Chappy 100 - Something Fun to Watch
"""How crude, but I like it."""
The voice laughed, learning how Kenjiki seemed to want this farce to end as fast as possible, by directly pitting both sides after giving them a piece of their power.
""I know, I only now realized that watching people fight isn't that entertaining. Then again, I have made a good closure to this."" Kenjiki shrugged.
People all over the world started to question Kenjiki's sanity.
What kind of person would be so nonchalant about betting on humanity's livelihood?
Not only that, the fact that this 'War' was started by Nagant for his amusement.
This was something so outrageous that came out straight from an edgy boy's wet dream.
"A change has been made to the war." Nagant instantly announced the moment that Kenjiki and the voice came to an agreement. "The tournament had been canceled, replaced with a free-for-all all-out war."
Everyone was quite surprised.
Even though they had expected something like this to take place sooner or later, they didn't think that now was the moment.
Unluckily for them, Nagant didn't seem to care about them and pressed something in the control room, causing the whole arena to distort as numerous different structures of varying styles appeared out of nowhere.
Before they realized it, everyone had been moved away from the platform into two different sides.
In the south were the villains led by All For One, and on the opposite side were the heroes led by All Might.
"As discussed previously, combatants from both sides are given a chance to receive blessing from the two sponsors." Nagant explained to everyone, something that they didn't exactly understand in full detail.
All of the villains agreed without a second thought as they had seen what happened to chainsaw Nomu after he grabbed the cube, ignoring the fact that he died to Ei who only attacked once.
Just like they had expected, the moment they agreed to receive the power given by the cube, they felt that they could kill anyone in the world.
However, only a few realized that they weren't given the same amount of power the chainsaw Nomu was given. Which they attributed to their sheer numbers, thinking that even an all-powerful being wouldn't be able to strengthen all of them.
Meanwhile, there's a small number of heroes who hesitated to receive the blessing, thinking that there wasn't something such as free food.
"We don't care if you receive the blessing or not, but useless death is a bummer to watch." Nagant knew what those people were thinking.
The types of people who thought that they would be worked to death once they signed the 'enslavement contract'.
As if Kenjiki would ever care about their worthless life to go as far as to enslave them.
Meanwhile, those heroes realized something. All of the villains received such blessings, which increased their strength by leaps and bounds.
"It'd be better if you accept the power." Someone crept up beside Mount Lady, giving her the scare.
"HUH?!? Kamui?! How are you still alive?" Mount Lady bawled her eyes as she looked at the living Kamui Woods and towards the corpse that she had on her hands.
To which the corpse suddenly poofed and was replaced by a log.
Everything crumbled apart as the sadness of losing a friend was replaced by confusion and annoyance, realizing that all of her tears were for nothing.
"Why didn't you say anything!?" Mount Lady swatted her hands towards Kamui Woods out of annoyance.
"I wasn't trying to hide it I swear!! It was just my ability threw me really far away and it took me quite a while to get back." Kamui Woods evaded the swat easily as he tried everything he could to appease her.
However, no matter what Kamui Woods tried to do, nothing was successful as Mount Lady continued to swing her arms around, which destroyed the structures around them.
It was only after Nagant spoke through the microphone that she stopped.
"Just like before, the war starts anytime you like." Nagant reminded everyone about the rules, if everyone stood on the same ground, the fight would start.
Knowing about this tidbit, the few attentive ones have already begun moving and launched all kinds of explosions to the other side.
The most destructive bunches were the hundreds of Nomu that had been empowered by what they call the Moon Deity.
Bulldozing through every obstacle as they opened a path for the other small-time villains.
Of course, small-time villains compared to the likes of All For One.
To the average hero, these villains that numbered almost a thousand were a calamity one would despair if it befell them.
Thankfully, the hero side had a quite interesting person.
"UNITED SMASH!!" Star and Stripes stood at the front of all of the heroes, activating her quirk to the max as she morphed the whole sky into a perfect image of herself.
