Ch-9 Fuel

Noah moved using the Profound Floating Technique. His speed was extremely fast and silent. It would be hard for even an Overlord cultivator to notice him.

His goal was the location of the Purple Veined Divine Crystal deposit. He already knew the location with the help of the Origin Orb.

Noah moved over the location of the deposit and sank into the ground using his self-made, Earth burrowing technique. He sank into the ground until he reached the location of the deposit.

'A fifty kilograms of Purple Veined Divine Crystal will take a Sacred Ground five hundred years to gather. This amount can push me to the peak or even beyond the mortal realm of cultivation.' Noah thought.

Noah gave a mental prompt to the Origin Orb to scan all the scattered nuggets and then gave it another order.

"Although it will consume to do this at a large scale, but the profit is too much to consider it." Noah said .

A wave of spatial energy spread in the area of the deposit and all the nuggets of the fifty kilograms of Purple Veined Divine Crystal was sucked into his personal dimension.

Noah did not leave anything and directly prompted the Origin Orb to convert the fifty kilograms of Purple Veined Divine Crystal, into fuel for it.

Noah did not directly return to the Floating Cloud city but moved to another location. His destination this time was the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range. He wanted to obtain the dragon body of the Scarlet Dragon and the Fire Element seed of the Heretic God.

Even though the seed was not of much use without the immortal blood drop of the Heretic God, but it will be useful for Noah.

'Even if I won't be able to use the seed now, I will try it after my soul overcome the bottleneck.' Noah thought as he moved to the Scarlet Dragon Mountain Range at high speed.

It took Noah a short amount of time to arrive at the location. He sensed the location of the cave of the dragon.

The Scarlet Dragon was only at the Emperor Profound Beast, so he planned to finish it without any large movements.

Noah's body silently moved over the sleeping dragon. He aimed his finger at the head of the dragon, just as the dragon was about to wake up, sharp sword energy left his finger and penetrated the head of the dragon.

He moved the body to his personal dimension. He will deal with it later. As he moved ahead all the herbs were plucked clean and were directly converted into fuel.

Noah at the end of the cave and found the thing he was looking for. The appearance of the seeds is a very small and round bead, close to the size of a common marble. It was sparkling with the red color of the fire element.

He examined the bead with extreme detail. As the feared he can not directly integrate it with his body like the original inheritor, Yun Che.

When Noah conversed with the Origin Orb, it conveyed that the bead had some sort of intent sealed in it, and the aura that it was excluding was making it difficult to take control over it.

"Hmm, So this bead is the essence of the fire elemental law of the Heretic God. He sealed his intent in it so that only the inheritor can use it fully. The aura should be useful as it can influence the surroundings and make the Profound Beast powerful." Noah thought out loud.

He checked the effects of the aura of himself with the help of the Origin Orb. The result surprised him quite a bit.

"So this bead's aura can help in understanding the laws of the fire element. It will be useful for me. I should also search for other seeds." Noah was really amazed by these seeds.

Only existence above the 7 divine realms can fully understand and utilize the laws, and these seeds can bypass that. It was indeed an amazing thing.

Noah put this on the back of his mind for now. Understanding the Laws is not a matter of small time. He put the bead in a space ring. He will not take this thing in his personal dimension where his main body was hibernating.

Noah sat on the ground in the cave and prompted the Origin Orb to send the refined matter from the Scarlet Dragon. He felt the change in his physical body and cultivation. The effect of the Body Tempering was better than his Origin cultivation technique.

He focused on the changes in his physical body and blood as the essence blood of the scarlet dragon merged with him. His physical body was now a level stronger than compared to before. His cultivation went from the 2nd to the 3rd level of the Emperor Profound Realm.

Noah was silent even after the process was over, he sat there until it was late in the night.

'This type of Body Tempering and purification of the blood is now mixed with my Origin cultivation technique. Maybe I should visit the trial ground of the Dragon God. His things will be more beneficial for me.' Noah thought as he finally moved from the cave.

His Origin cultivation technique and his Divine Origin veins were of the same nature. They have the potential to incorporate everything in themselves as long as Noah understood them. This was his path, the origin of everything, the origin of every path.


He was not disturbed for the next few days and he only came to treat a few people in this small city. Noah spent the majority of time understanding the Fire elemental law and modify the nature of his Divine Origin veins to better suit fire elements. His Phoenix helped him with It.

It was only in the 2nd week that Xia Hongyi invited him to the main courtyard. He led Noah to the same bedroom where his wife was resting.

When they were settled in their seats and were having tea, Dongxue finally spoke.

"Medical sage, if I really start the treatment, how much will my husband will have to spend?" her question was about her worries about his husband.

"Wife, you...." Xia Hongyi wanted to say something, but he was not able to complete his sentence in front of his wife's gaze.

"Hmm. Such a deep relationship between a couple. Each caring about the other first." Noah said with a small laugh.

"Realistically speaking the demand of the resources will only grow in the future as we keep the treatment ongoing. It will depend on what was her cultivation before the accident. If it was below the Throne level but if higher then it will be quite difficult" Noah continued with the process of the treatment.

"I don't remember anything before the accident. We can't even estimate the cost of the treatment." Dongxue spoke.

"To be honest, if it was higher than the Throne level, then it is your blessing now to recover it. You both can focus on recovering her physical body to some extent for now." Noah said.

The couple looked better after hearing this. It was obvious that if Dongxue had a cultivation level above the Throne level then things will be easier for them.

After thinking merit of doing the treatment, the couple decided to go on with treatment. They were happy with things that were coming in the future.

But Noah dashed some of their happiness.

"Oh, and remember to not engage in any sexual activities during the treatment as it well imbalance her yin essence with your yang essence. You both had a child already so it is not very difficult to wait for some time before having another." Noah was spouting nonsense without any shame. He directly left after saying this.

It was obvious that he wanted to keep them apart from now on. He had his eyes set on Yue Wugou but wanted to take things slowly.


So Noah started the treatment the next day. He started with giving some pills infused with 'vital energy' from the Origin Orb. He kept this for a month.

When she was able to move with ease and recovered some of her physical strength. Noah moved next stage of treatment and directly into her body with acupuncture. He took full advantage of the situation as Xia Hongyi was out of the city to do business most of the time.

His drug on Xia Hongyi was working spectacularly as he now completely trusted Noah and he was not even present in the treatment after the first few times.

He also infused the body of Dongxue with energy that made her feel good when he touched her. He kept the treatment at once per week. From the infusion of energy via acupuncture to infusion from the fingers, Dongxue only slightly resisted. Things were going in the right direction for Noah.

When it was the 6th month of treatment Noah gave Xia Hongyi a chance to work with the Black Moon Merchant Guild so that he can collect herbs for the treatment. Thus his visits to home became less frequent. It was like this that a year went by as Noah came to the Blue Wind Nation.

Thus Noah became more daring with his approach to Dongxue and she was also more open to Noah by right now as her husband was not home. Noah only fed a small amount of vital energy and keep watch so that she does not recover her memory but keep on recovering her health.


During this year Noah did many other things. Like visiting his harem from time to time. He also increased the number at each visit. It was on one of these visits that he got to know that Princess Snow or Feng Xue was born and she immediately gained the favor of the Phoenix God.

The whole Imperial family was excited due to this, but Noah used the celebration time to steal some resources and add some beautiful women to his harem. Due to the action of some of the husbands, a few members of his harem went to Navy tide nation silently and Noah cleaned the treasure of those husbands in petty revenge.

'Things are quite good for now.' Noah thought after a small orgy in the Divine Phoenix Imperial palace.