To each their own

Renato pretended to be listening to the reports about the attack that night. He was bored to the core and couldn't see any sign of danger.

They had lost money. Understandable, and not even that bad, all things considered. After kidnapping Nathaniel Woods's family, he was surprised that man hadn't barged in and killed just everyone. But money was not that relevant, after all.

Moreover, it wasn't even a decoy! Samantha was as relaxed as going back to sleeping after he had left. She wasn't going to fight anytime soon. Not even a single hair on her was nervous.

He was sure they were safe, at least about what he could do to help. Regarding economic stuff and other difficult matters, he didn't want to intrude. He didn't even tell his opinion since he was just a security person. His job was to keep them safe, and he would have done that.

He would fight if it was needed, and that ended it. Somehow, he didn't feel the need to become any more useful.