Assassination Failed. Jun Family Arrives. Xiao Chen's Transformation.

"Hmph, aren't you being too naive to think that you can compete with me for a woman?" The Third Prince sneered.

Although he knew that the mysterious young master was extraordinary, he couldn't swallow his anger.

Furthermore, he was also a prince of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty. His status was not low either, so there was no need for him to fear the descendants of other undying forces.

Besides, the assassins of the Netherworld would never reveal who the buyer was, no matter what happened in the end.

Even if he were to fail, the Third Prince didn't have to worry about his identity being exposed.

Of course, the Third Prince naturally didn't know that Jun Xiaoyao had a method like the Divine Mill of Chaos.

"Failure is impossible. Not to mention the assassins we sent out, they are all one level higher than that person. There is even a Nirvana expert two levels higher."

The Third Prince wore a faint smile on his face, looking very confident.

At that moment, a hoarse voice was heard.

"The assassination attempt has failed. We of the Netherworld will not act for the time being."


The Third Prince's expression changed drastically upon hearing the voice transmission.

"What exactly happened, or did a guardian make a move?" the Third Prince asked.

The only thing he could think of was that a Dao Protector had intervened.

"No, they should check everything before taking action," the voice said.

"So, what you're saying is that a mere Unifying Stage cultivator killed both the Dao Integration Stage and the Nirvana Stage assassins of the Netherworld?" The Third Prince couldn't believe it.

"That's the truth. We've already alerted the enemy. We won't act for the time being, nor will we return the reward."

The voice then disappeared.

The Third Prince was left behind with a sullen expression.

"How could this be? Where did that man come from? Is he really that powerful?" The Third Prince refused to believe it.

He paid a hefty price, only to end up with such an outcome.

He even wondered if the Netherworld was playing him for a fool.

Despite being cold-blooded and brutal, an organization like the Netherworld was the most trustworthy.

Without credibility, no one would go to them.

The Third Prince's expression fluctuated as he felt uneasy.

It was as if he had just caused a massive disaster.

"Could that person be… No, that's impossible. How could it be such a coincidence?"

A name vaguely came to the Third Prince's mind, but he dismissed it instantly.

That name was simply too terrifying. If it were truly him, the Third Prince could hardly imagine what would happen to him.

"No, I must be overthinking things. Besides, even if the Assassin of the Netherworld were to die, he wouldn't reveal my identity."

The Third Prince comforted himself.

In an ancient and quiet courtyard in the royal capital…

Jun Xiaoyao was sitting cross-legged, refining the immortal source he obtained.

300 pieces of Immortal Sources were enough for Jun Xiaoyao to refine another batch of bones of the Great Luo.

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head and clicked his tongue. "That Third Prince sure is pitiful. He lost his woman and lost his Immortal Source. I even set him up once."

The Third Prince was such a miserable man.

Then again, Xiao Chen, Ji Xuan, the champion Hou Yangpan, and the rest of his enemies all seemed to be having a rough time as well.

'By the way, Xiao Chen should be arriving at the Divine Dynasty soon. I still want to see him fight with the champion Hou Yangpan,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

He also vaguely guessed that Xiao Chen's anger had yet to subside. His appearance this time might change drastically.

However, Jun Xiaoyao didn't care. No matter how much Xiao Chen changed, he couldn't catch up to him.

On the other hand, Jun Xiaoyao hoped that Xiao Chen would become more powerful. Otherwise, things would become less interesting.

"Now that the two pieces have been set up, the Panwu Celestial Dynasty won't be able withhold opening the Panwu Hill for me even if they don't want to. Next, I'll refine these immortal sources and wait for the banquet to begin."

Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself as he once again immersed himself in training.

As the days passed, it was getting closer to the day when Wu Mingyue would pick her husband.

Like rivers returning to the sea, various forces gathered in the royal capital of the Divine Dynasty.

In the sky, a group of ancient flying beasts were pulling a carriage that rumbled across the sky.

The Jun family's flag was planted on the carriage.

The commotion attracted the attention of countless people around.

"The Jun family of the Ancients is here!"

"The Jun family is here. Is the divine child among them?"

"The divine child of the Jun family subdued the Nine-headed Lion and used it as a mount. Why didn't I see him?"

"Is he really not here?"

Many people were surprised to see the Jun family's convoy.

Everyone knew that the divine child of the Jun family used the Nine-headed Lion to pull the carriage.

However, there was no sign of the Nine-headed Lion at the moment.

Jun Zhangjian and a few other sequences sat in the carriage and discussed.

"The divine child should have arrived at the imperial capital by now, right?" Jun Zhangjian asked.

"He should be here, but he probably has his own plans. There's no need for us to bother him," Jun Linglong said.

She was intelligent enough to know that Jun Xiaoyao had set off on his own in advance. There must have been some arrangement that prevented him from bringing them along.

"That's right. How could we understand what the divine child is thinking?" Jun Xuehuang said.

"Humph, that champion's words are truly infuriating. Who gave him the courage to provoke the young master?"

Lightning flickered in Jun Wanjie's eyes, making him sound very disdainful.

He admitted that the Marquis of the Champions was not weak, but it would be impossible for him to crush Jun Xiaoyao.

"He's just a clown. When the time comes, the divine child can easily suppress him," Jun Xuehuang said.

They were extremely confident in Jun Xiaoyao.

At the gate of the royal capital…

"Hold it right there. Why are you wrapped up so tightly? Take off your hood and let us check," the gate guard said to a black-robed figure.

They didn't dare to stop Jun Xiaoyao and the other extraordinary geniuses for inspection.

However, these common cultivators naturally couldn't evade the inspection.

The black-robed figure slowly removed his hood, revealing a handsome face.

It was Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen wore a determined expression on his face.

Even the guards at the gate were intimidated by Xiao Chen's imposing manner.

"Alright… alright, you can go in." The guard gulped and didn't dare to say anything else.

The aura that Xiao Chen vaguely exuded was almost on par with that of the geniuses of the immortal forces.

"Success or failure will be determined by this move!"

Xiao Chen clenched his fist.

His pupils seemed to have become as blue as the sky.

Under his skin, there were also faint blue dragon patterns flowing.

Xiao Chen's power had skyrocketed after being baptized by the Blood of Supremacy.

He immediately broke through to the perfection stage of the Unifying Stage.

Not only that, but his Dragon Transformation Manual of the Blue Sky was also completed with the help of the Blood of Supremacy.

The Great Accomplished Blue Sky Dragon Transformation Manual was a supreme method.

Aside from that, he also extracted the many martial arts techniques of the Sky Dragon lineage from the Blood of Supremacy.

It could be said that Xiao Chen was far more powerful than before!

Xiao Chen was also very confident in his abilities.

"This time, I will marry Mingyue and become the prince consort of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty!"

"I will crush both the champion and Jun Xiaoyao under my feet!"

"I, Xiao Chen, will be the ultimate winner!"