Chapter 19

After another prolonged commotion and argument, a soft knock on the door interrupted the two hateful rivals from destroying each other's most delicate parts.

Jihyuk and Mochi both looked into each other's eyes, reading each other's minds before their eyes dreadfully diverted away to scan the entire living room, which was now twice messier than it already was.

Slowly Mochi's jaw loosened from pulling and biting against Jihyuk's sweatpants whilst the guy's shirt was beneath his foot. He was intentionally stepping on it, which was the original pinpoint of their surging brawl.

Mochi took this chance to escape yet still daringly drag Jihyuk's shirt with him on the way before tossing it towards the secluded part of the apartment where he had pissed himself. He had zero motive of giving up.

Jihyuk just watched over the malicious and cursed creature, which ran towards the entrance door and started scratching against the surface with his nails, his little head trying to peek at the person from the other side of the door with the little space beneath it.

He sighs, feeling defeated watching his soaked shirt from the distance and the new scratch marks on his door. Another permanent damage.

As Mochi barked out loud, his tail was wagging from side to side while continuously wailing, his melancholy cries bouncing from one corner to another. Jihyuk immediately knew who the person from the other side of the door was, acknowledging that, he followed to race towards the door and immediately opened it wide the very moment his hand touched the door handle.

He didn't bother looking at himself in the mirror let alone give a damn after hearing Mochi yelping in pain from his swift and careless movements.


"Your back?" early than expected. He pants, his eyes brightening up, "How was the dinner?"

As soon as the door unlocks before him, Jihyuk's sweaty and bare chest was the first thing to welcome Jin's line of sight. Lifting his head, he raises his brows as he looks at his friend from head to toe.

What a great fit. He's not showing it off, is he? "You're working out?"

At this time of the evening?

"Aniyo (no)," whispered Jihyuk, staring at Jin's delicate expression. Seeing his shadows loom over him, he was starting to feel conscious of how he smelled right now. He reeks of dog piss, does he? Setting that aside he grew worried and alarmed upon seeing the frown on Jin's lips. What could have happened?

"You wanna hang out?" The dinner must have not ended well as they both expected it to be. He's starting to see that, but instead of asking him what really happened and the story behind it, he rather wants Jin to forget about it. One way or another it'll only bring him discomfort.

He knew this little mitten has always been secretive and hesitant, even towards him. As a matter of fact, he heavily respects that, because if he were to step past his boundaries, it would only lead Jin to drive him away and crumble on his own two knees, enduring it alone consistently as he always does.

Jin shrugs his shoulders back at his worried friend, almost spacing out after recalling the so-called dinner they had with the elite family, barely able to keep up at the same level as them, "You know it's late, your entire neighborhood is probably asleep." He does not want to stir further trouble.

Honestly, nothing went wrong. He just doesn't feel comfortable enough to socialize. Everything about the expensive setup and the romantic music in the background makes him feel uneasy.

He sat there the entire evening, trying to avoid the topic from shifting towards him. He worked hard to keep his head down and ate his food without a word as he has also been avoiding a certain someone at their table. Likewise, it was also the fact that he felt under the weather. He did not bother to care or think about anything other than his desire to go home.

"What does the entire neighborhood have something to do about hanging out with you?" replied Jihyuk, confused. If that was the case, he should've told him in the first place before he moved in because he'd rent the entire floor if necessary.

He doesn't care whether the landlady will be greeting him tomorrow morning regarding a few complaints about this evening.

How stubborn, "Maybe I would reconsider when you're not barefoot and naked," Jin said in a whim as he squeezed himself in, sliding his body through the small space in Jihyuk's side. Why are they talking by the doorway when they could instead inside?

When he finally laid his eyes around the room, expecting it to be tidy and well disinfected as to Jihyuk's vital custom, his heart almost fell, devastated of what he's seeing. He stood there speechless and most of all, stunned in all ways.

Is this really his neat-freak friend's apartment? No, this place is more like a junkyard. Did he perhaps come into the wrong room?

Definitely not.

He remembers staring at his apartment number for almost a minute. He looks back at the innocent Jihyuk standing behind him, also watching his own place like it was nothing new.

Jin's sanity splits, "MOCHI!!!!" he yelled, his voice vibrating within the whole apartment. That brat! Where is he?

Good lord, the sight was worse than burglary.

He pinched his nose bridge in distress when his eyes caught a glimpse of a familiar comforter on the floor, which was now unrecognizable due to the yellowish stain spread on random parts and the tiny scratches on its topcoat. He can see the pieces of cotton inside eager to pop out.

Jin was on the verge of crying, knowing how expensive his friend's apartment necessities were. His troubled face turned left to right, searching for the culprit of such huge trouble it was for them both. His eyes landed on the corner where the relaxed creature was lying down with his eyes closed, looking all innocent and uninvolved in the matter.
