Ch-13 Dragon God Legacy

Noah looked in front of him. There were two stone warriors in front of him.

With an appearance similar to normal humans with half draconic heads, but entirely made of stone that looked exceptionally firm. They looked ready to attack. Both of them had different weapons.

Noah looked at the stone warrior that was excluding aura similar to a peak Tyrant Profound Realm. He was a little surprised at their strength. The further you advance in cultivation the harder it is to jump realm and levels to defeat opponents.

The peak of Tyrant Realm was not a problem for Noah, but he decided to take it slow. His secondary goal was to temper his cultivation and techniques.

As two stone warriors charged toward Noah, he suppressed his combat strength and limited it to a level below 2 stone warriors. He only dodged the attacks of 2 stone warriors.

Noah thought it would be difficult for him, but it was going on smoothly for him. Even with all of the shackles on his abilities, the stone warriors did not pose any threat to him.

Noah felt there was not any benefit with continuing like this so he took offensive action. He sped toward one stone warrior and after dodging the incoming fist, Noah landed a normal-looking punch at the head of the stone warrior.

The normal-looking punch did not blasted the whole head, but the stone warrior now had had a hole in its head. The stone warrior crumbled after receiving the fatal damage.

Noah's punch had utilized the principle of force transfer from his previous life. The punch focused all the force on a single point using the vibration waves.

The second was also crumbled after Noah sent a single kick at its neck.

Without giving Noah any chance to rest, the next wave of 4 stone warriors came but this time they had the strength of the 1st level of the Sovereign Profound Realm.

Noah defeated them using only his physical body.

As the next wave of 8 stone warriors at the 2nd level of the Sovereign Profound Realm came. Noah started to use the martial arts moves that he made with references from his previous life. Noah took the chance to further improve them using the battles with stone warriors.

At the fifth wave of 64 warriors gave Noah no pressure so Noah did not defeat them easily but focused on his Profound veins. His Profound Veins became exceptionally mysterious after assimilating features of Divine Phoenix Profound Veins and countless variations of Profound veins from his harem members.

At this moment he was accepting a large amount of refined energy in his veins. His cultivation was increasing at a rapid pace. After finishing the 5th wave, Noah had a cultivation level of the 8th level of the Tyrant Realm.

The place rumbled before the arrival of the 6th wave, Noah assumed that it was related to his increase in cultivation level. He was right about that, all the stone warriors were now at the peak of Sovereign Realm.

Noah again focused on just dodging the attacks of 128 peak Monarch level opponents. The pressure of this fight gave Noah the condition to adapt to his level of strength.

After few hours of fighting the 6th wave gave Noah enough time to have perfect control over his strength. Then he began to take offensive measures against the stone warriors. At the same time, he began to assimilate a large amount of energy from the Origin Orb.

Noah felt his Body, Soul, and Profound energy becoming stronger. These were the results of his Origin cultivation technique that focused on strengthening every aspect.

As Noah kept on destroying the Stone warriors as his cultivation kept increasing. Noah stopped his progress at the peak of the Tyrant Profound Realm. After a few minutes, all the remaining stone warriors were crumbled into motes of light.

The area of Trial again rumbled, but this time the intensity was higher compared to the previous time.

Noah waited and watched as 7th wave of stone warriors materialized in front of him. The 256 stone warriors gave a terrifying aura. The aura was so strong that it made the Peak Sovereign aura look like a dwarf in front of a giant.

Noah guessed that the stone warriors were in the Divine Origin Realm, not Half Step Divine Origin Realm. Noah prepared to seriously fight this time.

A/N:- Yun Che had the combat strength of Half Step Divine Origin as a peak Overlord.

Noah suddenly had a fire surround him, his combat strength increased by a notch. Noah decided to use Phoenix fire with his understanding of the Fire elements, in his fighting moves, but he did not take out any weapon.

This time Noah directly attacked his opponent. His punches, elbows, knees, and kicks that were clad in the fire did not destroy the stone warriors in one hit but only dealt heavy damage to them. Noah kept going like this for a while and fought them with barely any advantage.

