Wu Mingyue Returns to the Dynasty. Xiao Chen's Last Chance. Self-Refined Ancient Freak of the Lair of Zulong.

"What do you mean by those who stand at the very top? That Jun Xiaoyao is so vicious, scheming, and callous. Is he even worthy?"

Xiao Chen came all the way here and heard all kinds of rumors about Jun Xiaoyao. His face turned sullen and he couldn't help but curse.

On the other hand, Wu Mingyue remained silent as if she had something on her mind.

She gradually realized that Xiao Chen was not as perfect as she thought he was.

Xiao Chen's brutal attack against Jun Wanjie seemed to have made her see a stranger.

Xiao Chen's face was filled with resentment, but he was actually very jealous.

Of course, Wu Mingyue wouldn't distance herself from Xiao Chen for such reasons.

After all, Xiao Chen still had many strengths. He was determined and unyielding, and he treated her very well.

Xiao Chen noticed that Wu Mingyue seemed to have something on her mind. Thinking that she was worried about returning to the imperial court, he asked, "Mingyue, is there really no other way?"

Wu Mingyue shook her head and said, "I'm sure that the Dao Protector of mine has arrived."

As soon as she finished speaking, an old woman wearing a palace robe descended from the sky and landed before Wu Mingyue.

"Sage…" Xiao Chen's heart sank.

There was no doubt that she was a saint.

The old woman in palace robes bowed slightly when she saw Wu Mingyue and said, "Your Highness, I've been looking for you."

"Granny Gui, you came all the way here." Wu Mingyue sighed, not surprised at all.

"Your Royal Highness, we're done here. It's time to go back," Granny Gui said.

Wu Mingyue sneered and said, "Heh, what about when we get back? Do you want me to marry that arrogant man and become one of the many concubines of his?"

"That may not be the case. Only the best men are worthy of you, Princess."

"The Divine Dynasty will hold a grand banquet for you this time. They will invite all the young geniuses of the various forces in the Huangtian Mystic Realm to decide who will be the prince consort."

"By the way, I heard that the divine child of the Jun family is here as well. I wonder if the princess has anything to do with him. He might be a good choice," Granny Gui suggested with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Wu Mingyue's expression became slightly unnatural.

They had more than just crossed paths.

She had already become Jun Xiaoyao's maid.

Only Jun Xiaoyao and her knew about it.

Xiao Chen, on the other hand, exploded upon hearing that.

It was Granny Gui's fault for bringing up Jun Xiaoyao. Xiao Chen was the one who got the point.

"Humph, does Jun Xiaoyao deserve a finger from Mingyue?" Xiao Chen said coldly.

"Huh? Where did this brat come from? How dare he talk to me like that?" Granny Gui frowned and unleashed her sacred aura.

Xiao Chen was not someone like Jun Xiaoyao who could withstand the might of a saint.

He spat out a mouthful of blood and was sent flying.

Wu Mingyue's expression flickered as she shouted in a low voice, "Granny Gui, stop!"

"Princess, who is this kid?" Granny Gui asked.

"He is the crown prince of the Ancient Kingdom of Dragon," Wu Mingyue answered.

"Oh, so he's the prince of a small kingdom." Granny Gui wore a rather contemptuous expression.

As a pilgrim of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty, she was indeed qualified to look down on him.

"That old witch…" Xiao Chen rose to his feet and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. With a cold expression, he muttered to himself.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Chen. Are you alright?" Wu Mingyue asked.

Seeing this, Granny Gui said casually, "Your Royal Highness, please understand who you are. A prince of a small kingdom like him isn't worthy of being with you."

"At the very least, your husband would have to be a supreme genius with a powerful background like the divine child of the Jun family."

"That's enough, Granny Gui. I'll go back with you." Wu Mingyue made her stop talking.

She could already see Xiao Chen's sullen expression.

"Your Highness, please come with me," Granny Gui said to Wu Mingyue in a casual tone, not wanting to argue with such a petty man.

Wu Mingyue followed her.

