Chapter 86 - Greedy Cultivators

Chappy 86 - Greedy Cultivators


Kenjiki looked down.

Where five swords stabbed his body, depleting his mana and his consciousness.

"Aren't you a coward?" Kenjiki smiled at those five people.

This caused them to raise their guard because there was still no sign that the beast in front of them was going berserk.

Meaning that their attack wasn't enough to put his life in danger.

However, whatever they had been waiting for didn't come.

Instead, Kenjiki died just like that.

Leaving his delicious Blood Essence, Horns, Wings, and artifacts for them to take.

"Wait, where is his artifact?!" One of the five noticed something strange. "Was that soul-bound artifact?" 

They grimace when they notice that the artifact disappeared.

Something that only happened when the owner of a soul-bound artifact was killed.

"What a waste. Let's go back and get someone to dissect his body."

"My sect specializes in beasts, so we should get the honor to do it."

"Whatever. But don't ever think of stealing it, because his blood should be of that royal line."

It hadn't even been a few minutes after Kenjiki had died, however, the cultivators didn't even waste any time to share the goods.

The one that was on the sideline also joined the bid, wanting to at least get some of it.

Weirdly, Lady Wu didn't join in alongside a cloaked figure.

"How greedy." The cloaked figure snickered. "Aren't you joining in, Lady Wu?"

Something was off, Lady Wu was shivering, seemingly afraid of the cloaked figure.

"I dare… not." Lady Wu stammered, bowing down at the figure.

"Aren't you obedient?" The cloaked figure smiled at Lady Wu. "Why don't we finish things up and go home."

The cloaked figure threw away his cloak, revealing an unscathed Kenjiki, wielding the twin needles.

"Snow Piercer!" Kenjiki stabbed the air with his right needle, causing the sky to ripple and explode as cracks spread outward from there.

Enveloping the cultivators that were still greedily splitting Kenjiiki's body among themselves.

They didn't notice what had happened to them as the sky cracked into small fragments, killing them on the spot without them ever knowing.

As if the world rejected such an idea ever being real, the cracked sky instantly mended itself in the blink of an eye.

However, the aftermath of the attack was still there. The sky was seemingly frozen in place, becoming a vacuum devoid of air and microscopic lives.

It was such a baffling sight to Lady Wu, who had never once seen the world reacting in such a way to an attack launched by someone.

"Time to leave." Kenjiki lightly tapped the twin needles against each other, causing them to soften up and limp. "Oh right, I am homeless."

Kenjiki could've just gone back to Schlattimus and stayed there for a bit. He wanted to stay in character and immersed himself by staying in character for the remainder of his stay.

Well, who was he to lie? He only wanted to stay with the beauty in front of him.

Lady Wu's hair color awakened some sort of feeling that he never knew existed in him.

Those shimmering golden hair evoked a sense of majesty and elegance.

"Can I stay at your place?" Kenjiki glanced at the shivering Lady Wu, snapping her out of her daze.

Meanwhile, Kenjiki did his thing and plugged the needles into his horns. Unexpectedly, they were hollow which made it easy for them to fit in.

"I'd be honored to host you, milord." Lady Wu forced herself to be respectful to him, not wanting the same fate to befall her.

Kenjiki liked how fast she switched sides because it'd be a waste for him to kill such a beautiful lady for something so negligible; naively thinking that they could even graze him.

"So, where is your place exactly?" Kenjiki couldn't help but ask since they had been flying for almost half an hour.

This sentence sent shivers down Lady Wu's spine, as she had been contacting everyone she could so that she didn't have to bring this natural disaster to her family.

However, no matter how hard she tried to call for anyone, no one had picked up the call and left her hanging.

"Also, who are you trying to call?" Kenjiki said something shocking.

This caused her to widen her eyes in shock, as she was completely sure that no one could ever pry into thought transmission.

Though, rather than panicking because she had been seen through, Lady Wu coughed.

"I am calling my daughter to prepare a room for you, milord." Lady Wu bowed and flew sideways.

Knowing that whatever trick she had wouldn't ever fly under his radar, she decided to brace for whatever would happen to her family and tried to find a way to leave with minimum damage.

"Is that so? I didn't expect you to be this hospitable." Kenjiki smiled.

