Ch-42 Shocking Divine Tribulation

The Divine Tribulation Realm was also called the Divine Perishing Realm. Even when mot of the people only face one or two stages of tribulation lightning, almost 60% of them die.

The geniuses that have a high chance of achieving the Divine Master Realm in the future and become a true high level figure or the Realm king or the God emperor. These geniuses could face 4th stage of the Divine Tribulation Lightning.

Even the peak genius, with a peerless and naturally talented person, can achieve 5th stage of the Divine Tribulation Lightning.

But they are the cornerstone of a top High-ranked star realm or Royal ranked realms. From the various divine legacies, their elders or master has a special method to deal with the tribulation lightning.

Noah did not have the backing of such mighty figures, but his accumulation was better than any other in the whole Primal Chaos. He even has many trump cards that even the Gods or Devil of previous era would fear.

When crossing the Divine tribulation, the genius cultivator would have many sorts of protection from the elder, so it was very secretive affair.

So the scene that Noah caused was too abnormal to not notice. Although only a little time passed, since the beginning of his Divine Tribulation, many powerful figures were rushing towards his direction.

With powerful Profound Arks that could travel, hundred thousand kilometers in a blink of an eye, the travel to the mediocre Green Jade Star Realm was very fast, but still, it will take them a few hours.

But the closest Divine Master and Realm Kings were rushing to see the once in a lifetime event.

The appearance of tribulation cloud that covered more than the Divine Eastern Region and the repeated crashing down of purple lightning strikes were very eyes catching.

The Realm King of the Green Jade Realm was first one to appear on the scene, she was woman with beautiful appearance. She was known to have an ice cold face all the time, but right now her mouth was refusing to shut down.

But she was still aware that such thing will bring attention of many powerful people that she could not offend, so she used a device to record the whole scene from the distance.

Even as a Divine Sovereign Realm cultivator, she did not dare to get near the place where the heavenly lightning was crashing, she only recorded the scene from afar.

After her arrival some other cultivators also arrived.


Noah gave no attention to people coming here. He just looked at the tribulation clouds. The purple color of lightning changed into deep scarlet color.

The lightning region in the cloud looked like a sea of blood. The aura and supression force of the scarlet lightning region was tens of time more powerful than the purple lightning region.

The aura alone was enough to make cultivators feel that their end was near. Even the Divine Spirit and the Divine King Realm cultivators tremble out of fear.

The power accumulated in the scarlet lightning region was something that only a Divine Sovereign can face.

'Things are getting serious now.' Noah thought as he looked at the traces of the red lightning being collected and gathering.

One meter...ten meters....hundred meters...a thousand meters. The red lightning took shape of a thousand meter tall red sword light. The compressed red lightening energy gave out a terrifying aura.

Noah also took out a pitch black sword. He knew that the whirlpool was not enough to handle the red sword.

His pitch black swords was reforged sword, with main material being the devil sword of the Moon Slaughter Devil. The sword was a proper divine level weapon and a high ranked one.

Noah took a stance in the air, his black aura from the *Overdrive Mode 3* churned furiously. With a pitch black sword held by both of his hands, Noah lifted the sword above his head and accumulated sword energy inside.

When the thousand meter red sword light crashed down, Noah also slashed out a pitch black sword light. The black sword light went through the whirlpool and met the red lightning sword.

To the surprise of everyone watching, the red lightning swords was cut into two by the black sword light.

"Sword Style- Breaking Heaven." Noah said the name of the sword move after looking at the result.

The whirlpool took the broken sword light and converted it into energy. Due to the presence of heavenly lightning law in the lightning, Noah gained more than just simple energy from absorbing them.

The red lightning traces once again gathered in the red lightning region. The heavenly sword light grew larger than before.

From the first to the sixth stage, the power of lightning was double of the previous stage, but after the sixth stage, it grew more than that.

The sword went past the previous a thousand-meter mark and grew ten times larger. The terrifying ten-kilometer-long red heavenly sword fell from the red lightning region.

Noah once again roared, he burned the blood essence of both golden crow and fire phoenix, his all other boosting power. His black aura shone with a terrifying light.

He once again lifted the pitch-black sword and slashed out the same sword move.

The black sword light struggled to contend against the ten-kilometer-long sword light. It was barely able to defeat it.

Noah took the chance to collect the heavenly lighting. This strike move contained so much energy that it pushed his cultivation to increase in a small amount of time.

