A wolf of Oldgate

A sunny day, just like many others. The city was hot and dry, and everyone looked for a place with air conditioning. Or at least a shadow where to laze.

The LY Corp was working at full regime. They needed to get back on track with the work they had left behind when moving to the base. No clients nor suppliers could visit for a long while, and they had to schedule all the delayed meetings. All without making anyone notice.

Humans could suspect something wrong was going on if a lot of them were summoned at the same time.

The secretaries were racking their brains to schedule an acceptable number of appointments on the same day, and the girls at the reception would guide the visitors quickly to another place where to wait. They reduced the number of chance encounters and succeeded with hiding their overworked schedule.

Like that, no one would have questioned the sudden increase. The few days they didn't meet anyone would have soon been forgotten.