Healing from weakness

After the whole morning in pain, Samantha could get up only past noon. She had a shower and got rid of the bedclothes stained with her tears and blood. She found a clean set and got the bed ready for Amanda. That girl would need a place to sleep during the night, after all.

She checked her face and found out it was just as horrible as she felt it, and she sighed while walking into the living room. She could eat something random from the fridge and then go buy real food for the teen girl.

When she stepped into the living room, though, she found Amanda stirring something in a pot. She turned to Samantha and looked at her before checking again what supposedly was some soup. She lowered the intensity of the stove before stepping away to clean the table.

«I hope you don't mind that I'm using your kitchen,» she said. «It's almost done, and you need to eat...»