The first run

After convincing Nate to leave without checking the quarters, Samantha's life changed. She had no clue what had happened, but the wolves in the pack started greeting her with nods, waving hands, or even a few polite words.

That wasn't all that surprising, by the way. She was expecting to be accepted a little more after sending away two Alphas. Not in such a great measure, but she was expecting a change.

What was astounding was how she didn't mind being greeted so often. She felt happy to be recognised and would return every gesture. She smiled at everyone and received smiles from them.

Seeing his mate accepting the pack - even though still subconsciously - made Renato's mood wavering. He couldn't decide whether it was a good or a bad thing. Also, so close to the Bright Moon...

«Hey, do you want to run together?» he asked, getting his heart ready for a harsh rejection.