This type of fight gave Noah a chance to improve his fighting form and some martial techniques. Noah also realized some of his mistakes when he took some hits from the stone warriors.

'Looks like I will have to use some more powerful technique.' Noah thought as he already fought the 7th wave for a few hours.

Noah controlled his profound energy in a very skilled manner and sent this energy to his limb muscles. The profound energy enveloped his 4 limbs in a black sheen. His aura became more than double all of a sudden.

"Overdrive mode one." Noah shouted with a roar and dove in the stone warrior's formation. His every punched Noah directly tore off the parts of the stone warriors.

Noah fought like this for a whole day. When he had an advantage over the stone warriors, he took things slowly as it was the first time he was using this overdrive mode. So he turned it off and modified it in mid-fight.

He designed this technique recently after thinking about the secret technique of the Heretic God. This was his version of this type of technique. As his physical body was very powerful and the damage to it was repaired by energy from energy directed by the Origin Orb.

Noah took his time to perfect his technique without caring about energy expenditure. It was for times like these, that he reserved so much energy in Origin energy. He was creating a trump card for his fights against more powerful opponents.

Having such a controlled environment to fight and test techniques was not a very simple matter for Noah who did not have opponents to fight like this.

After spending 3 more days and spending a large amount of energy, Noah improved his technique. Now Noah tripled his combat strength instead of doubling it like a start and it now damage his body like the previous one.

Noah then simply finished them except for one stone warrior. He then took out a defensive Profound formation plate and placed it around himself. It covered him in a bubble of Profound energy.

Noah focused inside his body and repaired the damage. When he was in his fully ready. He looked at the remaining stone warrior that did not have any limbs intact and was hitting the energy bubble with its head.

Noah again shifted his attention to his body and focused on crossing to the next realm. His profound energy in Dantian grew denser. His body was nourished by special energy that had properties to temper his physical body. This Special energy was a mix of energies from Profound Beats and some rare herbs.

The Origin Orb emulated the effects of these things using fuel. He could directly ask the Origin Orb to temper his body, but this will take too much fuel as it did not have any template. It may increase his physical body to the next mega bottleneck, it may imbalance his cultivation and Soul, compared to physical properties.

This was the limit of Origin Orb. Maybe it will change when he will step into the Divine Realm.

Noah felt his profound energy becoming more subtle and deep as he crossed the realm.

After some consolidating, Noah was now in1st level of the Sovereign Profound Realm. His combat power was increased a few times.

Noah took away the Profound Formation device and blasted the pitiful stone warrior. The next wave of 512 stone warriors had a stronger aura.

Noah assumed that if the previous wave was at the 1st level of the Divine Origin Realm than this was at the 4th level.

'From early divine origin realm to mid divine origin realm. It will take more effort in finishing them off.' Noah thought. He controlled his profound energy and spread it over all of his body muscles and skin.

"Overdrive mode two." Noah said with a rumbling roar. this time Noah's whole body shone with a black sheen.

This time fight lasted for a whole week and in the end, Noah improved his 2nd mode to the level where his combat power was 5x. Noah also left one amputated stone warrior at the end and increased his cultivation to the 4th level of Monarch Realm.

In the 9th wave of 1024 stone warriors at the 7th level of Divine Origin Realm. Noah again changed his technique. This time the Profound seeped into his blood and bones in addition to muscles and skin.

"Overdrive mode three." Noah's whole body was covered in black fire. Waves of black fire leaked from his body. He did not have much control in this mode.

This time fight lasted for 2 weeks and again Noah improved his technique to a level where it provided him with 7 times more combat power. Noah felt that this mode had more potential but he did not have much control over it now.

Noah repeated the same process, but his cultivation was increased to the peak of the Sovereign Profound Realm. At this time he had a higher cultivation level compared to everyone in his Empire.

'Now it is the time to test the power of stone general.' Noah thought as he looked at the imposing figure in front of him.