Actually, both the 7th and 8th stages of the heavenly contained more than enough energy to increase his cultivation at the Divine Spirit Realm, but he was also using it to learn lightning laws and tempers his body.

His cultivation reached the 2nd level and it was still increasing very rapidly, but when he looked at the clouds that were churning with purple and scarlet lightning energy.

The sound of rumbling and an invisible aura spread out from the tribulation clouds, made him recognize that it was out of his limit.

He knew that the last strike was a full-force that final attempt of the heavenly law to turn him into dust. He was self-aware of his own limits. He was different from the local main character, Yun Che. He did not take the shortcut of the 'lightning spirit body', but used this chance to understand the lightning laws himself.

It was his own power.

"But the Origin Orb is also my own power. This is the time to reap all the benefits." Noah said as he took towards the clouds where the terrifying storm was brewing.

The white lightning that could tear space fabric apart was about to descend on him.

'Origin Orb, it's your time to shine.' Noah said in his mind as he deployed his final trump card.

Just as the wisp of Origin Orb's aura seeped out, the rumbling of tribulation went silent. The heavenly that was behaving like it was on a mission to extinguish its greatest enemy, went silent.

The white lightning that could make the heart of a Divine Master Realm cultivator shiver with fright, (From the novel....the white lightning...scary scary) went silent.

The Origin Orb let out a humming sound and the tribulation clouds that were covering the whole Divine Regions in the darkness began to shrink at a speed higher than they expanded.

Noah's body entered the lightening region, he did not know what the Origin Orb was doing. It just replied with a feeling that 'collecting fuel'. So Noah took the chance to dive into the energy-filled lightning region.

His body was like a bottomless hole, all of his profound entrances were sucking lightning energy at high speed, his profound veins were working at max capacity to refine all the energy into his own.

His cultivation did not face any bottleneck. The energy was endless, even with his treasury emptying, head hurting energy demands, he did not face any problem.

He sat there in the lightning region that had tuned docile. He did not even know how much time passed, he just perfected all of his levels and advanced in the Divine Spirit Realm.

At some point in time, he felt massive energy spikes outside the region but he ignored them. He knew that big bosses were here. Meaning that hours have passed as he was sitting in the lightning energy.

He also looked at the condition of total lightning energy, but to surprise, more energy was being drawn into the tribulation clouds from the void.

After that, he just focused on increasing his cultivation as the Origin Orb finished its job.


While Noah was feeling the joy of cultivation increasing rapidly, the surroundings were not that calm.

The tribulation clouds shrunk back, but they still covered more than two-thirds of the Green Jade star realm. The red and purple lightning was still active, and they were radiating the aura of divine tribulation clouds.

There were many Profound warships that arrived far away in the space of the dead planet that Noah transcend his Heavenly Tribulation. They would have closed, but the invisible aura that was spread out from the White lightning, that made them shiver, made them refrain from investigating the identity of the cultivator.

As the hours passed by, the Profound Warships' number began to increase. Even the iconic Profound warships from the 4 Royal-ranked star realm also arrived.

The top High-ranked star realm also came to investigate. Some of the nearby Realm Kings also came to look.

The people asked about the situation and the Green Jade Realm King showed them the recording of the previous event.

Although the face was not clear, they all understood that the cultivator has passed through 8 stages of Divine Tribulation and then went inside the Tribulation clouds.

The series of actions looked hard to believe, the people already divided themselves according to their status and began to discuss the event.

A whole day passed like this, but there was no change in the tribulation clouds.

More people also came. The 4 God-Emperor were discussing the possibilities and repercussions of this event when they saw the Realm King of the Heavenly Mystery Realm with 3 elders arrive.

The Heavenly Mystery Star Realm was a high-ranked realm, but they were famous and respected for their deep understanding of Heavenly secrets.

The Eternal Heaven God Emperor was about to greet them when he saw their trembling bodies.

"Realm King Mu, what is happening here?" Eternal Heaven God Emperor asked with confusion.

"The...the Heavenly trembling." First spoke.

"It is the fury of Heavenly law." The second elder said.

" happened it seems like..." the Realm king was hesitating to finish his sentence.

"What does it seems like?" The Moon God-Emperor, Yue Wuya asked as he heard it.

"It seems like Heaven is blessing its favorite child." The Realm King finished with confused on his own conclusion.


Gimme Stones!

I will give you the chapters!

Bye Bye!