Xiao Chen clenched his fist tightly and shouted coldly, "Don't look down on me! I will definitely step into the royal palace of the Divine Dynasty myself on the day that Mingyue chooses her husband!"

"Heh, you're such an overconfident worm." Granny Gui didn't think much of it and left with Wu Mingyue right away.

Wu Mingyue turned around and looked at him.

Despite Xiao Chen's determined expression, she couldn't bring herself to say the cruel truth.

If she were to tell him now that she had already become Jun Xiaoyao's female slave, he would probably think that she was just a nobody.

Xiao Chen would probably explode on the spot from anger, right?

'Sigh, I guess I'll just have to take things one step at a time and see if I can get Jun Xiaoyao to remove the Seal of Slavery in the future,' Wu Mingyue sighed to herself.

Xiao Chen watched as Wu Mingyue walked further away. He clenched his fist so hard that blood was dripping from the gaps between his fingers.

"Ancestor, what should we do now that we've lost the dragon skeletons?" Xiao Chen asked in his mind.

Without the dragon skeletons, his Dragon Transformation Manual of the Blue Sky would no longer be able to progress further, nor would his strength be able to improve.

When that time came, how would he be able to snatch the bride?

Was he going to take her head?

"The divine child of the Jun family is truly terrifying…" Master Blue Dragon sighed.

He had never seen a young man with such terrifying strength and shrewdness.

Xiao Chen, on the other hand, was far from impressive.

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and said, "I have to become stronger, grand patriarch. I have to marry Mingyue and become the prince consort of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty. Otherwise, I won't be able to deal with Jun Xiaoyao at all."

He was no fool.

He thought of a possible path to success.

"In that case, there is only one way left," Master Blue Dragon said with a sigh.

Xiao Chen's eyes lit up as he said eagerly, "Please speak, grand patriarch. I won't give up as long as there's a glimmer of hope!"

Master Blue Dragon suddenly asked, "Do you know where my Dragon Transformation Chant of the Blue Sky comes from?"

"Please enlighten me," Xiao Chen said.

"I accidentally entered a secret realm of the Lair of Zulong and obtained this method. It is very likely that an ancient freak from the Lair of Zulong is sealed within," Master Blue Dragon said.

"The Lair of Zulong? An ancient freak?" Xiao Chen was astonished.

There were indeed some geniuses who sealed themselves in the Source of Immortality and Divine Essence for various reasons in their own eras. They would only re-enter the world when they had a chance to prove their Dao in a certain era in the future.

Geniuses like them were known as ancient freaks. Every single one of them was extremely terrifying and could reign supreme in their era.

Those who sealed themselves for several eras were still alright, but they weren't that far off from the geniuses of the current era.

However, if dozens or even hundreds of ancient freaks sealed themselves, that would be terrifying. It was impossible to judge them by common sense.

"That ancient lair is extremely well-hidden. I don't think even the Lair of Zulong knows about it," Master Blue Dragon said.

"Then, grand patriarch, do you mean…" Xiao Chen said.

"The self-proclaimed ancient freak in the ancient lair must have an astonishing background. You might find the Supreme Blood of the Blue Dragon Clan among them."

"With the Blood of Supremacy, you still have a chance of mastering the Dragon Transformation Manual of Blue Sky," Master Blue Dragon explained.

"Alright, I'll visit that ancient lair from now on." Xiao Chen clenched his fist in excitement.

"Of course, you have to be careful. If you wake up that ancient freak, the entire Mystic Realm will be shaken."

"Perhaps no one among the younger generation of the Mystic Realm could defeat that ancient freak," Master Blue Dragon said with a solemn tone.

The birth of an ancient freak was no small matter.

It was very likely that they would overwhelm the geniuses of the current generation, making it impossible for anyone to compete with them.

Meanwhile, Xiao Chen didn't hear the warning.

All he wanted now was the Supreme Blood of the Blue Dragon. He wanted to become stronger so that he could go to the Panwu Celestial Dynasty to snatch the bride.

As for the consequences of waking up an ancient freak, what did that have to do with him?