The right words

Lara blinked, surprised. She wasn't expecting a confession!

Well, sure: Nate had been romantic with the rose petals on the bed and the many scented candles in the room. But she had thought he was just asking to have sex. In the bedroom, at that! What else could it have been?

However, she was sure Nate would never steep as low as to confess his feelings just to reach the bed sooner. He didn't need to in the first place.

But... All that hard work for a few words?

«I love you too,» she replied. Her smile was shy, almost hidden by her embarrassment.

That novelty - Nate doing something as romantic as filling a room with candles - made her shy, for some reason. Even if his true purpose was wicked, she felt warm in her chest and happy like a little girl.

He had gone to great lengths just for her!

Nate reached out to her hand and brought it to his lips.