Chapter 86: Heart’s Demands (Part 3)

"Has anybody ever told you that you are one very sensitive man?"

Jin scolds whilst examining the placid expression Hiro wore before the misbehaving cougar in front of him started rubbing his left cheek to his right. His large paws, on the other hand, have been squeezing his behind for quite a time now as if it engages his presumptuous palms.

He was undoubtedly exemplary at locating his weakness and distracting him, at the same time, though his neck has been craning and hurting from straining to look up at him from an extremely close distance.

If only Hiro would lend an inch of his height to him and perhaps it would help him a bit from his misery.

Sensitive, he says? "Someone already did."

Hiro briefly replied, halting from what he was doing with his in-depth voice coming to him, soothing but dangerously low, at the same time.

Jin chews his tongue restlessly underneath his sealed lips from almost being caught up and swooned by his teasing again.

His charmed heart was drumming at his throat, and his ears tingled at the sound of his voice. All the hairs intact in his body rises, his adrenalin awoken at the cold chill rushing down his spine.

"Oh r-really?"

He took a massive gulp of his saliva and crouched his back, praying to God that Hiro had not noticed the slight wetness flooding his garment.

It felt odd and uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, it started to hit him in one full blow.

His cheeks blossomed in festive red, flustered and deeply embarrassed by the thought of him ejaculating from just hearing Hiro's voice alone.

N-No . . . what if he'd get caught?

He breathes, attempting to calm himself down.

With the three-layered clothing protecting him, he doubts Hiro felt it with his shirt on as the fourth cover.

Jin scrutinized the man to see if he had noticed what he was suppressing, but instead, he received an innocent light peck on his forehead paired with his serene and clueless deep black eyes like the night sky staring down at him favorably.

He secretly breathes in relief.

He wondered who might that courageous person be to tell a gruff man like him nothing but close to the truth—or who would have the heart to joke around with him?

Seeing he was distracted at the moment, Hiro lifts him effortlessly like a weightless object. He holds him up to his stomach to level their heads.

Now they can see each other eye to eye.

"It was you," answered Hiro as if reading his mind. Then licked his lips and audaciously shifts his dark gaze from his starlight eyes down to his slightly swollen lips, giving Jin a hint of what he was thinking.

And now after dealing with a depressed cub as if its mother abandoned and left it in the center of the woods, Jin has yet to deal with a playful cub who most likely found its new owner.

He's such a kiss addict.

Haa. He sighs.

He can't believe he didn't even try to hide it from him.

Of course, it's Hiro we are talking about here, it's just accurate to think he most likely won't.

"And you agreed at my point?"

His shamelessness and stubbornness knows no end.

It was meant as a joke anyway, but what if he meant it as an insult, surely he'd be offended, no?

"Yes, agreed."

Hiro buried his entire face to the side of his head, smooching his lips again on his now apparent and new favorite spot. His pursed lips trail down from his temple to his plump and snow-pale cheek.

Jin blinks, feeling his soul momentarily leaving his body.

He can't stand this man.

Just like that?

"You admit so? That you're sensitive?"

Wow, he didn't even hesitate to answer.

"Even if my dear says I'm a fool, then I indeed am without objection."

Hiro replied by planting a loud kiss on the very center curved of his cheek.

Jin shakes his head at him in disbelief, "Are you a fool then?"

With his other eye shut close from the ticklish sensation he's feeling, he slowly envelops his arms around Hiro's neck for support.

Wait . . .

Hiro's left arm slipped to support his lower behind, now carrying him with one arm.

His round buns were squash in comfort at the new profound seat he's having, far better than ten shameless fingers aiding him.

Hiro's other free arm lifts to capture one of his palms resting at his nape, moves his head, and plants a chaste kiss on his open palm, never breaking their eye contact.

"Only for you. Surprisingly, I indeed am beyond recognition," he whispers giving him his utmost genuine smile and bringing his shivering palm to his dimpled cheek.

Jin gulps, now feeling the warmth of his bare skin pressing on his numb palm. Breathing in, his other trembling hand moves up to fix Hiro's unkempt hair, restraining himself to smile at his words, but eventually failed as always.

It's smooth and fine like silk.

"It goes both ways." He, too, finds himself in the same shoe in many more ways than one.

Hiro's shy smile widened at his words. His embrace was warm and assuring as he kissed the side of Jin's head, but this time he doesn't pull away.

Hiro convulsed for the hundredth time. It was like a heavy load miraculously pilfered off his chest. His little sprout has finally acknowledged his feelings towards him.

He guessed the candies were worth the effort.

"Uhm, Hiro?"

Jin calls, a bit reluctant to ask a question that has been troubling him this whole time.

He wouldn't want to ruin the mood they have right now.

Would it be alright?

Sensing him being distant and secretive, Hiro gently swats his round behind, causing Jin to jump in surprise at his unexpected response to his unspoken worry.

Did . . . Did he just slap his butt?

Jin gulps.

Well, here goes nothing.

"Will you . . . Will you tolerate it when someone insults you for being gay?"


He finally said it.

After a second or two.

Precisely like one of his most sinister fears, a long pause was all he could hear upon holding his breath in suspense.

Hiro blinks numerous times before unconsciously tilting his head to the other direction.


Jin peeks at him, and his anxiety rose.

He couldn't read through his thoughts at the moment.

Hiro's eyes were blank and apathetic.

And though his fingers were shivering nervously, "Yes . . . gay." He repeats, the words coming out from him small and insecure this time.

Hiro's hair brushes to the side, exquisitely hanging low at the top of his ear as he was submerged in deep thoughts.

What is that word, he must say?


He summons inside his head, nevertheless spacing out, unbeknownst startling Jin on a forming misconception that's beginning to grow between them.

Jin anxiously bit his lips at the motionless and hushed man before him. He knew it. It would be too disgusting and scandalous to tolerate.

He didn't know why, but he felt his heart had sunk ten thousand miles deep beneath them, but despite the distance, he can feel and sense how it interacts painfully.

"You don't have to a-answer it. I know it's dreadful to hear."

Just envisioning how Hiro would be humiliated because of him. His heart already hurts this much just by thinking about it.

Was he wrong to expect he might hear a different response from him?

His heart bitterly throbbed when Hiro remained unmovable before him, his coal black eyes staring at him quietly and wordlessly.


It's scary.

Jin placed his hands gently on Hiro's chest, and he couldn't even feel them moving an inch.

Is he even breathing?