual...

But when I touched...

But when I looked down...

When I looked down.

"Why the hell do I have a dick!"

Shooting up it followed with me and as I was panicking, there was no way in hell that I became futanari!

Running my hand down past where those sacs were, I couldn't feel it,

I'm just a guy! Wait wasn't I always a guy, wait wasn't I always a girl! I Don't remember! My heard hurts!

Running out of the bathroom and in complete panic after screaming to myself, I then ran over to the mirror and looked in it.

And I didn't even look like my bother, I wasn't mixed or Hispanic, I was Roman?...

"Wait the fuck up! Am I!–"

But as soon as I was going to name someone who was completely irrelevant, I heard banging on the door,

"Hiro shut the fuck up and stop screaming or I'll kick your ass! It's way too fucking early!" Mari

Hearing that voice, and that name I... I'm pretty sure I structured,

"I'm Hiro Natsu, thee Hiro Natsu who I cursed with Asmodeus the first incubus's bloodline and extreme misfortune"

After saying that out loud to himself, Turtle who was reborn as Hiro in the 5th realm passed out.

And as he did...

[Your heart thums and your blood races; Your Incubus blood has started awakwinging]