Chapter 89: Not in the Car

A quiet and light caress followed by a gentle kneading against his inner thighs startled and frittered his little remaining piece of sanity out.

Jin tipped his chin upwards, causing his head to fall back with the corners of his moist eyes weakly quivering. His lips parted, and a pitched groan was all that came out of him.

His fingers continued holding onto the edge of the seat like his life depended on it while Hiro had spread his legs wide open, exposing his vulnerable and sensitive parts.

The quiet car was filled with his harsh breathing.

The air was too thick to breathe.

He could feel the rear back of his head drumming ferociously with heated blood as his clouded thoughts had now submitted to his inhibitions.

He couldn't think of anything at the moment but surrender to the strange excitement in his heart.

And by the time he felt a pair of warmed lips kissed and pushed his skin's plumpness down, he bites his lips between his teeth, and the sound of his pitched and strained moan escapes his lips again.

Aroused with the music he heard, Hiro began lapping the area where he had buried his lips, his bare tongue sticking out to explore his thighs, one after the other, leisurely grazing against the young fellow's flushed skin slowly, up, down, left, and right.

His sable black eyes gleamed and showed their faint obsession but switched to soften with tender and overwhelming warmness he couldn't understand and control.

To him, Jin was like a delicate snowfall and the last heat of mid-July.

It's a pity to stop here. He thought so, "Jin-ah."

He murmurs, his eyes shutting close and his nostrils flaring, breathing in and enjoying the exquisite mild scent of his pale skin.

Jin's felt the trembling of his inner muscles, "Oh." He squeezed his lids tightly, seeing different vibrant spots in the darkness beneath.

"How lovely," whispers Hiro.

Another long helpless groan escaped Jin's quivering lips, earning an amused smile from the man who was shamelessly rubbing himself against him.

Jin wanted to scowl at his slyness, but he barely had enough energy to open his eyes.

Right now, he just wanted to cover his face in embarrassment and hide somewhere he couldn't approach him.

Hiro grins seeing him holding up to his shyness and laughs at his adamant irritation, his radiant happiness echoing flowers and daggers to the young fellow's ears.


"Don't tease me," whispers the frowning young fellow.

Jin wanted to scold the misbehaving cougar. His heart has never been this nervous and close to the brink of distinction from too much unforgettable humiliation.

Hiro merely bats his eyes at what he said and presses his cheek to his thigh. His dazzling face while looking up at him was subdued and calm as if not a single concern had befall and tainted him.

Hiro rubs his face to the bosom softness of his thighs.

Never had he been in a place as comfortable as he is now.

When he saw Jin lift his hand and beckon him to come closer, he obediently left the heavenly spot and climbed up again on top of his little sprout, taking his slim legs hovering over his strong shoulders with him.

Despite his lower half now curled and raised, not wanting to miss his one chance, Jin gently pulls Hiro down by the neck, though completely surprising him.

"I . . . can't . . . breathe." He pants.

It's too cramped and stuffy in this latched space.

He grazes his lips against Hiro's cheek where his adorable dimple lays as a mere apology and he watches its shallowness only deepen at his advancement.

"Not here," he breathes, trying to make his speech flow more naturally, "Please?"

Concerned for his case, Hiro slid his arms beneath him and lifts him from lying down. He held Jin's head close to him and with one swift movement, he was back sitting upright against the seat and had let Jin rest on his lap, his arms carefully supporting his weightless body.

Without too much strength left in him, Jin leans his head between Hiro's majestic two molds of chest in relief.

They both stayed mum with the man gently patting his back, and the silence they shared was comforting and calming.

Jin parts his lips as he starts stabilizing his breath and erratic heartbeat down, and he observes it slows its pace into a rich pounding sensation in every second that has passed acknowledging him in the arms of a man his heart had chosen to trust.

"What do you think of me?" Jin utters out of blue, only realizing that he had spoken his mind's thoughts out loud.

Taking a massive breath, he lifts his head and hand, and he could see Hiro's perfect brows were furrowed worriedly down at him.

He took his time fixing the man's now greased collar. His fingers tried to smoothen the surface yet still failed to give in to the man's disheveled charm that suited him.

There was no point denying it, he was indeed the most handsome man he has met.

"Think of you?" replied Hiro with gentleness in his voice. He was watching every bit of his movements. From the way his wrist slightly bends there and now to the fluid movements of his fingers.

Jin hums and nods. He has been meaning to ask this from the very beginning.

Those kisses they shared, their skinship to the unavoidable gifts and surprises, and the endearments they named each other.

Anyone could tell it wasn't an inch close to casual.

And then there comes the question, what ground does he stand in Hiro's life? What are they? Every time he thinks so, the word 'stepbrother' always rings eerily in his ears.

To the point it makes him shiver.

If only the limits where his expectation couldn't stop hoping would easily break past his worries.

Kai stared at the silent and distracted young fellow before him. Jin seemed to be in deep thought and he had to endure the way his fingers graze repeatedly on the back of his neck.

He breathes, pulling the young fellow's hands from his neck with his and brought them to his lips, now keeping his eyes steady on the plumpness of Jin's bottom lip bitten between his teeth.

He's tensed.

Hiro pulls Jin's chin downwards, setting his ravaged bottom lip free from misery, "You'll hurt yourself," he says with utmost worry.

His thoughts were only leading to one direction.

"I'd rather you ask me what you are to me, Jin-ah."

Jin paused and his hands now remained frozen at the sides of Hiro's neck—in his now fixed white collar.

He lifts his clear lavender eyes to meet his, "Then what am I to you?" He courageously asked, desperate as he wasn't stammering.

His tongue drafted over his very own trembling and swollen lips.

He can't lie, he is nervous to hear his reply.

How could this man turn the tables back at him so effortlessly?

It was Hiro's turn to hum. He leans down, shutting his eyes close as he rubs his cheek against his, at a slow and calming pace to ease both of their worries.

"Exactly like what the devil has thought of the throne of God," he whispers to his ear.

It might be just an expression, but Jin felt all the hairs in his body rising up. He felt chills all over.

His fingers clench around the man's now flattened collar, ruining his efforts. What a blasphemous thing to say.

By the time his second breath escaped his parted lips, Hiro pulls him dearly closer—alarmingly too close.

His sincere smile didn't leave his lips before another set of whispering words swept his soul to pale.

"I can do anything for you."

He took a sharp intake of breath as Hiro breathes through him, humming an unfamiliar tune on his lips.

He was singing—Hiro was singing.