Chapter 97 - 5v5

Chappy 97 - 5v5


"Where have all of you been? I've been waiting for years." Kenjiki snapped his head backward as he watched The Door spat out eleven women of varying appearance.

"We had some girl talk back home." Cyrene smiled and seemed to have no intention to tell him more about it. "Did we miss something good?"

Cyrene couldn't help but realize the corpses that were shoved aside while the rest of them congregated around a big platform with old-looking people fighting on it.

"Yes you do, the strongest of both sides just fought, although it was a bit lackluster." Kenjiki didn't mind it and described to Cyrene what had just happened.

The others went to their own spots, which gave them the best view of the fight, even though it didn't matter as Nagant had prepared a huge screen on the side, broadcasting the whole thing in full detail.

The cultivator beauties clinged with Shenhe who was most like them in the sense that she behaved and spoke like them.

With Mirko being a small addition to their little group.

Xianyun stuck with her lazy daughter who slept on her lap the instant they got to sit down.

Surprisingly, there was someone who hadn't been seen for the last thousands of years slouched on the sofa beside her, taking a little sip from the alcohol gourd every few seconds.

"Why don't you slow down and enjoy the moment, Yae?" Xianyun snatched the gourd and looked at the woman beside her.

"I'm enjoying the moment right now. Why else would I agree to watch mortal fights?" Yae, also fully known as Yae Miko, lazily tried to get her gourd back.

Only for Xianyun to throw the gourd away into The Door.

That one gourd was unsaveable and so Yae opened her own The Door and took out a sake cup prefilled with sake. "

Xianyun looked at Yae and shook her head, knowing that the dedication was real and impossible to shake off.

Knowing that anything was futile in front of a steel solid dedication, she decided to leave Yae to her own volition.

There was one less woman there, which was Furina who strode down towards the platform, looking for her little friend.

Thanks to their striking appearance, mostly due to their age and height being on the lower end of the crowd around them, she found them in less than a few seconds.

"Hello there." Furina stood beside Kendo, unable to watch the fight thanks to her height.

"!..." Kendo turned her head the instant she heard the familiar voice. "Furina! Why are you here? I thought you would be with Kenjiki." 

"They are boring to be with, so I went to you." Furina replied with a beaming smile on her face.

Kendo raised her eyebrow, looking at her in disbelief, unable to comprehend how a bizarre person like Kenjiki would ever be boring to be with.

The last time she met him, she remembered that he started an orgy with all of her friends.

Which she didn't think much of since all of her friends were able to proceed with their lives as usual, and they even looked more vigorous than ever before.

"Also, why don't you go back with me? I don't think you will be able to fight anytime soon." Furina summoned two blobious creatures to boost her height.

There's no need for Furina to say that, as Kendo herself knew that upon hearing how the 'war' would proceed, only a few of them would be able to fight.

Moreover, this so-called war for justice had lost its meaning when a literal tournament was being held to decide its winner.

On top of that, the current fight was nothing short of Bang toying with his opponent but deflecting all of the attacks without any intention to go offensive.

"Can I go there?" Kendo looked back at the tower that she knew was the viewing booth for Kenjiki.

"For sure you can!" Furina immediately took hold of Kendo's hand and flew up leaving everyone confused.

Thankfully, Kendo was able to tell her friends about where she was going, to which she noticed a jealous look on their faces.




Bang masterfully deflected all of the man-plug's attacks, even better than the first time the cable overwhelmed him. It was thanks to the shock that his head got clearer than before.

"Let's finish things up." Bang hit the incoming attack harder than before, staggering man-plug.

After letting the man-plug be offensive, it's now Bang's turn to go crazy.

Bang straightened his old bones and faded into the world as he appeared in front of the stunned man-plug who tried to attack, only to be slapped on the wrist by him.

Man-plug was wide open with weak points spread all over his body.

Something that Bang quite gladly used to attack, starting with the striking rods that he grabbed and snapped into two.

With the broken steel in hand, he used the sharp parts and stabbed the man-plug's chest caved in due to how dull the steel were and how forceful his hands were.

"Now that you lost them, you can't electrocute anymore right?" Bang had a satisfied smirk on his face, grabbing the limp cables on the man-plug's back.

