Chapter 93 - Musou no Katachi

Chappy 93 - Musou no Katachi

--[--] A Few Minutes Earlier - Qin Holy Royal Empire Palace [--]--

"Hmm?" Kyoka put down the dogs on the ground and noticed the peculiar sight.

The throne was being used by someone as a bed.

Kyoka also realized that one of the women who was sleeping on the throne was quite tall and massive.

Since they were the only people in the castle, she realized that they must've been the ones that Kenjiki told her about.

Letting the dogs be, she approached the throne and stood in front of the sleeping women.

"Ken has a preference." Kyoka scrutinized their bodies from head to toe.

The two pair of gigantic breasts caught her attention, and then their curved bodies and prominent ass

"I should ask Ei, she might know something." Kyoka looked deflated as she touched her own breast and ass.

"It's so unfair how genetics favor these women." Kyoka continued to look at the sleeping women.

Starting from their long and luscious golden hair, black eyes, their curvy body, their thicc gropeable thigh, and their heights.

Especially this woman in front of her, who was quite literally twice her size.

"How unfair." Kyoka stopped herself from continuing and played with the dogs to heal herself.


"Do they finally fight?" Kyoka felt the vibration spreading through the earth.

Which was weird considering the fight took place in the sky.

Not that it mattered to her who spent the next few minutes watching the fight with the dogs.

--[ The Sky ]--

Everyone left their trance, looking around in confusion as to what just happened to them.

They realized that every one of them was affected by it, only then they realized that their enemy wasn't something they could underestimate.

Even their leader, known to have the highest cultivation realm also seemed to be affected, albeit less harder than the rest of them.

"Was that an illusion?" The leader muttered under his breath, looking down only to realize a diagonal purple mark on his chest.

"What is this?"

More and more people noticed the mark.

"Some sort of illusion? It didn't do any damage to me."

They proceeded that the mark seemed to be a decoration and nothing more.

While they didn't sustain any damage from that elaborate illusion cast by Kenjiki.

The target of the attack was different since he had to bear the brunt of the attack directly.

"Agghhh--Grrghh!!" Su Qingya shouted in pain, looking at his torso that had been severed from the rest of the body.

Strangely, Su Qingya still felt a connection with his bottom half and he could even move his legs.

But that didn't stop there, because he still felt the pain of being cut into two. It might not be an unbearable pain, but the weak and lingering pain infuriated him more.

Kenjiki looked at the helpless enemy and slowly raised his sword up.

"Musou no Katachi." Kenjiki suddenly called out another attack, and in one fell swoop the world was engulfed in a crimson world.

Everyone once again was dragged into a strange world, pondering if this was the same illusion as before.

"Sever." Kenjiki muttered in a quiet voice.

All of the Kenjiki in each world repeated the same action, muttering a word as another mark appeared on their body.

Unlike the diagonal line from before, it was a vertical line that started from their head and went downwards towards their crotch.

The instant that the mark finished forming, they were spat out of the world to a sight straight out of hell.

Millions of severed body parts floated around as the screams of tortured souls filled the sky.

They were in the same state as Su Qingya, assaulted by the never-ending pain of being cut into four different parts.

"Although I have toned down the power, it was quite surprising that so many people survived my attack." Kenjiki glanced at the two disheveled men who looked at him with fear of death.

The survivors were the leader of the army and a man just a bit older than Kenjiki, looking like he was in his mid-twenties.

But considering what world Kenjiki was in right now, that man probably was a few thousand years old.

It was only thanks to the glowing pagoda that covered his entire body that he could survive. Though cracks could be seen on the pagoda.

"Let's go somewhere else, it's a bit crowded here." Kenjiki grabbed the two survivors and flew to another province for a nice and empty place.

Back in the city, Kyoka was left with millions of people on the verge of death just floating around unable to die.

"Ken, do something with those people, it's ugly." Kyoka used the telepathic connection between her and Kenjiki to complain.

"Is that so?" Kenjiki received the complaint and told the two to wait. "Burn."

At the same time, the moment Kenjiki uttered that word.

The sky darkened and lightning brewed up in the sky before then striking down at everyone.

Effectively killing them and burning their body into ashes.

Ashfall occurred in the city, causing it to be covered by a thick layer of burnt human remains.

"That's better." Kyoka went back into the throne room and brought out a beanbag to lie down while she waited for Kenjiki.

The man in question was sitting with the two, drinking hot chocolate milk.

"Say something." Kenjiki sipped on the hot chocolate milk and looked at them.

Kenjiki had been trying to get them to talk for the last few minutes, but to no avail, since they seemed to be unwilling to talk with him.

All they did was just groan at him and breathe heavily.

Though, if one peeked into their thoughts.

One would realize that they do want to talk with him, it's just that the pain caused by the marks prevented them from forming a coherent thought.

"It.... Is.... pain... ful..." The leader gritted his teeth and growled a short sentence while pointing at his chest.

"Ah." Kenjiki suddenly remembered the marks on their body and took them away. "How about now?"

"Thank you." The leader thanked Kenjiki and calmed himself down.

Meanwhile, Kenjiki looked at the other person with a smile and watched him suffer for a bit before he removed the marks.

"Is there anyone strong left? The one you gave me couldn't even last more than two strikes." Kenjiki took another sip.

"No, you've killed anyone with even a hint of strength." The leader became purple and grimaced.

"Damn, really?" Kenjiki just believed what he said since it would be annoying to look for them. "Then I'll finish my job and go back."

This sentence alerted the two of them who thought that he would kill them right there.

Only to see him take out a book from some sort of window.

The cover of the book read 'Book of Words' and its red spine being the only notable feature of the book.

Confusion could be seen on their faces, not knowing how to react when their enemy brought out a book.

Kenjiki didn't bother explaining to them what it was and continued to occupy himself with it.

"Speech to Text activate." Kenjiki mumbled as the book blinked once. "By the name of Vulcane, I borrow the authority of Overlord Cyrene. Lend me powers to destroy this world."

That's cheating.

The book shook once and nothing else.

"That defeats the purpose of your visits here doesn't it?" Cyrene suddenly appeared in an office lady fit, probably given by Nagant.

"The world is bigger than I expected." Kenjiki whined and laid his face on Cyrene's massive breasts.

The other two watched the scene with widened eyes, unable to sense Cyrene's presence until she spoke.

While they might suffer performance downgrade with all of their injuries, it shouldn't be a problem to detect her.

Moreover, Cyrene seemed to not have a cultivation base at all.

The Qi that made up the world seemed to ignore her existence and passed right by her.

"Fine. I will give you the power but you have to do it yourself." Cyrene caved in and agreed to Kenjiki's request.

"Now that's my beloved wife." Kenjiki gave her a beaming smile.

"Why don't you be a responsible husband then?" Cyrene pinched his cheeks.

"How could I do that when my wife is so capable?" Kenjiki put on an innocent smile.

"Pleaseee." Cyrene shook her head and lowered her face.

Cyrene gave him a kiss.
