Chapter 80 - 1000 Monsters

Chappy 80 - 1000 Monsters


Ei had become complacent, too complacent in fact.

Thinking that her standing in the harem had been consolidated and absolute, unable to be shaken.

But now, it seemed that there would be one more addition to their rank, making the Two Undying Vampires into Three Undying Vampires.

Even Kyoka's existence wouldn't be much of an importance to them, since she occupied a special place in the harem.

It seemed she was the only one to care because Shenhe didn't care in the slightest and continued to cling to her mother.

Unbothered by it.

"Who we'll be fighting against?" Ei knew that she had no way to one-up Nagant, and so she resorted to following the flow.

"All For One, 'Villain King'." Nagant noticed the change in tone, signaling her victory.

With one victory in her sleeve, Nagant then continued by explaining in detail the plan.

"The war will commence exactly in 21 days, and the place is undecided for the moment." Nagant then brought out an elaborate countdown that was completely unnecessary.

The way that Nagant explained things wasn't exactly fitting for the topic, with her elaborate slideshows introducing every major player in the war.

From Kenjiki's group, every high-ranking hero in the world, to the League of Villains including the monsters they had recruited and made using the monster cells.

Even the possible location for the war was listed there.

"Did you spend those days making these?" Kenjiki couldn't help but ask that, because of how long it took her to tell him.

The thing Nagant had done was almost nothing, all that was already confirmed was the war and when it would start.

"Unfortunately, yes." Psykos came forward and explained how Nagant kept on postponing.

Saying that the slideshows and video were lacking, and kept on revising it until now.

Dragging it for a week until Psykos forced her to be content.

If it wasn't for Psykos, it would probably take another week before it would be finished.

"That… certainly is something." Kenjiki laughed, seeing how Nagant absolutely didn't care about the war.

That was sort of true because Nagant did it for the laughs.

"But, why a month?" Kenjiki looked at her because there was no need to be taking so long.

"I, myself, didn't know. I was just saying random time." Nagant pondered to herself, unable to come to a conclusion.

"As expected." Kenjiki nodded his head in understanding.

It's on par with the course for it to be random since even the war was declared on a whim.

Not that it matters, because there's still something exciting to be looking forward to.

But still, a month was still too long of a wait time.

"Is going to school the only thing to do?" Kenjiki groaned in boredom.

While the war will surely happen, in the meantime Kenjiki had nothing to do to waste time.

At the same time, this new continent had nothing interesting going for it, for there was only that child-looking hero, Tatsumaki, being the only woman he had ever seen.

Even then, Tatsumaki looked too young for him to smash.

Though, if anything, she might be some old-ass woman cursed with youthful looks simply because of how strong she was.

"Let's go back once we're done here." Kenjiki still sat on the sofa, used his mana to manipulate the object around him and brought out another batch of fresh meat.

Without even bothering to clean up the stray cum on the table, Shenhe prepared some seasoning with Xianyun's help since she was bored too.

—[ Somewhere ]—

As opposed to Kenjiki's lax reaction to an incoming war between the heroes and the monsters.

All For One was different, in the sense that his head was constantly being ravaged by headaches.

"There's no coming back." AFO lamented to himself, regretting his rash decision and directly agreed to go to war.

"It's either do or die." AFO reassured himself and went to call his people.

Two monitors turned on at the same time, both showing two different scenes.

On the right was a scene of a cafe filled with giddy-looking people.

On the left was a white room filled with test tubes containing the monster cells from before.

"Doctor, how's the research going?" AFO spoke to the monitor of the left.

Where a short man wearing a doctor attire was swinging around on his chair.

It was then until AFO spoke that the doctor realized that his computer was turned on.

"It's unfortunate, but I can't imitate the effect of those cells." The doctor swerved into frame. "Our current product could only produce a miniscule amount of power in the test subject's body."

The doctor then continued by explaining that while the test subject experienced an increase in power, the side effect instantly came in less than a minute causing the test subject to go berserk.

The test subject that went berserk was completely unrecoverable, and the only way to stop it was to kill it.

"I'm still confused as to why it was like this. Because our product is a 1:1 imitation of the monster cells." The doctor then brought one of the products into frame.

Showing their product side by side with the monster cell, one couldn't find any difference between the two.

"It's as if we're lacking a huge part of the cell. But even after searching the ruin for the answer, we found none." The doctor shrugged and threw them into a portable test tube.

AFO was silent the entire time, pondering what might have caused it.

"Have you tried asking that cat-human-monster?" AFO remembered the slippery monster who gave them the information.

"That monster too didn't know about anything, because the means of production is kept tightly by his ex-boss." The doctor replied in a defeated tone.

"If there's no breakthrough still after two weeks, immediately abandon the project and keep on perfecting our nomu using the monster cells as the basis." AFO instantly cut off the call the moment he finished speaking.

Being left alone with his thoughts, the doctor swung around in his chair trying to find a new idea.

No matter how many times he spun on his chair, nothing plausible came to mind.

With nothing else to do, the doctor slammed his chair at the test tube and planted his face on the glass.

Meanwhile, AFO was communicating with Tomura who had been the one to amass more people to turn into monsters.

"How many monsters do we have?" AFO, now looking at the right monster, asked.

Due to how sudden AFO appeared, it took Tomura a few seconds to answer the question.

"About one thousand, huh?" AFO arched his eyebrow, not expecting the number.

While an inhumane power sounds good, the side effect of being transformed into a monster would deter most people.

However, it seemed that he had underestimated people's thirst for power.

"Also, thanks to the monster advertising our organization, more and more people wanted to join." Tomura explained the increase of people joining the league in the last few days.

But still, the majority of the villains that joined them decided not to undergo monsterification.

Subsequently, the public started to notice about the League of Villains existence due to the monster attacks being linked to them.

Where they were blamed for all of the attacks even if the one that attacked them was a rogue monster.

Then again, a bad publication for them was a good thing.

Since they were looking for an infinite amount of fodder that they could use in the oncoming war.

"There's a bad news master." Tomura hesitated to continue. "The heroes are ramping up their alliance with the new continent, giving birth to an ever stronger opponent for us."

"That? I've expected this to happen since I gave Nagant that video back then." AFO smiled for the first time.

This surprised Tomura who had never seen him curve his mouth even once before.

"Won't this jeopardize our plan?" Tomura couldn't think of a reason why his master would smile knowing about it.

"Why would it jeopardize anything? If anything, we would be able to break their morale by just defeating them once." AFO spoke a piece of his mind.

Still, Tomura couldn't fully understand what he was talking about.

"See it like this. How would they react when everything crumbles right in front of them?"

The majority would fall into despair, the stubborn ones would continue to be stubborn.
