Five-star Reward: One Of The Five Great Divine Chants, The Sword Of The Emperor Of Yuanshi!

Five-star Reward: One Of The Five Great Divine Chants,

Jun Xiaoyao, Jun Zhangjian, Jun Wanjie, and Jiang Shengyi each took out a Supreme Token of Yuantian.

Such tokens could only be used separately, so Jun Xiaoyao couldn't bring Jun Linglong and the Nine-headed Lion in.

Soon, the void around them distorted as the four of them disappeared.

When Jun Xiaoyao opened his eyes again, they were already in the deepest part of the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian.

The surroundings were shrouded in a thick mist.

The place was extremely dark and gloomy, giving off a terrifying feeling.

It was as if everything around him had been corrupted.

"Is this the deepest part of the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian?"

Jun Xiaoyao stood with his hands behind his back in his immaculate white robe.

His entire body was enveloped in divine light that shimmered with golden light.

The Sacred Body of the Ancients was immune to all evil, so the grey fog didn't affect Jun Xiaoyao at all.

Countless natural dao patterns were branded into the void around Jiang Shengyi to help her resist the erosion of the grey fog.

The Innate Energy Vessel was also an extremely rare and powerful body type that was no weaker than the Sacred Body of the Ancients.

Jun Wanjie, on the other hand, was surrounded by electricity. The power of electricity was also effective against the grey fog.

Only Jun Zhangjian was unable to isolate himself from the grey fog despite having the Undying Sword Body. He could only use his powers to isolate himself.

Among the four of them, he was the most shabby one.

'Sigh… Being with the divine child and the others makes me feel so ordinary. It's so difficult…' Jun Zhangjian sighed to himself.

Jun Xiaoyao stood where he was as the mechanical voice of the system rang out in his head.

"Ding, you have arrived at the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian. Do you wish to check-in?"

Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly when he heard the system prompt.

As he expected, he could only activate the check-in reward when he reached the depths of the treasure.

"Check-in!" Jun Xiaoyao said to himself.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for acquiring a five-star reward, the Sword of the Emperor of Yuantian!"

As the system's voice fell, a series of complicated hand seals poured into Jun Xiaoyao's consciousness.

A dazzling divine chain seemed to be coalescing within his divine palace.

At the same time, Jun Xiaoyao felt as if he was seeing an illusion.

A towering golden figure stood between heaven and earth.

Between his eyebrows, it was as if the rules of cultivation were manifesting before transforming into a dazzling divine chain of order.

The Divine Chain of Order once again transformed into a golden shortsword that was about an inch long.

Although it looked small, it was enough to turn the world upside down and destroy everything!

The mountains, rivers, lakes, and oceans in front of him were instantly reduced to dust!

The power unleashed by the golden sword was no weaker than when the Eighteenth Ancestor used the Jun Family's Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer!

Five-star reward: Dao Sword of the Emperor of Yuan!

That was what Jun Xiaoyao got from checking in this time.

"The Sword of the Emperor of Yuantian is the ultimate technique that made Supreme Yuantian famous. It is one of the Five Great Divine Chants, which is as famous as the Sword Chant of the Jun Family."

Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

When the Eighteenth Ancestor imparted the Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer to him, he also mentioned the other four Divine Chants.

The Dao Sword of the Emperor of Yuan was one of them.

The Dao Sword of the Emperor of Yuan was not a real sword. It was a divine chain of order that possessed the power of the Dao Transformation. It was mysterious, unfathomable, and extremely powerful.

Many years ago, Supreme Yuantian was able to charge into the Lair of Zulong to seize the dragon skeletons and set foot on the Ten Thousand Phoenix Mountain to slay the Divine Phoenix. To a large extent, it was because of the Sword of the Emperor of Yuantian.

The Dao Sword of the Emperor of Yuantian became famous alongside Supreme Yuantian.

However, after Supreme Yuantian died, the Emperor of Yuantian's Path Sword was lost.

As such, it became a huge regret.

Many elders in the Mystic Realm were sighing at the fact that an invincible inheritance had been severed.

