Never Afraid Of Anyone In Background

This scene was not seen by the outside world.

One could easily imagine how many people would be left dumbfounded if news of this were to spread.

Wu Mingyue could be said to be the most prestigious group among the younger generation of the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

No matter where she went, she was always the center of attention.

A single sentence could wipe out a top-notch orthodoxy.

Now, the regal and aloof Princess of the Celestial Dynasty was kneeling before Jun Xiaoyao, coughing up blood.

This scene was simply unimaginable!

"Jun Xiaoyao!"

Wu Mingyue struggled and unleashed the power of her spirit sea, but she was held down by Jun Xiaoyao, unable to get up.

The phantom of the Golden Divine Elephant of the Ancients seemed capable of suppressing the universe and trampling the heavens beneath its feet!

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, stood within the phantom of the divine elephant with his hands behind his back, looking like a god who ruled over the world!

Wu Mingyue felt humiliated and desperate.

She never expected herself to be so humiliated.

"Wu Mingyue, don't use your status as the princess of the Celestial Dynasty to intimidate others."

"Other people might be wary of you, but for me, heh…"

Jun Xiaoyao didn't say anything else.

The word "heh" vividly expressed his disdainful attitude!

In terms of status and background, Jun Xiaoyao had never been weak before.

The Jun family of the Clan of the Ancients…

The Jiang family of the Clan of the Ancients…

The young masters of the two ancient families of the Great Wilderness were asking who else was there?!

Wu Mingyue bit her lip.

She never thought that Jun Xiaoyao would be so fearless towards the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

He didn't care that she was a peerless beauty.

To Jun Xiaoyao, Wu Mingyue was no different from a village girl in the mountains.

Wu Mingyue felt powerless at that thought.

She wasn't even qualified to negotiate terms with Jun Xiaoyao.

Wu Mingyue took a deep breath and tried her best to calm herself down. She said in a calm tone, "Jun Xiaoyao, just tell me what you want to do so that you can let Xiao Chen go."

"Oh, are you really going to protect him?" Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Although he looked surprised, he was sneering inside.

As expected, Wu Mingyue fell right into his trap.

"State your conditions," Wu Mingyue said coldly.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly and said, "To be honest, I'm a kind and generous person. I'm definitely not some devil. It's not impossible for me to let Xiao Chen go."

Wu Mingyue was slightly stunned upon hearing that.

Good character?

Being generous to others?

Xiao Chen was lying in a pool of blood, looking very miserable. Wu Mingyue gritted her teeth and wished she could bite Jun Xiaoyao!

"Just state your conditions. Why beat around the bush?" Wu Mingyue said coldly.

Jun Xiaoyao glanced at Wu Mingyue's petite body.

She wore a snow-white silk dress that accentuated her slim and curvy figure.

Unlike Jiang Luoli who had short legs and a flat body, Wu Mingyue's body was slender and her muscles were even.

Coupled with her fair complexion, she truly lived up to her status as a princess of the Divine Dynasty.

Jun Xiaoyao's gaze caused a layer of goosebumps to appear on Wu Mingyue's fair skin. She couldn't help but cover her chest with her arms as she frowned and said, "Jun Xiaoyao, don't go overboard with your conditions. I will never agree to it."

"Hehe, why are you princesses all so narcissistic?"

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head and said, "I'm lusting after your body? Do I need that?"

Bai Yu'er, the princess of the Ancient Kingdom of Phoenix, and the Princess of the Celestial Dynasty were all the same.

He was truly spoiled in the palace.

Hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, Wu Mingyue's expression became slightly unnatural.

With Jun Xiaoyao's appearance and status, even the geniuses of Immortal Orthodoxies would be willing to marry him.

"I only have one condition: open the Divine Palace and let me plant the Seal of Slavery," Jun Xiaoyao said apathetically.

It was almost impossible to plant the Seal of Slavery unless one was willing to do so.

Jun Xiaoyao's words made Wu Mingyue's body tremble as her face turned pale.

Seal of Slavery?

Wu Mingyue couldn't believe it.

Jun Xiaoyao wanted to enslave her?

"Jun Xiaoyao, aren't you going too far with your conditions?!" Wu Mingyue's face turned from white to blue. She was obviously furious.

She was the Princess of the Undying Celestial Dynasty after all. How could she be enslaved by others?

If news of this were to spread, it would become a huge scandal. The entire Panwu Celestial Dynasty would be humiliated.

"Do you think you're qualified to bargain with me?" Jun Xiaoyao raised his hand and slapped Xiao Chen again!

"Stop!" Wu Mingyue said with a trembling voice.

Jun Xiaoyao stopped what he was doing and looked at Wu Mingyue.

Wu Mingyue struggled in her heart. Then, as if she remembered something, her chest rose and fell as she said, "Alright, I agree."

Jun Xiaoyao's lips curled into a cold smirk as he said, "Wu Mingyue, if you dare to play any tricks, I will kill Xiao Chen right away."

How could he not tell that Wu Mingyue must have some tricks up her sleeve to agree so easily?

As a princess, she was sure that the Divine Palace of her mind would have something to protect it.

Jun Xiaoyao's words directly exposed Wu Mingyue's thoughts.

Her face was as pale as paper, and her eyes were trembling.

Jun Xiaoyao was simply a devil!

After an intense struggle, Wu Mingyue surrendered completely.

She couldn't just watch as Jun Xiaoyao killed Xiao Chen.

"Jun Xiaoyao, I can open the Divine Palace, but you must swear by your heart that you will spare Xiao Chen's life," Wu Mingyue said with determination.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled and said, "I, the Divine Child, swear upon my Dao heart that if I were to go back on my word, my Dao heart shall fall and the heavens shall fall upon me."

Swearing a dao heart was a very harsh vow.

There would be dire consequences if he were to go back on his word.

To Jun Xiaoyao, however, such a vow of the heart was nothing.

With the help of the system, he was destined to rise and dominate this era.

By then, even the heavens would be trampled beneath his feet.

What did he mean by 'both heaven and earth shall be destroyed'? What a joke!

Naturally, Wu Mingyue didn't know what Jun Xiaoyao was capable of. Seeing him swear an oath, she also opened the divine palace.

"Wow, she's truly devoted. I'm so touched by her devotion." Jun Xiaoyao sighed and planted the Seal of Slavery in Wu Mingyue's Divine Palace without hesitation.

At that point, Wu Mingyue became Jun Xiaoyao's slave.

"Jun Xiaoyao, you look like a deity, yet you have the heart of a devil." Wu Mingyue was so angry that her body was trembling.

"Mind your current status and attitude!" Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were cold as he slightly activated the slave seal.

Wu Mingyue's face was pale. Her head was aching so badly that she immediately knelt on the ground, her body trembling.

She felt utterly humiliated.

Jun Xiaoyao's expression remained calm. With a wave of his hand, he collected the five dragon skeletons.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at the unconscious Xiao Chen, then at the humiliated Wu Mingyue. An indescribable smile appeared on his face.

A new scheme had been laid out.

Wu Mingyue was at the center of this arrangement.

His target was the Panwu Celestial Dynasty!

"People always say that women in love have no brains. Wu Mingyue is such a typical example."

"You're willing to be my slave for an ant who's destined to die."

"However, this is good as well. This is to my liking. I can plan my next move against the Panwu Celestial Dynasty."

Jun Xiaoyao wore a smile on his face. Everything was under his control.

"By the way, it's time to harvest another leek. Ji Xuan…"