Chapter 83 - Scheming Against Tatsumaki

Chappy 83 - Scheming Against Tatsumaki


"Kyoka. Is the news about your boyfriend true?" Momo's voice peered through Kyoka's phone, asking a question that almost everyone wanted to ask.

Just like Kenjiki had feared, someone had gone out and asked about him.

Thankfully, only some close friends seemed to know about Kyoka's phone number.

"Well, it's true." Kyoka confirmed the thing they had been very curious about.

There's no need for her to ask Kenjiki for his permission to say anything.

It was free for anyone to disclose anything about him as long as it was not detrimental to him and the rest of them.

"Really?!" Mina's surprised voice was heard. "What about him being a God? Was that just an exaggeration?"

"Depends on what you define as God, but Ken was called by that name before." Kyoka tried not to say anything about his reincarnation.

"How strong was he for someone to call him like that?" Mina's thoughts wandered off, letting her imagination go wild.

They did believe in him being called a God since they had seen him fight a few times before.

However, the kind of God they were thinking of wasn't the 'All-Knowing, All-Powerful God,' but instead was someone strong enough to strike fear at anyone watching.

Coincidentally, Kenjiki fit that title because he seemed to be able to win in any condition.

It didn't end with him just winning, he dominated whatever opponent that came his way.

Giving off the feeling of All-Powerful.

"Anyway, do you want to eat lunch together? We're going to your class in a bit." Momo spoke with an eager tone.

"Ah, that. We're not in school right now, so you can go without us for today." Kyoka apologized for not being able to eat with them.

"Is that so? Let's go next time then." Momo instantly lost all of the eagerness in her voice, replaced with a disappointed sigh.

With a bit of reluctance, Momo ended the call and turned back the other way which took Mina quite a long time to notice.

Only when Mina reached the door to class 1-S did she realize Momo had walked the other way.

Poking her head into the classroom, no one could be seen anywhere which told her all she needed to know.

In just a few seconds, she caught up with Momo and went to the cafeteria with only the two of them.

"Turn your phone off before anyone could call you." Kenjiki quickly urged Kyoka.

"Alrigh--" Kyoka's sentence was interrupted.


Another call had landed on her phone even before she could turn off the phone.

The caller seemed to be Itsuka, which confused her as to how she got her number.

Meanwhile, Kenjiki had given up on stopping the call coming in.

"Can you drop the 'God' from the site? It makes me look pretentious." Kenjiki sat on the desk, only to notice something.

The chair Nagant was sitting on was quite unorthodox, it was a Psykos-shaped chair that was capable of moving like a human.

"I can remove that, but why should I?" Nagant kept a straight face.

"Isn't doing it for me enough?" Kenjiki decided to ignore the chair.

"That's not going to fill my stomach." Nagant chuckled lightly.

It was quite obvious what Nagant wanted.

Kenjiki reached out his neck in front of her and loosened the clothes he was wearing.

"Is this enough?" Kenjiki muttered, waiting as the fangs sunk into his skin, opening a pair of small holes.

They remained unmoving for the next few minutes until Nagant had enough of his blood and separated her mouth from his neck.

"Sshh-Haaa." Nagant moaned, satisfied, and content for the next few days.

At the same time, her hands were multi-tasking and removed part of the code that spelled 'Former Vampire God'.

Showing the monitor at him, proving that it had been erased, Nagant gulped the last bit of blood she was savoring.

"Is this enough?" Nagant took a glance at him.

Yes, it is enough." Kenjiki stretched his body and sat down beside Nagant. "Where's Psykos? I thought she was with you?"

It had been quite a while since Kenjiki poked her insides, rearranging its location to fit his requirement.

Then, right after that, Psykos was abducted by Nagant who was looking for a secretary.

"Psykos is right below us." Nagant raised her eyebrow at his wilful ignorance, pointing at the chair they were sitting in.

"Wait… Below us?" Kenjiki looked down and used his fingers to peer into her mouth. "It's actually you."

"Morning, master." Psykos greeted him, causing her body to tremble.

Psykos thought that the ignore-play would continue for some time, but thankfully it ended faster than usual.

Which caused a certain reaction in her that no one seemed to notice.

"How have you been these days?" Kenjiki lay on the floor, looking upwards at her face.

"It's like usual, we looked through every possible candidate that will fight in the war." Psykos explained with a smile on her face.

Lies were flowing like air from her mouth.

God knows that they weren't doing any work and were just wasting their time brainstorming ways to introduce Kenjiki to the world.

To them, forcing the heroes and the villains and monsters to battle it out until the last of them remained wasn't that hard.

In fact, it was very doable.

All they needed was one phone call and it's done.

"Good work." Kenjiki caressed her head. "Oh, also. Do you know anyone by the name of Tatsumaki? She's a psychic so I assume you know her."

"Tatsumaki!?" Psykos widened her eyes in shock upon hearing the name.

There's no way that Psykos wouldn't know of that name.

Since almost every psychic in the world had to know about the one said to be the strongest psychic.

The shock that was displayed on her face piqued Kenjiki's interest.

He had hit the jackpot.

"Do tell me more." Kenjiki didn't bother waiting for her to say anything, since he was sure that Psykos knew.

"Tatsumaki, a woman said to be the strongest psychic, capable of destroying a mountain with just her thought. Moreover, she's also humanity's strongest guardian behind Blast." Psykos recounted a bit of the information she knew about Tatsumaki.

"Is that all? Are you sure that you're hiding nothing?" Kenjiki smiled at her.

Current Psykos was massively different from before.

Ever since she received his concentrated liquid mana directly into her womb, a change happened with her body.

Shedding any humanity she ever had left inside her, becoming a new existence altogether.


Unlike Ei, Shenhe, Nagant, and Kyoka who drank his blood as a way to replenish their mana.

Psykos was quite different, with the succubus' unorthodox ways of receiving mana by consuming a male's sperm.

In this case, she was severely limited to Kenjiki since he was essentially the one who created her.

This also created a connection between them, allowing Kenjiki to perceive a ripple in her thoughts.

"Tatsumaki is also my former friend's sister." Psykos swallowed.

"That's new." Kenjiki was taken aback, completely not expecting this development.

Who would have thought that the woman Cyrene brought back was connected with Tatsumaki?

However, this finding wasn't as fruitful as he initially thought.

'Former Friend' being the keyword.

"Can you contact this former friend of yours?" Kenjiki wanted to confirm whether his crude plan would work or not.

"I could, but I don't think that she would care enough to reply." Psykos hesitated, knowing that their relationship wasn't the best.

"That's all I need." Kenjiki had a wide grin on his face.

At first, he was thinking of befriending Tatsumaki's sibling just because.

But now, Tatsumaki actually had a sister, meaning that the befriending plan could go even further.

Without further ado, Kenjiki told Psykos to contact the target saying that she wanted to catch up.

Like the obedient woman she was, she used her psychic power to get her phone and dialed a number.

Meanwhile, Kenjiki stood up from the floor and dusted his back before going to Kyoka.

"Are you done?" Kenjiki looked at her, who was texting someone.

"Sort of, I'm still texting with Furina who was complaining about how you never told her about this world." Kyoka let out a chuckle as she showed him the text.

"That's her indeed." Kenjiki nodded after hearing the familiar description that perfectly fit Furina.

Scrolling up for a bit, he saw a selfie that Furina sent.

"Social butterfly like her never ceases to amaze me." Kenjiki shook his head when he saw the entirety of class 1-B partaking in the selfie.