Lady Wu couldn't see through his expression and was forced to call for his daughter.

Weirdly, this time the call went through without a hitch and she then explained the situation with much precaution.

In an instant, Lady Wu sped up her speed and the both of them disappeared into the horizon.

—[ Wu Clan Manor ]—

The disaster had arrived.

Kenjiki stood in the middle of the road, accompanied by Lady Wu beside him.

"Welcome back, Lady Wu and the esteemed guest." All of the manor servants bowed down, attracting all of the bystanders' attention.

"Is this what you've been preparing?" Kenjiki raised his eyebrow and chuckled.

Lady Wu was speechless, unable to comprehend the parkour her daughter took to land on this.

'Dangerous Guest', and 'Walking Disaster' were the keywords she used to describe Kenjiki.

Which confused her, in what way did that mean something like a loud and lively welcome ceremony like this?

"This is a fitting one for you, milord." Lady Wu swallowed her spit and decided to follow the flow. "This is my daughter, Wu Xiaoyin. Xiaoyin, introduce yourself."

Once the servants finished their debacles, a tall young lady walked out of the manor and bowed down.

"Greetings, esteemed guest." Wu Xiaoyin stood before him, looking as polite as possible while she cast glances at her mother.

"Hello there." Kenjiki waved at her, while his focus was occupied by the sight in front of him. "Is she really your daughter?"

Even though he had been refraining himself from saying this, not wanting to appear rude.

The fact that Wu Xiaoyin looked nothing like her mother kept passing by his head.

Sure, their long golden hair was the same color and all that.

However, Wu Xiaoyin was towering over both of them whose height could be regarded as above average.

"It's a common question that almost everyone asks. Wu Xiaoyin has the blood of Titan flowing in her body, so that's why she looks drastically different from me, other than the hair she inherited from me." Lady Wu answered his question.

"Titan? A familiar name." Kenjiki tilted his head, pondering if this was the same Titan as the one he knew.

Of course, his reaction caused Lady Wu to narrow her eyes in shock.

Knowing that the name Titan had a bad reputation with most people.

Regarded as the Hands of Annihilation, responsible for reshaping the world into the one they knew about.

"Why don't we go in first? A lot of people are watching." Kenjiki was aware of how he looked right now, with his horns and wings existing as a reminder that he was not a human.

"Daughter, tell everyone to go in and isolate the courtyard he will be using." Lady Wu called to her daughter, before then leading Kenjiki inside.

The bystanders watched as the Wu Manor accepted a humanoid beast into their manor.

Followed by people who watched the scene unfold spreading rumors about how the Wu Family was sheltering a beast.

While this was not a rare thing, it was frowned upon to greet them publicly while telling all of their servants to welcome the beast.

With how volatile the rumorous world was, and how interesting the story was.

Everyone in the city instantly knew about this event, to the point where spies planted all around the cities reported to their master.

"I'm sorry for the lack of decoration, I hope you enjoy your stay here." Lady Wu bowed for the last time and closed the door of the courtyard where Kenjiki was staying.

"Mother, who is he?" Wu Xiaoyin instantly started inquiring about Kenjiki's identity once the door was closed.

"Someone we shouldn't ever associate with." Lady Wu replied with a grave expression.

Wu Xiaoyin was confused.

Why would her mother contradict herself? Since she described him as an important guest, someone they should regard as above them, and if possible; seduce him.

But now? She suddenly told her to never associate with him.

"Why have you told the servants to do all of that?" Lady Wu interrogated her daughter on the way out.

"Mother, it's you who told me to do all of that?" Wu Xiaoyin looked at her mother in confusion, because she's contradicting herself so hard right now,

"Me?" Lady Wu was silent. "Tell me in detail about what I've told you to do."

Albeit confused, Wu Xiaoyin explained to her mother in detail regarding the instruction she received.

Shock appeared on Lady Wu's face because it was vastly different from what she had actually said.

"Is there someone tampering with my thought transmission?" Lady Wu couldn't even start to entertain this idea.

Because it was such an absurd idea to begin with.

Considering that Lady Wu was the best at Qi manipulation and there shouldn't be anyone alive could affect her without her knowing it.

But then, she remembered someone.
