A Palm Strike Descends from the Sky, Slapping the Champion Marquis. Jun Xiaoyao's Powerful Appearance

However, when his eyes fell on Jiang Luoli, his sullen expression eased a little, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

Yang Pan had the habit of opening a harem to collect beauties.

Jiang Luoli was petite and adorable. Anyone would've been impressed by her beauty at first glance.

He even felt like bullying her.

Feeling Yang Pan's dark gaze on her, Jiang Luoli's fair skin felt goosebumps, making her feel nauseous.

"What are you looking at, you big beetle!?" Jiang Luoli's eyes were filled with disgust.

Yang Pan didn't mind at all. Instead, he wore a faint smile and said, "The precious daughter of the Jiang family is indeed extraordinarily beautiful."

The desire in his heart began to rise.

If it weren't for the fact that he was here to fight for the position of the Emperor's son-in-law, Yang Pan would've subdued Jiang Luoli already.

As if sensing Yang Pan's intentions, Jiang Luoli's eyes widened, and her fair face turned red with anger.

"Disgusting beetle, die!"

Jiang Luoli didn't care and attacked right away.

She waved her hand and the Spirit Qi in the surroundings seemed to gather together, turning into a massive Spirit Qi palm print that pressed towards Yang Pan.

"As expected of the Vitality Spirit Vessel. With just a wave of its hand, it can stir up the forces of the world."

Many people were impressed.

Seeing this, Yang Pan's expression was very relaxed and casual. He raised his hand and stabbed out with the Divine Spear of Berserk Light. The terrifying spear light pierced through the sky and pierced towards the Spirit Qi palm print.

The attack exposed Yang Pan's cultivation.

They were both at the consummate level of the Unifying Stage.

The reason why so many geniuses were stuck at this stage wasn't because they couldn't break through.

The next stage of the Dao Integration Stage required him to find spiritual plants, immortal plants, and so on that would be compatible with him.

The cultivation speed and strength of the Celestial Seed of the Spirit Seed of different grades would be crucial for the future.

Some rare immortal seeds, such as the sapling of the World Tree, the Great Mist Purple Energy Seed, and so on, could bring about terrifying enhancements to geniuses.

As such, none of the geniuses would hastily break through to the Dao Integration Stage.


The spear light collided with the palm print of spiritual qi before penetrating it.

Jiang Luoli's Dimensional Spirit Vessel was not weak, but she was best at training and had no fighting experience.

On the other hand, Yang Pan was dressed in divine attire. His cultivation level was also at the top.

Therefore, it was obviously not an easy task for Jiang Luoli to deal with Yang Pan.

Yang Pan's eyes flickered as he continued to attack. The Spear of Mourning in his hand drew terrifying pitch-black spear rays.

Powerful move, Chaotic Dance of the Heavenly Demons!

The void seemed to be boiling. Spear light raged across the sky as it blasted towards Jiang Luoli.

A malicious thought grew in Yang Pan's mind.

Jiang Luoli was so adorable that she would probably cry for a long time after being punched.

Jiang Luoli also wore a serious expression.

She said that she wanted to teach Yang Pan a lesson on behalf of Jun Xiaoyao, but from the looks of things, Yang Pan's strength was not to be underestimated.

"This is too much." Jiang Shengyi frowned slightly.

Just when she was about to attack…

Suddenly, a massive golden palm print fell from the sky and crashed toward Yang Pan!

"Who is it?!"

Yang Pan's expression abruptly changed as his pupils rapidly contracted. A terrifying pressure poured down, pulverizing even the spear light he released.

Yang Pan was caught off guard and wasn't prepared to receive the strike. He could only defend himself with the Skylight Horned Divine Armor while raising his spear to block the attack.


The palm print that contained vast power directly smashed Yang Pan into the ground. Thick cracks spread across the ground.

The entire boisterous Forbidden City seemed to have frozen at that moment.

The faces of countless people froze.

The pompous and domineering champion was smashed into the ground.

The contrast was so huge that many people were unable to come to their senses for a long time.

At that moment, a calm and indifferent voice was heard.

"So, this is the so-called Marquis of the Champions? He's just a nobody."

Upon hearing this voice, everyone's eyes were turned to the sky.

A nine-headed lion that looked like it was made of gold appeared carrying two figures.

The white-robed figure standing in front of him, basking in the divine light, was transcendent and peerless. That apathetic and playful voice came from him.

"It's the divine child of the Jun family! He's finally here!"

The crowd was in an uproar!

Everyone had been anticipating how Jun Xiaoyao would respond ever since Yang Pan announced the challenge.

However, Jun Xiaoyao never responded.

This allowed some hostile forces to seize the opportunity to malign Jun Xiaoyao.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao had appeared.

He was as domineering as ever!

The previously arrogant Marquis of Champions emerged from the fissure in the ground with a dusty face.

He wasn't seriously injured, but he felt rather humiliated.

"Jun Xiaoyao, how dare you sneak attack me!" Yang Pan's expression was so cold that it was terrifying. He was utterly humiliated.

If he wasn't caught off guard, he wouldn't be in such a sorry state.

Jun Xiaoyao glanced at Yang Pan and said, "If You're just swatting a fly. Are you going to ask if a fly would agree to it first?"

His tone was filled with contempt.

This was not arrogance, but a natural sense of invincibility.

When Yang Pan heard that, his face turned green. As the Champion of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty, he had never been humiliated like this before.

On the other side, Jiang Luoli was stunned at first. Then, she let out a cry of joy and ran even faster than a rabbit. She flashed to Jun Xiaoyao's side and hung onto him like an octopus.

She looked like a cute accessory.

"Xiaoyao, I knew you would come!" Jiang Luoli's twinkling eyes curled into crescents.

"Get down," Jun Xiaoyao said helplessly.

"No, I haven't seen Brother Xiaoyao in two years, four months, sixteen days, and six hours," Jiang Luoli pouted and said, feeling a little wronged.

Jun Xiaoyao felt rather ashamed upon hearing that.

Why did it feel like Jiang Luoli had the potential to be sick?

"How am I supposed to stand up for you if you don't come down?" Jun Xiaoyao sighed.

"Oh, Xiaoyao, you have to crush that giant beetle." Jiang Luoli reluctantly let go of him.

Many young geniuses around Jun Xiaoyao were driven mad by jealousy at the sight of Jiang Luoli throwing herself at him.

The two of them were truly incomparable. It was infuriating to be compared.

Ye Xingyun's expression was extremely cold. Had his personality not changed, he probably would've challenged Jun Xiaoyao again by now.

Over at Wanhuang Spirit Mountain, Feng Qingling's pupils slightly constricted as she said, "So it really is him."

Now, Feng Qingling was completely certain that the mysterious genius who crushed her was Jun Xiaoyao.

"He is indeed very powerful. We can't underestimate him." Huang Xuanyi's expression turned solemn.

The arrogant young man from the Wang family of the Northern Region sized up Jun Xiaoyao and shook his head slightly. "Not bad, but not as good as you, brother."

In his eyes, the divine child of the Jun family was inferior to the young emperor of the Wang family.

When Xiao Chen saw Jun Xiaoyao appear in a corner, he couldn't help but burst into murderous intent.

However, he managed to endure it.

He knew that now was not the time.

Only when he truly became the prince consort of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty would he be qualified to fight Jun Xiaoyao.