(Not) part of a pack

«Compromises are the key to a better life,» Samantha said.

She had thought hard about how to reply to Renato's naughty statements... She couldn't allow him the last word on that! Their bed habits were based on compromise, after all. She wasn't submissive at all!

She had to remember proving it one of the following days...

«Yes, of course,» was his reply. His eyes were shining, his chest swollen with pride. As if he had just conquered the whole world and not just won a conversation with his mate. He sure was happy with little.

«Do you think it's okay?» Samantha asked, turned to the hall where some of the wolves were already in line, waiting for their turn to collect some food.

Renato didn't need to ask anything to understand what she meant.

«It is,» he replied.

«But I am not one of you... Isn't it too much if I eat your food? I'm already sleeping here without paying for the rent!»