Wu Mingyue's Help, Jun Xiaoyao's Trap

Xiao Chen's heart sank when he heard that voice. He turned around abruptly.

A beautiful woman wearing cyan armor appeared. She looked valiant and intimidating.

Two blue dragon horns grew on her head.

Who else could it be but Long Bichi?

"It's the one from the Lair of Zulong…" Xiao Chen's heart sank slightly.

He knew that Long Bichi was probably here for the dragon skeletons.

However, he didn't expect Long Bichi to be found so quickly.

Long Bichi held a blue bone in her hand.

It was by relying on this piece of bone that she was able to vaguely sense the location of the dragon skeletons and find them directly.

When she saw the five sets of dragon skeletons, especially the Supreme Skeleton of the Patriarchal Dragon, Long Bichi's eyes couldn't help but burn with excitement.

Even the Lair of Zulong didn't have many Supreme Skeleton Dragons.

"This is great. I can finally complete this mission." Long Bichi heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the matter of dealing with Jun Xiaoyao was put on hold, at least the mission was completed.

Long Bichi looked away and finally noticed Xiao Chen, who was standing by the dragon skeletons.

Seeing that it was a human, Long Bichi frowned and said in confusion, "I didn't expect a human to arrive before me. Since I'm in a good mood, you can get lost."

Long Bichi waved her hand and ignored Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen knitted his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Humph, this young lady is too domineering. Do you not respect me?"

"Who cares about you?" Long Bichi tilted her head slightly, her lips suddenly curling into a sarcastic smile.

"Do you think you're Jun Xiaoyao? I'm wary of Jun Xiaoyao, but why would I be wary of an ant like you?"

Anger surged in Xiao Chen's eyes when he heard Long Bichi's words.

"Jun Xiaoyao! Jun Xiaoyao! It's Jun Xiaoyao again! How am I inferior to him!?"

Long Bichi was slightly startled by Xiao Chen's sudden outburst. She didn't know why the human before her had suddenly gone crazy.

Xiao Chen took the initiative to attack. "What Dragoness? You have to lie down!"

"You despicable human brat, you're asking for it!" Long Bichi raised her eyebrows and attacked as well.

The two of them instantly collided, creating huge waves of magical power.

"Huh? Your cultivation level?" Long Bichi was slightly surprised.

She didn't expect the human boy before her to be at the middle stage of the Celestial Bridge Stage.

He was already considered a genius.

Even Long Bichi herself was only at the perfection stage of the Celestial Bridge Stage.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two's moves clashed. For a while, they were equally matched.

At that moment, Master Blue Dragon's voice rang out in Xiao Chen's mind. "Xiao Chen, there's no time to lose. We have to find a way to take the dragon skeletons away. Things will get bad if we attract others to come."

The Master Blue Dragon didn't attack because he couldn't.

With his cultivation of the Destined Supreme Primordial Spirit, he could be sensed by the elders of the Immortal Orthodoxies outside the Supreme Treasure as soon as he attacked.

As such, Xiao Chen could only rely on himself.

"Alright, let's finish this quickly!"

Xiao Chen made up his mind. He looked up at the sky and let out a long howl. Blue light surged all over his body.

Under Long Bichi's slightly shocked gaze, Xiao Chen's body was covered in blue scales. Wings grew on his back, and he transformed into a half-dragon as if he was a dragon.

Xiao Chen's aura also skyrocketed to the Unifying Stage.

"This… this is the Dragon Transformation Manual of Blue Sky of the Lair of Zulong. Where did you get it?" Long Bichi was slightly stunned, finding it hard to believe.

She never expected a human kid to be able to cultivate the Guide to Dragon Transformation in Blue Sky to such an extent.

"Humph, there's more to your surprise!"

Seeing Long Bichi's shocked expression, Xiao Chen felt rather pleased with himself.

As he threw a punch, a hundred rays of light emanated from his fist.

However, Long Bichi was obviously no pushover.

She had completely refined two pieces of Dragon Essence, making her even stronger than Long Haotian.

Long Bichi waved her hand like a dragon wagging its tail, creating a series of magical runes.

Xiao Chen's punches were also extremely powerful.

The two parties were in a deadlock.

"This slut sure is a hindrance…"

Xiao Chen's expression was as gloomy as water when he realized that he couldn't completely suppress Long Bichi.

Just when the situation reached a stalemate…

A beam of magical power suddenly shot over from nearby, cracking the ground along the way.

Sensing the sudden attack, Long Bichi was shocked. She quickly dodged to the side, but she was still grazed by it. She spat out a small mouthful of blood.

"Who is it?!" Long Bichi's eyes were burning with fury.

A beautiful woman with a white veil covering her face and clear eyes appeared.

"Mingyue, it's you! Why are you here?!" Xiao Chen was pleasantly surprised.

Xiao Chen never expected Wu Mingyue to show up.

"Xiao Chen, are you alright?" Wu Mingyue gave Xiao Chen a concerned look before turning to Long Bichi with a cold glare.

"Who are you?" Long Bichi looked wary.

She could tell that the veiled woman was extraordinary in both cultivation and background.

"Leave. The things here are not for you to get your hands on." Wu Mingyue's tone was cold, revealing the prestige of the Princess Royal of the Celestial Dynasty.

"How dare you interfere in the affairs of the Lair of Zulong?" Long Bichi's eyes were cold.

"The Lair of Zulong is indeed powerful, but so what?" Wu Mingyue wasn't afraid at all.

Xiao Chen was extremely touched to see Wu Mingyue going against the Lair of Zulong for his sake.

He swore that he would marry Wu Mingyue in the future and cherish her.

However, just when the air was thick with tension,

A cold voice was heard once again.

"Humph, the dragon skeletons are neither yours nor the Lair of Zulong's. They belong to the divine child."

The expressions of Long Bichi, Wu Mingyue, and Xiao Chen changed drastically upon hearing the voice.

A young man wearing silver armor appeared.

He had an upright face with criss-crossing scars. His temperament was as cold as ice, and his body was covered in lightning runes.

It was Jun Wanjie, the Sequence Five of the Jun family!

"Jun Wanjie, why are you here?!" Long Bichi's beautiful eyes were shocked.

"It's all thanks to that little white rat." Jun Wanjie looked at Xiao Chen with a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Previously, Jun Xiaoyao sent a voice transmission to Jun Wanjie, telling him to secretly follow Xiao Chen.

At first, Jun Wanjie was wondering what was the point of following an ordinary kid.

Now, however, Jun Wanjie was utterly convinced by Jun Xiaoyao after seeing the four sets of primeval dragon skeletons and the Supreme Skeleton of the Patriarchal Dragon.

'Could it be that the young master can predict the future? Otherwise, how would he know that this kid would have such an opportunity?' Jun Wanjie sighed to himself.

However, the most important thing for him right now was to seize the five dragon skeletons.

Xiao Chen's face turned red at the sight of Jun Wanjie. Blue veins were popping out of his temples, making him furious.

How could he not know that Jun Xiaoyao was plotting against him again?

Xiao Chen turned around and said to Wu Mingyue, "Mingyue, please help me suppress this man!"