A dim cafe

The music wasn't loud, allowing conversation in the dim cafe.

The smell of smoke covered the bodies', but Samantha was too concerned with her interior issues to feel bothered.

Wolves usually avoided that kind of place, but that one was a difficult night. The Black Moon did increase their emotions, but their senses were dampened a little.

It was one of the few cases when a wolf could enter a club with loud music and bear the noise for an hour or two.

She wasn't in the mood for a club, so she chose a silent bar and sat at the counter. She ordered some whiskey, finally understanding why Nate kept his mini-bar stashed with wine.

It was a little comforting. Just a little, unfortunately.

She sipped the drink, sighing at the burning sensation travelling down her throat. When it reached her stomach, it warmed her guts. It wasn't all that different from a hot, spicy soup. Except that it had a pleasant aroma and was cold on the tongue.