Subduing The Nine-headed Lion, Making Ji Xuan The Treasure-sniffing Rat; Everything Is Under Control


The Nine-headed Lion let out a miserable shriek as four of its heads were cut off, leaving it severely injured.

At that moment, the remaining five heads all wore frightened expressions.

This human was too terrifying!

Had it not known that Jun Xiaoyao was the divine child of the Clan of the Ancients, the Nine-headed Lion would've thought that he was a primordial true dragon in human form.

Such terrifying physical power was even stronger than that of the far ancient creatures.

"Even if you have the Sacred Body of the Ancients, it is impossible for you to be so powerful!"

The Nine-headed Lion let out a furious roar while its body glowed with divine light.

Divine light lingered around the four severed heads as if new heads were about to grow out.

"The Nine-headed Lion Clan's vitality is simply too vigorous!"

Many human cultivators were amazed by the Nine-headed Lion's condition.

Even so, such methods were still insufficient before Jun Xiaoyao.

"Don't try to figure out what I can do with your limited imagination."

Jun Xiaoyao naturally wouldn't give the Nine-headed Lion a chance to recover. He attacked again without using any Abhijnas. He simply threw punches at it.

Every punch was so heavy that it broke the Nine-headed Lion's bones and muscles.

Such a violent fight left everyone stunned.

"As expected of the Sacred Body of the Ancients, an invincible being in close combat…" The elder of the Jiang family exclaimed in the void.

"Are you willing to be my mount now?" Jun Xiaoyao asked apathetically.

"Hmph, I am the descendant of the Nine-Spirit Dimensional Saint. Even if I were to die, I will never be humiliated like this!"

The remaining five heads of the Nine-headed Lion roared with determination.

"Oh? Is that so?" Jun Xiaoyao attacked again.

After a few breaths, the Nine-headed Lion only had four heads left.

"Don't even think about making me submit!" the Nine-headed Lion continued to yell.

Half an hour later, the Nine-headed Lion was left with three heads. It began to panic.

"Divine Child of the Jun family, let's fight again if you dare!" Fear flashed across the Nine-headed Lion's eyes as it put on a brave front.

After a few more breaths, it only had two heads left.

Although the Nine-headed Lion could regrow its head, it would be powerless if all nine of its heads were severed. Not even gods could save it.

In the end, the Nine-headed Lion cried out for mercy.

"Stop it, Divine Child. Don't cut off my head again. There's only one left. If you cut off my head again, I'll die!"

The Nine-headed Lion howled in pain as it lay on the ground, begging for mercy.

It was drenched in blood, with only its head left. It looked like it was about to cry.

The Nine-headed Lion was reduced to a one-headed lion by Jun Xiaoyao.

Many cultivators were rendered speechless by what they saw.

The Nine-headed Lion, who had a determined expression on its face moments ago, was now lying on the ground and wagging its tail like a fat orange cat begging for mercy. The contrast between the two was simply too great.

"Are you convinced now?"

Jun Xiaoyao stomped on the Nine-headed Lion's remaining head.

"I'm convinced, I'm convinced. Please don't kill me, Divine Child!" The Nine-headed Lion trembled in fear. It no longer had the dignity of a far ancient imperial family.

It knew that Jun Xiaoyao truly dared to kill it.

With the Jun family's background, even a Nine-Spirit Dimensional Saint would have a hard time taking revenge.

"Well, I guess you could just be my mount," Jun Xiaoyao said faintly.

The Nine-headed Lion was extremely powerful. The only reason it was in such a miserable state right now was because he was its opponent.

Any other genius would find it extremely difficult to bring the Nine-headed Lion to its knees.

"Yes…" The Nine-headed Lion lowered its head.

Many cultivators were shocked by what they saw.

He tore apart the Sky-devouring Swallow and subdued the Nine-headed Lion.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this was something difficult to accomplish.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, did it with ease.

Long Bichi took a deep breath, her chest heaving.

She finally understood why the grand patriarch had warned her.

"Long Haotian didn't die in vain…" Long Bichi's beautiful eyes were filled with extreme fear.

At the same time, she recalled the freak who was still in seclusion absorbing the Dragon Essence.

"I wonder if Long Aotian, who has absorbed seven pieces of Dragon Essence and has the Blood of the Emperor Dragon, could defeat the divine child of the Jun family?"

On the other side, Ji Xuan, Xiao Chen, and the others made Jun Xiaoyao even more dangerous.

At that moment, a vision appeared in the fissure in the ground once again. The grey fog rolled and the light surged.

"The Supreme Treasure is finally open!"

All the cultivators and creatures of the far ancient era became alert.

Jun Xiaoyao looked over. There was no check-in notification from the system in his mind.

'Looks like I have to go deep into the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian before I can check-in,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

"Let's go!"

Ji Xuan and the others' eyes glittered as they wrapped their powers around their bodies and rushed down.

The rest of the cultivators followed suit.

Long Bichi glanced at Jun Xiaoyao and eventually gave up on provoking him.

"I originally came here this time to deal with Jun Xiaoyao and raise the reputation of the Lair of Zulong. However, it seems that I have been too naive."

'I should focus on searching for the ancient dragon skeletons,' Long Bichi thought to herself.

Initially, her main objective was to cause trouble for Jun Xiaoyao. Her second priority was to find the ancient dragon skeletons.

Now, however, after witnessing Jun Xiaoyao's strength with her own eyes, Long Bichi naturally placed finding the ancient dragon skeletons as her top priority.

Seeing that Long Bichi had obediently entered the fissure in the ground, Jun Xiaoyao chuckled and said, "You're smart…"

"Let's go." Jun Xiaoyao waved his hand and rode the Nine-headed Lion into the fissure.

Jun Zhangjian, Jun Xuehuang, Jun Linglong, Jun Wanjie, and Jiang Shengyi followed closely behind.

As soon as they entered the fissure, a thick grey fog rolled over.

It was much thicker than the outside world.

Many cultivators who entered recklessly were quickly corrupted by the grey fog, losing their minds. Their eyes were bloodshot.

The grey fog was so thick that it couldn't even completely isolate magical power.


With a casual wave of his hand, Jun Xiaoyao killed several deranged cultivators in front of him.

Soon, he opened up a path and reached the bottom of the fissure.

Looking around, one could see a magnificent underground palace with a supreme aura emanating from within.

Jun Xiaoyao released his soul power and roughly scanned the place with his divine consciousness.

The entire underground palace seemed to be divided into two layers.

The outer layer should be accessible to most people, while the inner layer might require the Supreme Token of Yuantian.

'It looks like I'll have to go deep into the inner layer to check-in,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

At that moment, Ji Xuan was already dashing towards the underground palace. There was a hint of a smile on his face and excitement in his eyes.

"Huh? Is he…?" Jun Xiaoyao noticed Ji Xuan's expression and pondered.

Judging from Ji Xuan's expression, he seemed to know some secrets about the Supreme Treasure.

"Ji Xuan, I'll let you be my treasure-seeking rat." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

On the other side, he also noticed that Xiao Chen was charging toward another entrance of the underground palace.

Jun Xiaoyao knew that Xiao Chen was a man who was destined for greatness. He believed that Xiao Chen would be able to find something valuable in the treasure.

Jun Xiaoyao tilted his head and said, "Wanjie, I have something for you."

"Yes, please speak, young master," Jun Wanjie said with cupped hands.

Jun Xiaoyao sent a voice transmission. Jun Wanjie nodded and left in a flash.

"Heh… the entire Supreme Treasure of Yuantian is under my control."

Jun Xiaoyao had his hands behind his back, looking very confident.