Gathering of Forces; Huang Xuanyi's Speculation; The Wang Family of the Northern Region

In Qin Xuan's eyes, Jun Xiaoyao was simply someone who only existed in legends.

Now, when Qin Xuan learned of the Mysterious young master's true identity, she was left stunned on the spot.

This was too surreal!

"Why are you just standing there?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"Greetings… Greetings, Sir Divine Child!" Qin Xuan stuttered as she bowed to Jun Xiaoyao.

"Alright, come on up," Jun Xiaoyao waved his hand and said.

He was used to such a respectful attitude.

Qin Xuan was both nervous and excited. Her pretty face was flushed as she leaped onto the Nine-headed Lion's back.

The Nine-headed Lion could be both big and small. It could easily carry 100 people.

Qin Xuan stood at the back and looked at Jun Xiaoyao with reverence and admiration in her eyes.

"Don't worry. Yang Pan will pay for what he did," Jun Xiaoyao said faintly.

He didn't want to take revenge for Qin Xuan. He simply wanted to harvest some of Yang Pan's crops.

However, in Qin Xuan's eyes, he was avenging her.

"Thank you, Sir Divine Child!" Qin Xuan's voice was trembling.

The others might not be able to deal with the champion.

However, Qin Xuan believed that Jun Xiaoyao could do it.

Around them, the cultivators who were attracted by the Nine-headed Lion widened their eyes and took a deep breath when they saw the extraordinary figure standing on the Nine-headed Lion.

"Is… is that the divine child of the Jun family?"

"That's right. He definitely has the ability to tame the Nine-headed Lion and make it his personal mount. On top of that, he has such a powerful aura. Aside from the divine child of the Jun family, there is no one else like him!"

"Gasp… Someone even said that the divine child of the Jun family is afraid of the champion marquis. Who would've thought that the divine child would be here already?"

"I'm afraid the divine child doesn't even care about the champion marquis."

Countless clamoring noises were heard from all directions.

Numerous curious, heated, admiring, and surprised gazes fell on Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head slightly.

Sometimes, being too famous was also a problem.

The Nine-headed Lion carried Jun Xiaoyao and Qin Xuan into the air.

Jun Xiaoyao gazed into the distance in the direction of the royal palace's Forbidden City.

Jun Xiaoyao put his hands behind his back and said, "The champion has been jumping around for so long. It's time to wake him up with a slap and make him realize what's happening."

The royal palace, the Forbidden City.

The forces from all over the world gathered in a bustling atmosphere.

From time to time, groups would arrive and take their seats.

At that moment, two phoenix cries rang out in the sky.

Two dazzling golden Phoenix Birds pulled two carriages across the void.

"That's… Wanhuang Spirit Mountain!" Many cultivators looked up.

As a top Far ancient royal family that was on par with the Lair of Zulong, the prestige and intimidation of the Wanhuang Spirit Mountain was in no way inferior to the former.

Two crimson rays shot out of the carriage. They were Huang Xuanyi and Feng Qingling.

Both of them had wings on their backs.

Feng Qingling had fair skin and bright red eyes. She wore a cold expression and didn't look very welcoming.

It was obvious that she was still brooding over what happened to the Immortal Jade Restaurant.

Such a miserable experience was like a nightmare to a noble lady like her.

On the other hand, Huang Xuanyi was dressed in a crimson robe. Wings adorned his shoulders.

He looked very handsome with a mysterious crimson mark between his eyebrows.

"It's Huang Xuanyi and Feng Qingling. Both of them are famous geniuses of the Wanhuang Spirit Mountain."

"However, I heard that Feng Qingling was taught a lesson by a mysterious genius in the Immortal Jade Inn."

A cultivator hurriedly warned, "Shh, be quiet. Don't let anyone hear you. Be careful not to get into trouble."

Provoking the Wanhuang Spirit Mountain would not end well for him.

Feng Qingling's face grew even more sullen at the whispers.

"Qingling, you shouldn't have gotten defeated so easily," said Huang Xuan.

"That guy's physical strength is even more terrifying than that of the Far ancient royal family," Feng Qingling said resentfully.

"Do you think it's the divine child of the Jun family who has the Sacred Body of the Ancients?" Huang Xuanyi guessed.

Aside from a few body types like the sacred body of the human race, Huang Xuanyi couldn't think of any body type that was more terrifying than the far ancient royal family.

"The divine child of the Jun family?" Feng Qingling shuddered.

She didn't think of it before because she heard that Jun Xiaoyao didn't come to the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

Besides, it couldn't be that every single person with a powerful body was Jun Xiaoyao, right?

However, Feng Qingling thought about it and felt that it was possible.

"Hehe, looks like it's about time," said Huang Xuan.

"If it really is him, then the divine child of the Jun family is even more terrifying than the rumors say." Feng Qingling was very wary.

When they first came out of the Wanhuang Spirit Mountain, they even said that Jun Xiaoyao would suffer if he underestimated them.

Now, Feng Qingling was the one who suffered the most.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with Jun Xiaoyao when the time comes," Huang Xuanyi said casually.

Golden flames burned faintly in his eyes.

As the top genius of the Wanhuang Spirit Mountain, when had he ever feared anyone?

"Xuan Yi, you have to get revenge for me," Feng Qingling gritted her teeth and said.

Her arm was still aching.

The two fell into the VIP area while chatting.

On the other side of the sky, a carriage arrived.

Many people were surprised to see the flag on the carriage.

"The Ye family of the Ancients is here."

Two figures flashed out of the carriage. They were Ye Xingyun and his old servant, Uncle Fu.

Uncle Fu looked at Ye Xingyun with a hint of gratification.

Ever since Ye Xingyun suffered a crushing defeat at Jun Xiaoyao's hands, Ye Xingyun, who returned to the Ye family, seemed to have become a completely different person.

He spent the entire day cultivating in seclusion.

Furthermore, his temperament was much steadier than before, washing away the arrogance and impulsiveness of that young man.

"Jun Xiaoyao, will you show up?" Ye Xingyun muttered to himself.

Shortly after Ye Xingyun and the others sat down.

On the other side, another flying ancient beast was seen pulling a chariot.

"That's the Wang family of the Northern Region!" Some people from major forces widened their eyes.

The Wang family of the Northern Region was located in the far north of the Huangtian Mystic Realm. It was a renowned Clan of the Ancients that occupied more than 30 mystical states.

He could be said to be one of the greatest overlords of the Northern Region.

"The Wang family of the Northern Region is here. Is the young emperor of the Wang family here to compete for the position of the prince consort?" Some cultivators looked over.

The most famous people in the Wang family of the Northern Region were none other than the young emperor of the Wang family, Wang Teng.

His father called him a man who looked like a great emperor.

Wang Teng rarely entered the world, spending most of his time in seclusion.

However, every time he entered the world, a group of geniuses would challenge him. In the end, none of them could even last one exchange with Wang Teng.

As such, Wang Teng's name began to resound throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

"Tsk tsk, it would be interesting if the young emperor of the Wang family is here."

"That's right. The divine child, the young emperor, and the grand duke… which one of them isn't brilliant?"

Many people were looking forward to the clash between the Jun Family's Divine Child, the Wang Family's Young Emperor, and the Panwu Celestial Dynasty's champion, Hou Yangpan.