Chapter 93: Moody

Hiro's men on standby all turned their heads at the sound of the car's door unlocking, revealing their meek savior strolling out of the vehicle with a set of crumpled and upset brows but almost stumbling himself the next second.

They flinch and march forward only to stop midway with their reached-out arms and open palms pausing midair upon seeing the firm support done by their boss. Exhaling deeply, they kept their surveillance gazes on the young fellow's tiny movements as they relax.

Jin breathed out another stench of guilt and held onto the edges of the door tightly as he tried to look around him. His hair was relentlessly caressing and brushing through his lashes, making it difficult for him to see clearly.

He almost forgot how assertive the wind was and how cold the breeze is beside the sea early in the morning. The smell of salt water and the moist cold air. . .

It almost felt too unrealistic for him if it weren't for his brief memory.

Except for this time, there was no rain at present which he was gladly grateful for, though the clouds harboring around the port were thick and ominous.

When his eyes land on the peaceful seascape in front of him, the vast sea by the distance stuns and momentarily captivates him. His lips part open as the corners of his eyes enlargens. He was in daze by its tranquil beauty.

There were a few vessels and ships seen that were barely moving and boats drifting from an unreachable distance. They were all from the other side of the coast, and which felt a bit lonely for him to be standing in a secluded part of the area.

This site looks more sheltered and screened, and the large private property signage by the distance clears up every question inside his head.

"Someone's coming to meet you."

Hiro spoke and followed to exit the car and stood sturdily behind him, his big large hands now claiming their tight grip on his shoulders.

He didn't even notice that he got closer if he didn't sense him pressing his face against the top of his head.


Given no other alternative option but to accept his help, Jin secretly sighs in disdain.

"Your mother."

Hiro unhurriedly guides and drags him to the backside of the limo, not a single second detaching his hands from him. When they arrived by the trunk, the wind this time was tolerable enough for the loose ends of his hair to tame down, but excluding Hiro who was tall enough to escape from the breeze.

He supposes being tall has some hindrances too.

Hiro's right arm went around his shoulder, wrapping and securing the openings of the coat he was wearing, too afraid that he'll catch a cold.

Jin's lips quiver. No, he mustn't give in.

"W-Where is she?"

Hiro rests his chin on top of his head, and with his other hand, he holds his small jaw, his fingers stuffing his plump cheeks before turning his head towards the approaching yacht from a closer range. Later on, he sees a figure standing by the railings in the Hacht, waving at him.

Eomma . . .

Jin beams warmly as his shoulders drop and relax. He felt all the roller-coaster emotions of anxiousness leaving his body in short second.

She's safe.

He leans the back of his head to Hiro's chest, "I'm still mad." He whispers, making sure not a single person from the eyes around them could hear what he said but him.

Hiro took a secretive sniff of his silky hair, delighted despite fighting the angry strands that were even trying to quarrel with him. He hums in acknowledgment though concerned before he responds.

"And I'm still hard."


"Gwaenchana?" (Are you okay?)

His mother walks to take a seat beside him and surrounds her arms around him with a thick shawl in her hands.

After emotionally reuniting with his mother, they boarded the wide yacht she was in, and they immediately sailed west with three fully packed speed boats accompanying them from left to right.

He had a warm glass of cocoa in between his hands and he received another extra scarf around his neck from his overly worried mother.

He was currently battling his motion sickness while fighting the cold and trying his best not to make himself look more vulnerable in someone's eyes. But gladly, the waves in the sea this time were endurable, at least for his now warm stomach.

He breathes out, seeing the faint mist coming out from his mouth. It was indeed cold. He shrinks his head and presses his face to the scarf around his cheeks as his fingers fiddle against the rim of the mug in his hands.

"That's a relief." His mother leans her head against his. There was a loving smile on her lips but sadness in her amethyst eyes.

The familiar sorrow he sees during most of his unfortunate days.

He really does worry her a lot.

With a softened affectionate voice, "Eomma, you're not thinking of blaming yourself again, are you?" he says to his mother, closing his eyes and leaning his body back to her.

How he misses her.

"If it weren't for my scandalous behavior, it wouldn't have ended disastrously."

There was a strong sense of shame and remorse in her voice and hearing that made Jin frown.

"But good things happened because of that." He whispers and opens his eyes, and his amethyst globes sparkle against the reflection of azure blue from the sea before they vanish in split second.

Things coincidently happened by then . . . warm and sensual—

"Aiyaa, what's so good about having to lie down in a hospital bed?" His mother cups his freezing face and pouts like half her age, "Mommy, did weep while you were out."

Jin snickers and laughs with his eyes squinting, "In the hospital?"

Asami's eyes softened, and despite the chilly morning, her chest was the warmest, "Yes, in front of the hundred people by the entrance."

She places her lips on her child's forehead, genuinely thankful that her frail pumpkin is safe and sound.

"But what happened then?"

Jin looks up at his mother and blinks, oblivious to what she's talking about.

His mother leans closer to him as her eyes tenaciously land on the seat across them, "Have you two fought again?"

Jin follows where she's looking at without moving his head, and from the corner of his eyes, he meets Hiro's ardent gaze.

"He hasn't taken his eyes off you." Asami pondered regarding the incident in their apartment. Could it be?

Did he want more of her son's underwear?

"Ani . . ." (No) Jin nervously looks away and stares back at his mother, "He's just moody and grumpy."




Hearing a few unexpected reactions, Jin's flustered eyes travels to his side where he caught Shu Ahjussi preserving the sternness of his face with the edges of his lips slightly quivering, and the rest of the James bond cast all turn their heads away to look at the sea.

As if something was interesting in there to look at with their shoulders silently trembling.

His mother didn't hesitate to bursts out into laughter, and Jin lowers his head, his cheeks blooming in rosy red from deep embarrassment.

He didn't know everyone could hear his voice, but then, the yacht has always been quiet.

He gulps, refusing to lift his eyes in front of him, and shuts them close instead. How embarrassing.