Chapter 4 : Why Luca is in college???...

Sara p.o.v:

When I opened my eyes, I remember now who am I. My name is Sara and me and my family came this new city a few days before only. Me and Nora both were came this new city a few days before, then how can we have an enemy in this city???...

I saw Manager and someone with him. I asked Manager, "Who is this??... "


This is Detective and he wants to meet you. When I came here, you were fainted. Are you okay now??... Wait!!.. I will call the doctor.

Sara p.o.v:

I said, "No, Manager!!!... No need to call the doctor and I am okay. " Now, I know who, so I have to find out that killer. What is the reason killing me and Nora??...

I said, "Manager, you can go now. I will talk to the detective. " Then Manager left the room.


Hi, Ms. Nora!!... I am Detective Nelson. Why you want to meet me??...

Sara p.o.v:

Actually, I am giving you some task and you can't talk about that to anyone. A few days before, In an amusement park I got gun shot and also injured in my head. Not only me, some other girl also hurt in that gunshot. I want to know who did this and what is the reason!!...

So if you get any update, just inform me privately and again, I'm saying, this is very secret.

Detective Nelson:

Okay, Ms. Nora. I will collect information and update you. Then, I'm leaving now.

(A few days later Nora's house)


Nora!!... I think, you are completely healed, right??... So, now you can start to go to college. I have already talked to college and your friends. Your friends will come to pick up you for college. I'm leaving.

Sara p.o.v:

What the???.... College!!!... Now??.... I don't have problem to go college, but I am going as Nora. I feel so wrong and this is unfair to Nora. I heard a voice, that is manager Benjamin. He knocked and entered my room.


Madam Ms. Nora, your friends are waiting in the car for you to go college.

Sara p.o.v:

They came already!!... What to do now??... I don't have choice to avoid this situation, if I try something they will doubt about my identity. Because Nora came this city to study college.

No more thinking, I went to get in the car to go college. I was so nervous, how the college environment going to be!!!.... We are all reached college and we are entering the college. A few people are standing in front of the college.

I asked, "Who are they??.... "


They are our college vice president, principle. They are here to welcoming us.


We are just a normal student. Why they need to welcome us??...


What!!!... Normal student!!!... Ha-ha... Nora, we are not normal student. Actually, this school owner I mean the president of the school is your father. That's why they are welcoming like that.

Sara p.o.v:

OMG!!!... This school is Nora's father!!!.. Those people welcomed us with a bouquet of flower and they introduce our classroom advisor. After that vice president and principle left that place. Our classroom advisor guides us in the classroom.

We entered our classroom and the classroom is totally different from school classroom. Almost 60 or 70 students were sitting in that class. We four of standing before those students and classroom advisor told us to introduce ourselves to students.

After we introduce ourselves and my friends are telling me to sit in the last bench. But I always sit in the first desk. I said, "Guys!!!... Actually, I want to sit in the front desk."


What!!!... Nora, did you get any hole in your brain in that gunshot???... First desk!!!... Unbelievable, Nora!!! Unbelievable. How can you think we will sit in the??.... OMG!!!... I can't even tell that thing with my mouth.


Yeah!!!... James, you are absolutely correct!!!....

Daniel p.o.v:

Why I feel, Nora is so different. Because she always prefers the last bench, but now she want to sit first bench.

I said, "Nora, why don't we sit middle bench??... Is it okay for both of you??... "

Sara p.o.v:

I said, "Okay for me, what about you guys??... " Then Kevin and James also said okay. We are going to sit there. Suddenly one guy puts his foot on my seat. I asked him politely, "Excuse me!!!... Can you take your foot in the seat??... I want to sit there. "

But that guy totally ignored me. I said, "Daniel, I will sit just before the row. "


Why!!!... In this row, one seat left you can sit here.

Sara p.o.v:

I asked that guy very politely, but he didn't respond me. He looks like a bad guy. So I don't want any argument with that guy. If I say that my friends, they will fight with that guy.

I said, "Actually, that seat looks damaged. So I will sit there. " Then I am going to sit there. The seat beside me, who am I seeing!!!... That is Luca!!!... How he is here??...

Oh!!!... Shit!!!... He is also my age and he will go to college. But, I never imagined that he would come this college. What should I do now???... He is not looking at me and he just read the book. I don't know, Luca already saw me or not!!!...

Luca p.o.v:

Suddenly, I feel why Sara is very near to me. No!!.. No!!... Not possible!!... She is in still coma. How can, she will be here??... The professor entered and started his lecture.

Sara p.o.v:

Almost morning classes are over, my friends called me go to the canteen for lunch. I see Luca and he is writing in his notebook. Me and my friends are going to the canteen. Kevin and James introduced me their girlfriends Lily and Sophia.

I asked Daniel, "Kevin girlfriend is Lily and James girlfriend is Sophia. But Daniel, don't you have any girlfriend??... Don't take it wrong, I just asked casually. "

Daniel p.o.v:

Nora, how can tell you that still now I don't have a girlfriend because of you. I have expressed my love to you so many times, but you never understand me. Now, you are asking me why I don't have a girlfriend!!!... I don't know, should I laugh or cry??...

I didn't say anything and Kevin tried to change the topic to clear the this awkward silence.

Sara p.o.v:

Kevin is saying something, that time a guy appeared in front of us and that is the same rude guy who puts his foot on the seat. He came near to me and he asked, "I really want to know, you will never get angry??... " Then he is taken my plate and throw away.

The plate food fell on the person's dress and that person is Luca. OMG!!!... If he sees me, I'm done and my identity will exposed. I have to hide right now. So I am going to hide under the table. That rude guy seen me and he pulled me outside. He said, "Why are you hiding??... I believed that you will get angry when I throw your food. But you are hiding!!!.... Interesting!!!... "

Luca p.o.v:

I went to canteen to eat the lunch. Suddenly some plate fell on me and plate food fall on my dress. That is Jack, who always bullying others. Now, who is it??... Jack is pulling some girl who hides under the table. That girl came outside and it is Sara!!!!.... How???.... Sara is in a coma, how is she in the college????.....