Chapter 101: His Prey

The tough realization barbarically slaps his consciousness, driving his throat completely dry. He had lost the brightness of his amethyst pupils as they turned fair and pale.

Jin swallows his saliva through the horrendous drought in his throat and felt extreme heat slowly flaring and painting across his bosom cheeks.

They burn in bright crimson red, contrary to his quiet and submissive eyes.

'Eomma, take me away right now.'

He collects his thoughts and brings himself to take a deep clean breath through his nose, and though almost entirely frozen at his place, he shifts his gaze away from the man's intense stare. He does not know what else to feel for the pitfall embarrassment he has been enduring.

He was grievously ashamed of himself and is already self-reflecting on his clumsiness. He even swore that whatever entity was and is present in this room. He is generous enough to offer his troublesome soul as its feast.

Wherever he goes, he just messes up every time.

His stake heart keeps thumping nervously inside him, and he refuses to leave his sight from his hands. It was better than looking and knowing what kind of expression Hiro is currently wearing now from his daring deed.

'Don't. Don't Panic!' His subconscious once again did the drill of giving him no sense of assistance but to only worsen the discomfort inside him.

He blinks awkwardly at his trembling fingers against Hiro's now too cramped collar, his lashes fluttering stiffly.

"Good m-mor—"

The person beside him vaulted out of his bed unannounced. His greeting was cut off before even fully conveying it to him and he was taken aback. His startled eyes failed to catch up to his brisk movements until he felt the warmest breath hit and fan his face.

His stunned eyes look up, and he unconsciously bit the tip of his tongue.

It was dark. Hiro's back was confronting against the mere lamp by the corner that was scarcely emitting any light for him to see.

"Why are you above me?" He whispers timidly and breathless, trying to study his face over the dimness of the room.

Though he could barely see his face very well, he knew there was a hint of restraint and control over him. He can feel his strong arms quivering against his pinned body . . . or was it him that's trembling relentlessly?

He coughs bitterly.

It was indeed him that was shaking nonstop.

Hiro loomed steadily above the shaking and flustered young fellow with his lips set on a thin line and his enthusiasm tangible. Its escapades stretch to every curve of his quiet and subdued smiling eyes.

The corners of his cheeks were gleaming in a beautiful tint of manly redness. "Am I not allowed to?" and his slate black pupils were blinded by a surging emotion swelling inside his sinful heart, enchanting and luring him with the same sedative and dangerous scent invading his nostrils.

Jin gulped, his shoulders tensing and stiffening upwards. "No . . . You just startled me." He observes how his entire body weakened under such penetrating gaze.

Unconsciously, he, too, discovered himself staring back at him. His bashful lilac eyes held themselves unperturbed despite being incapable to forget his clumsiness.

And just like that, he felt every solemn and earnest beat of his fervor heart.

He knew there was no such thing that could win over this sentiment.

The security. The reassurance.

Even when the sun chooses to cease from seething light, his fiery heart will always be yearning for his warm and soft gaze.

Albeit the temperature of his body abruptly increased, Jin stayed patient and quiet. He constantly listened to the sound of Hiro's shallow breaths above him.

His nervous heart, too, was mimicking its rash and unstable beat. His pupils quiver as he heavily falls his gaze down to his parted legs that are being pinned wide open.

His prudent eyes grew warier. He brought his gaze to the silent man before him once more. Breathing in, "Hiro?" he softly calls his name in concern.

Hiro leans and lightly rests his forehead against his with the tip of his nose rubbing against him. He was humming.

Jin slowly shuts his eyes.

Oh, to be held like this. It makes him think he's precious, and he wants to continue to delude himself that he is even for the shortest time they have together.

Hiro's fluttering lips leisurely brush against his pair of plump and parted ones and a sharp gasp and a bone-weakening stimulus rush to every vein and blood in his body.

His thighs gave up and they portend back flatly on the sheets, pushing his erection up and no longer resisting the man's capacity for soundless seduction.

"I . . ." I don't want to lose you.

Big and warm hands glided and followed the curve structure of his body and waist, his long fingers caressing his cold skin and fingertips kneading unto his soft muscles.

Hiro pulled and carried the back of his waist off a few inches high from the mattress of the bed, causing Jin's hospital gown to slide past and cascade down his hips, revealing his slim and tender waistline.

Gentle lips press down against the side of his neck and stayed there longer. Jin whimpers and runs his fingers through Hiro's hair until he felt a portion of his skin being sucked off.

Hiro's dark compelling eyes heatedly stared down at his beauty and lunged dutifully against him, his bulging shaft molded perfectly out of his unzipped pants with only the thin fabric of their underwear between them.

Hiro bit Jin's bottom lip, and the young fellow lamented against such gentle but compelling desperateness.

Jin twitched down there only to receive back a long and slow thrust, pushing his entire being toward the other direction while pressing down his pulsing testicles that he felt were about to burst.

His eyes and mouth flutter and hang wide open, his body shuddering endlessly numerous times. His weak dainty fingers clenches around the man's sleeves as his nails dug and penetrate against his hardened body.


It's sweet, slow, agonizing, and different, taking his blown mind away from his earlier desecration but to Hiro's now aroused body grinding against his.

And he gives up.

His arms fall back weakly to the pillows beside his head, his eyes slowly shutting close.

He couldn't gather his thoughts to think at the moment. His mind was only focusing on how foreign his body felt.

"Jin-ah . . ."

Hiro's hot tongue licked and slid inside his parted mouth, poking his stiff tongue and inviting it for a dance.

The room was full of their ragged breathing and the soft sound of sheets being pushed up and back. His saliva trickled down from the corners of his mouth to his jaw and neck.

"Hnngh~" He pants, his little toes curling inwards against the sheets.


Pleasure was washing over him, steadfast.

. . . He can't breathe.

Moving in a set of deep thrusts and speeding his pace, Hiro's other arm slips through the back of Jin's waist, bringing mess to his already chaotic clothes.

Jin grasps the edges of the pillow underneath his head and the yellowish light illuminates the erotic curve of his brows upwards and his small o-shaped glistening lips.

Hiro leans to the side of his face, pressing his lips to the center of his ear and groaning in deep need, "Breathe, my love."

He whispers worriedly through his kisses and ragged warm breath.

Jin tried breathing through his nose, his chest heaving up and down as he felt wide and large palms directly touching him from behind. His shoulders were trembling and felt his nipples coming to life.

A cold chill ran down his back and before knowing it, he felt something about to explode inside him.