Long Haotian's Trump Card. Sign Up to Seven Stars and Reward the Bones of Supremacy!

Jun Xiaoyao extended his hand and formed seals.

Behind him, a towering figure towered between heaven and earth like an emperor who ruled over the realm!

"That's the Jun Family's Divine Abhijna, the Seal of the Emperor!" an elder exclaimed.

As one of the Clans of the Ancients, the Jun family had been around for countless years. Their heritage was astounding. Naturally, they had access to all kinds of martial arts and secret arts.

Over the years, it was only natural that Jun Xiaoyao learned more than just the Torrent of the Weapons.

The Seal of the Emperor was a top-tier Abhijna that Jun Xiaoyao had trained in.

With his abnormal aptitude and comprehension, it was only natural for him to master it with ease. He succeeded very quickly.

At that moment, Jun Xiaoyao unleashed the Seal of the Emperor.

As soon as the seal was unleashed, heaven and earth were intimidated!

The phantom of the human king behind him seemed to have the power to suppress the sun and moon!

Carrying the Seal of the Emperor, Jun Xiaoyao attacked like a demigod. The Seal crushed the sky and overturned the sun and moon!

Long Haotian also unleashed the Dragon Fist. The glow of the fist illuminated the sky, accompanied by the phantom of a dragon.


The two attacks collided like two stars colliding or meteors destroying each other!

The void trembled as the magical power fluctuated in all directions like ripples!

Jun Zhantian saw this and extended his hand.

The surrounding void seemed to be confined, turning into a cage that isolated the fluctuations.

"No one among the elders of the Jun family is weak…" The elders of some forces were shocked.

Those who were above the Saint Stage were known as the Almighty Ones.

Generally, a force with a powerful cultivator in the Saint Stage could become a top force.

No one knew exactly how many elders the Jun family had. Even the Jun family themselves probably didn't know.

Over here, the violent fluctuations of magical power were restricted as they tumbled unceasingly in the void.

Everyone looked over.

"Cough… cough…"

The sound of someone coughing up blood was heard as a figure staggered backward. It was Long Haotian.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

The arm he used to deliver the punch was cracked and bleeding profusely. His entire arm was trembling.

Jun Xiaoyao almost crippled his arm in the collision just now.

Even if Long Haotian possessed the Dragon Essence, it was impossible for him to regrow his broken arm without stopping.

"Your strength…" Long Haotian gritted his teeth, his heart completely sinking.

He had completely underestimated the ten-year-old divine child of the Jun family.

Jun Xiaoyao was still forming hand seals with one hand while his other hand was behind his back.

His white robe was whiter than snow, and his temperament was extraordinary.

It was as if he was a true immortal who didn't fall to the mortal world. His aura was leisurely.

He didn't look like he had just experienced a great war at all. Instead, he looked very sacred.

"So handsome!" Jiang Luoli drooled at the sight.

In her eyes, Jun Xiaoyao was practically a deity.

She was not the only one. The eyes of many geniuses and princesses from various forces present flickered with extraordinary splendor.

He easily overpowered the Dragon Child of the Lair of Zulong.

How many people among the younger generation in the world could be so impressive?

Long Haotian's face had never looked so awful before.

The purpose of his visit this time was to crush Jun Xiaoyao beneath his feet so that he could display the might of the Lair of Zulong.

In the end, he was rendered useless after failing to show off.

"No way. No matter what, I can't lose today…" Long Haotian took a deep breath.

A terrifying force slowly emanated from his body.

As this power spread, Long Haotian's cultivation stage directly broke through from the True Spirit Stage to a new stage.

The Celestial Bridge Stage!

Cultivators who reached that stage would build a divine bridge within their bodies.

He wanted to connect his spirit sea to the divine palace in his mind.

He was obviously much stronger than True Spirit Stage cultivators.

"I wanted to build a solid foundation before making a breakthrough. It's all because of you, Jun Xiaoyao!" Long Haotian's aura skyrocketed. His expression was terrifying, and his eyes were as sharp as swords.

With the help of the Dragon Essence, he officially stepped into the Celestial Bridge Stage.

Originally, Long Haotian planned to return to the Lair of Zulong and peacefully make his breakthrough after this battle.

Now, however, he had made a breakthrough in advance because of Jun Xiaoyao.

If he didn't make a breakthrough, he wouldn't be able to defeat Jun Xiaoyao.

This way, Long Haotian's cultivation stage would become somewhat unstable, which would not be beneficial to his cultivation.

One could easily imagine how much Long Haotian hated Jun Xiaoyao right now.

Originally, he only wanted to suppress Jun Xiaoyao. Now, he even felt like killing Jun Xiaoyao.

"Sky Prison of the True Dragon!"

Long Haotian's aura was majestic like a dragon being freed from its shackles.

It was as if a blazing core had manifested within his body, exuding boundless power.

"It's the Dragon Essence. Long Haotian not only broke through to the Celestial Bridge Stage, but he also triggered the power of the Dragon Essence!"

"Not only that, but that move of his… could it be an attack technique derived from the Abhijna of the Veritable Dragon?!"

Feeling Long Haotian's imposing manner at that moment, many young geniuses from major forces shuddered.

If they were facing Long Haotian right now, they would've been crushed by his imposing manner alone, let alone fighting him.

"The Sky Prison of the Veritable Dragon is probably an offensive Abhijna derived from the Abhijna of the Veritable Dragon. It's terrifying…"

Not to mention the young geniuses, even some elders felt a chill run down their spines.

The Ultimate Abhijna of the Veritable Dragon was the supreme technique of the Lair of Zulong.

It was definitely one of the best Abhijnas in the Huangtian Mystic Realm!

Although what Long Haotian was currently using was not the true Abhijna of the Veritable Dragon, it was still a secondary Abhijna born from it. It was equally powerful.


The phantom of a true dragon wrapped around Long Haotian before rising into the air!

Its scales were thick and its horns were sharp. It raised its massive claws and crushed them at Jun Xiaoyao!

Wherever the dragon claw passed, space rippled.

He was too powerful!

The geniuses of some forces felt their teeth tremble as if a basin of cold water was poured over their heads and feet.

The Dragon Child of the Lair of Zulong, Long Haotian, seemed invincible at that moment!

"Divine Child!"

Jun Zhangjian and Jun Xuehuang looked nervous.

Long Haotian's attack made them feel threatened.

"Xiaoyao!" Jiang Luoli couldn't help but feel nervous.

Jiang Shengyi and Jiang Rou were equally worried.

Even Jun Zhantian, who knew Jun Xiaoyao's strength best, clenched his fist and was fully prepared.

If anything were to happen, he would attack right away.

The reputation of the Jun family wasn't as important as Jun Xiaoyao's life.

"Jun Xiaoyao, die!" Long Haotian's expression was ferocious as if he could already see Jun Xiaoyao's blood.

"Interesting," Jun Xiaoyao said with a plain expression.

His expression remained unchanged even when a mountain collapsed before him.

Just when he was about to activate the Sacred Body Vision to fight, the mechanical voice of the system rang out in his mind.

"Ding, it's time for the Ten Years Old Banquet. Do you wish to check-in?"

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flickered as a smile played at the corner of his mouth.

"I thought the system was malfunctioning, but it just so happened that I came at the right time."

'Check-in!' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

He wanted to see what kind of good stuff he could get this time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring a seven-star reward, Bones of Supremacy!"

As the system's voice fell, Jun Xiaoyao's chest suddenly glowed, emitting an earth-shattering and terrifying aura!