A gigantic arm made out of solely air collided with the ground, causing a massive explosion that shifted the world by a planck meter.
Anything that didn't instantly kill the Nomu was futile since these unfeeling masses of madness continued to charge forward without care.
"Young One, do not ever use that attack again if you see an ally nearby." All Might stood beside the culprit of the destruction.
"Understood, master." Star and Stripes saluted, deactivating her quirk and causing the air to dissolve.
The heroes took their time as the army of Nomu continued their march.
It was only after the Nomu was halfway from them that the heroes finally decided to start moving.
A man with red wings flew up to the sky, taking a good view of the marching Nomu.
"How long have they been making these guys?" Hawk looked at the unstoppable Nomus that bulldozed through everything.
Hawk remembered how strong was one of them, so he couldn't imagine how strong an army of those guys.
Aware of his lacking firepower, he then descended onto the ground to All Might's side.
"There's roughly 100 Nomus running towards us, and I'd like for you to defeat at least half of them." Hawk hovered above the ground and spoke to the man himself.
"Is that so? Can you point me in the direction with the most Nomu?" All Might was thankful for the intel and leaped into the sky the instant he was given a direction to go.
The ground cracked as soon as All Might's feet left the ground, creating a web-shaped crack.
That was while the culprit was gliding through the sky aiming his body towards the biggest Nomu, before then using his punch to propel his body downwards.
A human-shaped missile flew unnoticed until it was too late.
One of the Nomu died upon impact as its body caved into the ground from the sheer force generated by the collision between the two.
However, he didn't stop there as he continued moving to the next target, a Nomu with humongous metal pipes as limbs.
The metal pipes were bent backward as a trace of a pair of big feet appeared at the base of the destruction.
Unfortunately, that didn't directly kill the Nomu who was dazed and confused before the lights left its eyes.
In less than a minute, two Nomus have died with minimal effort.
"It feels as if I reverted back to my prime." All Might looked at his hands, feeling the supreme power coursing through his body.
Normally, that level of output would drain all of All Might's stamina in no time, rendering him useless for a bit.
Thanks to the blessing Kenjiki gave to him, his acute-chainsmoker-like stamina disappeared, allowing him to fight gleefully.
While he was busy feeling the newfound power coursing his body, the Nomus caught up to what happened to the ones who died and surrounded him in no time.
In the time that it took Nomu to react and surround him, he already clenched his fist and threw a punch onto the ground.
Wind gushed outwards as the area around him exploded.
The Nomus who couldn't even attack were flung away as they were being picked off one by one by All Might.
Heads splattered with a punch, limbs disappeared with a punch, torso decimated with a stomp.
Half of the Nomus died helplessly to the might of All Might.
"That guy is a beast." Heroes and Villains alike had that same thought of All Might.
They stopped whatever they were doing and watched All Might butchering something they deemed as overpowered.
"How are we even in the same league as him?" Best Jeanist watched as the number one hero in Japan demolished everything in his path.
"That's rank 1 for you." Aizawa sighed, watching as the Nomu continued to die.
All of the heroes knew their strength well, so they decided to leave the Nomus to All Might while they handled the villains.
This was why Best Jeanist and Aizawa formed a temporary team as their quirk matched pretty well.
Aizawa was responsible for depowering the villains while Best Jeanist restrained them.
Because of that, they had racked quite the number of villains defeated that continued to increase the more villains they caught off guard.
Not far away from them was a foreign hero from Egypt, Salaam, who overpowered his enemy with her strength while using his paper-thin quirk to avoid getting injured.
Unlike the heroes who used the advantages of their quirk, the villains relied too heavily on their overwhelming number and launched all of their quirks at the same time.
Of course, there's a few like Dabi who cut down tens of heroes with ease by drowning them in flames.
The better example was Tomura Shigaraki who lazily looked at the incoming heroes and took off his gloves.