As expected, Bang used the cables to strangle the man-plug out of breath.

"Kugh-! Ghkghk-!" The man-plug suffocated as the cables wrapped tightly around his neck, preventing oxygen from meeting his lungs.

The man-plug tried to forcefully snap the cables off his neck but was reminded of something that he always boasted about.

The cables' indestructible nature, capable of staying intact no matter what.

"Farewell." Bang stabbed man-plug's chest using his hand, directly killing him right then and there.

"The first match is won by the hero's side, decreasing the villains' fighter by one." Nagant announced on behalf of Ei. "For the next battle, I will invite five fighters from each side."

The villains erupted in cheers as they finally had a chance to fight now that more people would fight in one match.

As opposed to the villains who had no remorse for the dead monster, the heroes were feeling a bit conflicted, knowing that the monsters they had killed were actually humans.

Simply forgetting that these 'humans' killed other humans the heroes vowed to protect.

Sadly, the world continued to spin without caring about their feelings.

While they were busy being somber and all that, the villains had chosen their fighters and waited for the heroes to start thinking.

Thankfully, not everyone was immersed in their morally white pondering as five heroes volunteered.

"Let's see. On the heroes' side were Kamui Woods, Ryukyu, Gang Orca, Mount Lady, and Tiger." Nagant read out the names of the heroes' fighters. "As for the villains, there are Muscular, Spinner, Dabi, Moonfish, and Nomu!"

Nine people climbed the platform, facing each other and waiting as everyone was ready before the last person entered the platform.



Thousands of blades suddenly filled the area, flying all over the place without any control whatsoever.

Well, it's because the quirk user didn't care enough to control his quirk and stabbed everyone who's unfortunate enough to stand somewhere unlucky.

Lifeless husks fell onto the ground as the blades killed everyone it touched.

Seeing as more and more people died prematurely before they could even fight.

Ei created a massive dome surrounding the platform, destroying all of the blades that went outside the platform.

"Stop killing people or we won't have anyone to fight later." Ei announced to the fighters, looking at the surviving heroes and villains who were strong enough to block the blades.

The number had dwindled so much even though it hadn't been long since the event started.

Numbering around a few thousand compared to the previous ten thousand aspiring fighters that came to fight.

"Moonfish, finish the fight immediately or go out." Dabi shouted from behind, activating his quirk to protect himself from stray blades.

"GRRR~!!" Moonfish growled in dissatisfaction but was unable to say anything, literally.

Even though Moonfish had attacked with half of his power, the heroes fared better than he had ever thought.

None of the heroes were injured by the attack, leaving pretty much unscathed,

Furthermore, seeing that he was going to attack once more, an orca-headed burly man came forward and roared with everything he had.

The air vibrated with a quaking fervor as the eardrums of all of the villains exploded.

The one that was hit the hardest was Moonfish, due to his low brain power which prevented him from regaining his senses for a few minutes.

Confusion enveloped their mind as a massive ass dropped from the sky, threatening to crush them flat.

"LEAVE THIS ASS TO ME!" Muscular strode forth and raised both of his arms that were covered in exposed muscle tissues.

"You'd better be." Dabi regained his senses and looked around for a target now that Moonfish was useless for the next few minutes.

Dabi instantly locked at Gang Orca, the one that had the most annoying quirk to deal with.

Using Mount Lady's obstruction as a cover, he strode around the platform looking for an opening.

Luckily, his target gaped his mouth open, preparing for another stun attack.

Blue flames enveloped his hands and he subsequently threw a small amount of fire at the ground near his target.

"NOT TODAY BOY!!" Tiger suddenly appeared in front of Dabi, throwing hands the instant they got close.

"How annoying." Dabi tsk'd and exploded his quirk at Tiger's face.

A Tsunami of blue flame poured out of Dabi's hands, flooding Tiger with overwhelming heat.

Strangely, Tiger didn't seem to be bothered by the heat and continued to charge forth.

Which took Dabi by surprise since this was the first time someone tanked his attack.

Unfortunately, he couldn't react fast enough as Tiger landed a home run on his head.

