Ji Xuan's Plan

The news of Jun Wanjie's defeat spread throughout Nantian City.

The story of Jun Xiaoyao casually suppressing Sequence Five and making him submit was also widely spread.

Although this was considered an internal conflict within the Jun family, it was still possible to see how powerful Jun Xiaoyao was.

In the western area of Nantian City, a group of young geniuses was having a gathering in a splendid pavilion.

The group of young geniuses came from various orthodoxies and forces. None of them were weak.

Among them, however, there was a young man who sat in the middle. He was the center of attention.

The young man was dressed in a golden robe. He looked dashing, with skin as fair as jade.

The most noticeable thing about him was his right arm, which seemed to be glimmering with divine light.

Upon closer inspection, one would see many sacred runes branding his arm bone.

The young man was Ji Xuan, a renowned genius of the Ji family of the Clan of the Ancients.

At the banquet, a young genius said to Ji Xuan with a flattering smile, "Brother Ji Xuan will definitely win the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian this time."

"That's right. Brother Ji Xuan is known as the Little Saint and the Holy Child of the Shengling Academy. His status and position are not something that other geniuses can compare to."

Many young geniuses were sucking up to him.

Ji Xuan's status was enough for them to suck up to him.

That was because Ji Xuan was not only a genius of the Ji family of the Clan of the Ancients.

He was also a saint child of the Shengling Academy.

The Shengling Academy was an extremely prestigious academy in the Huangtian Mystic Realm that had been around for countless years.

The geniuses who graduated from the Academy were all over the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

Many families of the Ancients and the Everlasting Celestial Dynasty would even send their younger disciples to the Shengling Academy to cultivate.

Only the best disciples in the Shengling Academy could become the divine child.

The fact that Ji Xuan was able to obtain such an identity meant that his talents and strength far exceeded that of his peers.

Some geniuses' eyes also secretly fell on Ji Xuan's faintly glowing right arm.

Rumor had it that Ji Xuan's right arm was fused with the bone of a King of the Saints.

In the Saint Stage, the King of Saints was even more powerful than the saints.

A King of the Saints was capable of looking down on the world and dominating it.

Ji Xuan, on the other hand, had merged with a piece of the bone of the King of the Saints when he was only at the Unifying Stage.

One could easily imagine just how powerful he was.

Even with his current cultivation stage, he was still unable to unleash even ten to twenty percent of the power of the Hand Bone of the King of Saints.

Even so, it was enough for him to stand above his peers.

It was because of the bone of the King of the Saints that he was given the title of 'Little Saint'.

"Speaking of status, it does remind me of the divine child of the Jun family," a genius said.

With that said, the boisterous banquet fell into a rare silence.

A faintly oppressive atmosphere emerged.

Over the past few days in Nantian City, they naturally learned about Jun Wanjie and Jun Xiaoyao.

To these geniuses, Jun Wanjie and even Jun Zhangjian were existences they had to look up to.

Jun Xiaoyao, who could easily suppress Jun Wanjie, was like the sun and moon in the sky to them. They could only look at him from afar.

Some people looked at Ji Xuan.

They just said that Ji Xuan was of very high status, but compared to Jun Xiaoyao, it didn't seem like much.

Ji Xuan's expression didn't change much. He picked up a glass of wine and sipped it slowly, yet his eyes remained deep.

"The divine child of the Jun family…" Ji Xuan muttered to himself.

To be honest, Ji Xuan truly wanted to compete with Jun Xiaoyao when he learned that Jun Xiaoyao was in Nantian City.

It was all for the sake of his family.

To the Clan of the Ancients in the Huangtian Mystic Realm, there had always been a saying that there were three families.

The so-called three families referred to the Three Great Clans of the Ancients, which had the best reputation, the best heritage, and the most outstanding geniuses of the younger generation.

Among them, the geniuses of the younger generation were an important measure to measure the strength of the three families.

After all, only when the younger generation flourished could the entire Clan of the Ancients be passed down.

The Ji family used to be one of the three families of the Yu family. Now, it was the Jun family, the Jiang family, and the Ye family.

Needless to say, the Jun family had always produced geniuses. Jun Wuhui alone from the previous generation was enough to establish the position of one of the Jun family's three families.

There were also 10 sequences in the current generation, as well as Jun Xiaoyao, the freak of the Abhijnas.

The current generation of the Jiang family included Jiang Shengyi, Jiang Luoli, who had the Innate Energy Vessel, and several other top-notch Kingly Body geniuses.

As for the Ye family, Ye Xingyun, and the other members of the Kingly Body Stage, there was no need to elaborate further. Ye Guchen, the reincarnation of the Sword Demon, alone was enough to sustain the Ye family for tens of thousands of years.

That was why Ji Xuan felt rather indignant.

Was there no genius in the Ji family?

However, Ji Xuan was no fool. He knew that Jun Xiaoyao was not someone to be trifled with.

Despite that, he possessed the skeletal hand of the King of the Saints and was also a top-notch genius. It was impossible for him to fear Jun Xiaoyao so easily.

Some people sensed that Ji Xuan was not in a good mood, so they forced a smile and said, "Hehe, why are you bringing up the divine child of the Jun family? Is big brother Ji Xuan not better than the divine child of the Jun family?"

"That's right. Brother Ji Xuan is also someone who's better than the Jun Family's sequences," a young genius flattered.

They weren't lying.

Ji Xuan had indeed fought Jun Zhangjian before.

Back then, he took advantage of his slightly higher cultivation stage to win a few moves from Jun Zhangjian.

Although Ji Xuan was stronger now, other people couldn't stay where they were either.

"Jun Xiaoyao, if he doesn't provoke me on his own accord, there's no need for me to provoke him first. Besides, I found some secrets about Supreme Yuantian in a broken ancient book in the Shengling Academy, as well as that thing…"

Ji Xuan muttered to himself.

He was not here unprepared.

That was because he happened to find an ancient scroll in the Scripture Depository of the Shengling Academy. Not only was there a Supreme Token of Yuantian in it, but there was also an ancient rune.

The ancient texts vaguely recorded some of Supreme Yuantian's deeds and secrets.

The Supreme Treasure of Yuantian seemed to contain a rare item.

If he obtained it, he would be able to create an invincible young Supreme.

Ji Xuan was thrilled to have obtained this opportunity. He had been patiently waiting for the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian to come out.

Now, the time had finally arrived.

"As long as I can seize this opportunity, I, Ji Xuan, will soar into the sky and stand at the pinnacle of the younger generation in the Huangtian Mystic Realm."

"By that time, I will be able to wipe out all the young Supreme from the three families. Who will be able to stop me?"

Ji Xuan took a deep breath at the thought of what might happen in the future. His eyes glittered.

At the same time, a cloaked and hooded figure entered the gate of Nantian City.

He raised his head and revealed a handsome face. It was Xiao Chen!