Black Witch

[Trinity's POV]

I removed my wet clothes and squeezed them dry before walking in my underwear to grab a towel. I first dried my hair and face before I was startled when a warm hand grabbed my shoulder.

By reflex, I pulled that hand and swiped his leg, and threw him on the ground. Those years of physical training when I was a vampire didn't go to waste. Though I had to admit that my mortal body was heavier and stiff compared to my vampire one.


My eyelids fluttered when I spotted Michael on the ground, groaning in pain. 

"What are you doing? How did you climb in here without making a single sound?"

Michael took to his feet and rubbed his sides. "I carried you while jumping on multiple branches, remember? I'm physically fit and capable."

He winked despite the crooked smile on his face.

There was another meaning to what he said, but I didn't have the time nor plan to flirt with him.