Ch-26 Meeting

Noah floated high in the air above the massive continent. He observed it using his vast spiritual sense. He was truly astonished by the diversity that this continent has.

Elf clan, Demon beast clan, human clan, and clan that had a high affinity with specific weapon arts. It was truly a very diverse continent.

'The Yun clan is from the Northern Divine Region. Their 'Profound Handle' is said to originate from a True God in the Primordial Era. This is the God that was probably the one, who controlled the Mirror of Samsara. He might be one of the true players in the past.' Noah analyzed as he observed the Yun clan.

The demon clans were not that important, but their many types of them on this continent. Even among the 12 guardian families, there was some demon beasts clan.

'There are some rich Duke places and other powers that control some major regions. It's a truly messy structure. The character of the current Empress Huan Caiyi is also quite stubborn.' Noah analyzed over a day of observation.

Noah thought of taking over some family or creating a clan, but it was very time-consuming and he did not have any thought of participating in politics. After some thought, he decided that plan of directly contacting the little demon empress was the most rapid method.

With that decided, he directly flew towards the Demon Imperial City. He looked towards the imposing imperial palace.

Noah looked at the structure and found the location of the little demon empress. She looked like a 13-14-year-old girl. Her pitch-black hair went till her hips. Her features were among the most beautiful. She was crowned as the most beautiful woman of the Illusory Demon Realm continent.

'She is on par with Feng Meili(Dongxue) in beauty. She will become more beautiful if her body matures. There are too many Lolis in this novel story.' Noah thought.

Noah only looked for a few minutes, then announced his presence outside the room. He did not enter her cultivation room, there was no need to intrude in privacy.

Although he will help her, he needed her help so that he did not have to waste time going all over the continent to do some work.

Yes, he wanted a harem of all the various different races in this continent. He knew that despite not helping him much, his Origin path, which meant to encompass all paths, will benefit from collecting the essence of so many races.

Using the manpower of the Imperial palace will reduce his work by many factors.

He did have to wait for a long time as the little demon empress immediately sensed his presence. Her aura shoot out of her cultivation chamber and rushed toward the intruder, who was Noah. Noah just used his fine control over energy to compress and contain her aura near her body.

"Your majesty, please do not mistake my intrusion as an insult. I have no ill intention against you. I have come for a meeting and a deal.' Noah said in a polite tone.

The gate of the cultivation chamber flew open and the figure directed her stern gaze over Noah, who was in his Medical sage getup. He had a habit of hiding his identity over the years, despite not needing it.

She looked at Noah for a while, observing that she could not sense the other party's cultivation and the feat of overpowering her aura. She restrained some of her anger over the intrusion.

"Please follow me to a hall for the discussions." She said in a plain and cold tone.

"Your majesty is polite. It was my mistake to intrude like this. Please lead the way." Noah said. He was a little surprised by her rational decision. Any other ruler would have been exploded in anger if someone intruded so close to them in their own palace.

The duo walked for a while. Noah checked her body on the way. After some observation he knew many things, she was over 160 years old and her body was badly damaged.

She led Noah into a luxurious hall and sat over a large fancy chair and ordered some maid to serve tea. Noah signaled the maid to leave the room and Huan Caiyi told her to leave. After taking a sip of tea, Noah opened the conversation.

"As an apology for my previous behavior, I will tell something in advance to your majesty. I am not from this continent and my cultivation is above the peak Monarch level." Noah leaked some of his aurae to her as proof. He saw her body tensed up at that.

"As I said earlier, I have no ill intention of coming here. I wanted to do something here as I was traveling and found this place. When I observed the situation of this place, I assumed that there high chance that your majesty can come to some deal with me." Noah finished speaking after this.

Huan Caiyi looked very deep in thought after listening to Noah. The implications of what Noah told were quite heavy from a ruler's perspective. Noah also waited for her to come to some sort of decision.

"How much combat power do you have?" She asked.

"Haha! It's only natural for this question. Hmm, the Sovereign profound Realm is the peak of 9 mortal realms. After that, you become a Divine existence or a Divine Origin Realm. You can guess what is a difference of existence is like." Noah said with a humorous tone.

Huan Caiyi was again stunned by this revelation. She was in serious thought after this.

"Will your plan harm my empire in any way?" She asked directly. She was very worried at this point, but kept cool-headed thinking. This was her personality.

Noah again laughed a little.

"This is a very vague question. This depends on the plans of your majesty." Noah replied.


"I have noticed some sort of rebellious faction growing in this empire. If your majesty wanted me to deal with them, it will be harming the foundation of the empire." Noah said.

"I am also a doctor by profession. If your majesty wanted to heal herself, although it will very difficult, it will benefit the empire." Noah said another piece of shocking news. He paused to let her process it.

"I have passed the legacy trial of 2 primordial beasts and I wanted the Golden Crow for her trail, but I came to know that it was controlled by the imperial family. So I thought of making a deal with your majesty. Despite my combat power, there is no need to harm an empire that controls the whole continent." Noah said.

Huan Caiyi was very surprised by the last piece of information. Even her ever cold face showed a trace of astonishment. She looked deeply at Noah.

"Golden Crow is the royal bloodline, is there a way for you to....." She asked.

Noah understand what she wanted to say. He directly ignited the Phoenix flames over his hands.

"Anyone can gain bloodline after completing the trail. This is how your ancestor gained it. His is my Phoenix flames, which is somewhat similar to the Gloden Crow flames." Noah explained.

"I know your majesty's hesitation, but there is one more thing. After trial, you can gain bloodline power and corresponding profound art. Your majesty does not have the profound art to control the already very destructive golden crow flames. This is the main reason for the damage to your body from observation." Noah replied with some more information.

"How much can I advance with profound art and bloodline?" She asked without waiting.

"Hmm. Although I did not know the full condition of your majesty's condition. Although the profound art will surely help, the damage already accumulated will need some treatment to have the greatest increase in cultivation." Noah again said.

"I need the power to deal with problems." She said in a very firm tone after a long time of silence.

"Hmm, a trade needs both parties to put something. I can help your majesty to deal with rebels one time in favor of establishing my own clan or sect in the empire. I can also take your majesty with me to the trial thus having a chance to gain power that you desire." Noah proposed.

"The trial ground will only open after more than a decade. How will you enter?" She asked.

"Oh that! I heard the Golden Crow is rival with the Phoenix, so it will let me enter to ask about it." Noah said in full confidence.

Huan Caiyi was again amazed after hearing it.

"I will answer the decision after thinking about it for some time. You can rest in the Imperial Palace in the meantime." She said to Noah.

'Well, it is kind of a big deal for her.' Noah thought and nodded to her in affirmation.

Noah stayed in the imperial palace for 2 days. He went out to look at some secret arts of 12 guardian families. He looked at the imperial collection without anyone noticing.

In the remaining time, he just worked on fusing those profound arts with his own.

Huan Caiyi called him for a meeting at the end of 2nd day.

'Let's look at what did she decided. It will depend on her if I need to take over this empire or not.' Noah thought as he went to meet her.