Unexpectedly, Jun Xiaoyao managed to get his hands on the lost inheritance.

'Five-star reward?' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

He wasn't disappointed at all.

After all, a five-star reward was not a low one. It was impossible to receive seven-star or even eight-star rewards every time.

Furthermore, the power of the Yuantian Dao Sword didn't disappoint Jun Xiaoyao.

He could restore the legacy that had been severed.

"Xiaoyao, what's wrong?"

Jiang Shengyi tilted her head and looked at Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao had been standing where he was from the very beginning as if he had lost his mind.

"Nothing." Jun Xiaoyao came to his senses.

Inside his divine palace lay a divine chain of order.

As long as it was nurtured in the future, it would become increasingly powerful.

"Huh?" Jiang Shengyi looked deeply at Jun Xiaoyao.

She had the Innate Energy Vessel, so she was very sensitive to all kinds of rules.

Just now, she seemed to have sensed that there seemed to be an extremely powerful charm in Jun Xiaoyao's glabella.

However, Jiang Shengyi didn't point it out.

Everyone had their own secrets.

'My nephew is becoming more mysterious…' Jiang Shengyi thought to herself.

At that moment, waves of magical power fluctuated from the depths of the darkness ahead, accompanied by a chill.

"Huh? It's Xuehuang. Something happened to her."

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flashed as he stepped into the air.

Jiang Shengyi and the other two followed closely behind.


A demonic corpse swatted at Jun Xuehuang, sending her staggering backward.

Blood was flowing from the corner of her mouth. Her aura was also very unstable.

"Damn it, do I really have to leave like this?" Jun Xuehuang's chest heaved as her expression turned solemn.

She wasn't afraid of dying here. After all, she had the Greater Teleportation Talisman on her.

If all else failed, she could just teleport away.

However, deep down, Jun Xuehuang had the pride of a sequence position holder in the Jun family.

She didn't want to give up until her life was in danger.

At that moment, more than a dozen demonic corpses surrounded and attacked at the same time.

Such an encirclement was not only limited to geniuses of the Unifying Stage and the Celestial Bridge Stage.

Even a Dao Integration Stage cultivator would probably be killed by the attack.

"I don't have a choice." Jun Xuehuang sighed with a tinge of pity.

She had no regrets since she was only doing something for Jun Xiaoyao.

After all, Jun Xiaoyao had protected her before Long Haotian.

Just when Jun Xuehuang was about to use the Greater Teleportation Talisman…

A giant golden runic hand abruptly pushed from afar.

It was like the hand of an ancient god, or a golden divine mill that crushed the heavens and the earth. Wherever it passed, the ruins collapsed and the earth cracked!


A violent collision erupted. A group of demonic corpses was sent flying as their bodies disintegrated.

"Divine Child!"

Jun Xuehuang's icy blue eyes were filled with joy.

She turned around and saw an ethereal figure dressed in white walking toward him.

Jun Zhangjian and the other two followed him.

Jun Xiaoyao glanced at Jun Xuehuang before walking up to her and gently saying, "I'm sorry for being late."

"Divine Child…" Jun Xuehuang's heart trembled slightly when she heard that voice.

Jun Xiaoyao treated his enemies coldly and mercilessly like a demon.

However, he took care of his family and did his best to protect them.

"Thank you for your concern, Divine Child. Xuehuang is fine. It's just a small injury." Jun Xuehuang smiled.

Jun Xiaoyao's apology and concern were more effective than any healing panacea. It warmed Jun Xuehuang's heart.

"Tell me what's going on," Jun Xiaoyao said.

At that moment, the demonic corpses that had yet to disintegrate charged forward once again. Jun Xiaoyao casually swatted them into pieces.

The golden magical power of the Sacred Body of the Ancients was incomparably sacred. It was also extremely resistant to this kind of demonic corpse, which was why it could be easily resolved.

"It's like this…" Jun Xuehuang also told him everything that happened.

Jun Xiaoyao laughed after hearing that.

However, that smile was devoid of warmth.

"Heh… you're threatening me. Since when did a mere chive learn how to threaten people?"