Xiao Chen, The Crown Prince Of The Ancient Kingdom Of Dragon

Half a year passed in the blink of an eye.

From time to time, magical power fluctuations and booming sounds would be heard from within the Heavenly Emperor Palace.

Everyone in the Jun family knew that Jun Xiaoyao had made another breakthrough.

At first, many disciples of the Jun family were amazed by the speed at which Jun Xiaoyao made breakthroughs.

By now, they were no longer surprised.

The members of the Jun family would've found it strange if such a rate of breakthrough didn't exist.

Bai Yu'er had been kneeling outside the Heavenly Emperor Palace for the past half a year.

She looked very pale and haggard. She had lost a lot of weight compared to half a year ago.

As she was a cultivator, she wouldn't starve to death even if she didn't eat for half a year. However, she would still be weak.

Now, she no longer acted like the princess of a kingdom.

She looked like a lowly slave who was begging Jun Xiaoyao to forgive her.

During that time, Jun Xiaoyao completely ignored her. Even when they ran into each other outside of the Heavenly Emperor Palace, Jun Xiaoyao never gave her a second glance as if she didn't exist.

Bai Yu'er only wore a self-deprecating smile.

She deserved what she got.

Inside the Heavenly Emperor Palace, Jun Xiaoyao was sitting cross-legged in his secret room, cultivating.

Accompanied by a loud rumble, Jun Xiaoyao's aura climbed to its peak and broke through once again.

"I've broken through to the Ninth Level of Divinity Stage," Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

Counting from the five stages of the Physique Stage to the five stages of the Divine Treasure Stage, the Nine Levels of the Spirit Sea Stage, and now the Nine Levels of the Divinity Stage.

Jun Xiaoyao, who was only eight years old, had broken through 28 cultivation stages in the past eight years.

This was absolutely terrifying.

Generally speaking, even some geniuses needed about 20 years to make so many breakthroughs.

It only took Jun Xiaoyao eight years.

"It's not enough. I need to break through to the True Spirit Stage at least by the time I turn ten," Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

He had a feeling that his Ten Years Old Banquet would not be so peaceful.

"By the way, I still have to take care of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix."

Jun Xiaoyao then sent a voice transmission to Jun Linglong.

Jun Linglong pushed the door open and entered moments later.

Jun Xiaoyao flipped his wrist and took out a precious herb that looked like a Qilin from his void ring.

It was the Immortality Herb of the Qilin.

If this stalk of Immortality Herb were to be placed in the outside world, it would trigger a storm of blood and be fought over by countless people.

"Sir Divine Child, are you…" Jun Linglong's eyes flickered.

Was Jun Xiaoyao finally going to start dealing with the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix?

"Linglong, make a trip to the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix on my behalf. Tell the king that if he is willing to submit to me, I will give him the Immortality Herb of the Qilin to save his life."

As Jun Xiaoyao spoke, he handed the Immortality Herb of the Qilin to Jun Linglong.

"I will. I'll go tell Bai Yu'er right away," Jun Linglong said.

Bai Yu'er had been kneeling outside of the Heavenly Emperor Palace for more than half a year. Even Jun Linglong saw her sincere remorse.

Jun Xiaoyao waved his hand and said, "Hold on. Don't tell Bai Yu'er just yet. Keep her kneeling. The Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix can't tell Bai Yu'er about the herb either."

He was prepared to have Bai Yu'er kneel before him for a full year.

Just when she was about to lose all hope, she would hear that her father was cured.

One could easily imagine how Bai Yu'er would feel then.

She would be absolutely loyal to Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao rubbed his chin and muttered to himself, "Why do I feel like I'm becoming more like a villain?"

Jun Linglong was smart enough to realize that.

She couldn't help but admire Jun Xiaoyao's methods even more.

It was difficult for a genius who had nothing but power to make it to the end.

Only geniuses who were both resourceful and capable were qualified to reach the top.

Afterward, Jun Linglong left the Heavenly Emperor Palace and summoned a guardian of her line, preparing to head to the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix.

The mystic guardian was an old woman. Seeing how Jun Linglong had been running around helping Jun Xiaoyao all these years, she couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

"Miss, is it really worth it for you to do this? The divine child might only treat you as a maid."

"Grandma Hua, please don't say such things in the future. Sir Divine Child's future achievements are unimaginable to you."

"I'd be satisfied with just being a maid," Jun Linglong said.

Grandma Hua sighed to herself.

She naturally didn't know that Jun Linglong had seen a glimpse of the future.

Being the maid of the future Heavenly Emperor didn't seem so bad after all…

Jun Linglong and Grandma Hua rushed to the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix without stopping to rest.

Meanwhile, in the Cang State, one of the 3000 mystical states in the Huangtian Mystic Realm…

The entire Cang State was adjacent to the Fire State, with a similar area.

The Ancient Kingdom of Dragon, a top-notch orthodoxy that ruled over the entire Blue State.

Unlike the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix, which was declining with each passing day, the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon was thriving. It was on the verge of becoming the leader of the four ancient kingdoms.

Meanwhile, in a grand hall within the royal palace of the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon…

A young man wearing a robe with four claws was kneeling on the ground.

He looked handsome and attractive. He was about 16 or 17 years old.

He had reached the Divinity Stage.

In the Clan of the Ancients, reaching the Divinity Stage at such a young age was considered a genius.

He was definitely a genius in the outside world.

He was Xiao Chen, the crown prince of the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon, Bai Yu'er's fiancé.

At that moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were bloodshot. He wore a furious expression as he cupped his hands and spoke to the figure shrouded in boundless magical light on the throne.

"Father, please bestow upon me a stalk of the Immortality Herb for the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix!"

On the throne, the king of the Kingdom of Dragon sat upright. As his powers vibrated, he seemed to vaguely condense into a dragon with an extremely majestic aura.

He said casually, "My son, the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon only has one stalk of Immortality Herb, and it was passed down from our ancestors. How could we give it to the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix?"

"Yu'er, on the other hand, is being humiliated on her knees in the Jun family. As her fiancé, how could I accept that?"

Xiao Chen was burning with rage. He clenched his fist so tightly that his nails pierced deep into his palm, bringing about a piercing pain.

The news of Bai Yu'er kneeling before the divine child's bedchambers spread like wildfire.

While many people were curious about the mysterious divine child of the Jun family, they were also laughing at the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon.

How humiliating was it for his fiancé to kneel before another man's bedchambers?

Not to mention that Bai Yu'er was his childhood friend. How could Xiao Chen possibly take this lying down?

"My son, you have to be patient. I have my own considerations regarding the matter regarding the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix," the king said calmly.

"What's so great about the divine child of the Jun family? He bullies people with his status and background!"

"How dare he insult a woman? Is he even human?" Xiao Chen berated Xiao Chen.

He didn't even think about what Bai Yu'er did wrong.

How could his fiancé do anything wrong? It had to be Jun Xiaoyao's fault.

"Shut up. Don't talk nonsense about this. You may leave. You have no right to criticize someone from the Jun family," the king said with a frown.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and walked out of the main hall.

"Just you wait. What's so great about the divine child of the Jun family? Once I master that move, I'll go to the Jun family to bring Yu'er back and teach that divine child a lesson."

Xiao Chen thought to himself as he stroked the Panlong Ring on his finger.

The Panlong Ring was something passed down to him by his deceased mother.

A few years ago, the Panlong Ring began transmitting powerful methods and pure powers to him.

That was why Xiao Chen was so talented.

"With the Panlong Ring left behind by my mother, I can even trample on the divine child of the Jun family in the future!"

Xiao Chen wore a cold expression and spoke with confidence.