Jun Xiaoyao's Coercion, Wu Mingyue's Severance, and Xiao Chen's Completely Mad

The Panwu Hill was the oldest and most mysterious place in the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

Rumor had it that there was an existence related to Emperor Panwu.

The Panwu Hill was also the core mystic area of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty. Generally speaking, even the princes and princesses of the royal families could hardly enter it once.

Now, the Panwu Celestial Lord actually said that Jun Xiaoyao would be able to enter the Panwu Hill once he became the prince consort.

He was definitely going all out.

Even Jun Xiaoyao was surprised.

Lord Pan was truly generous.

When that time came, Jun Xiaoyao could simply take something out of the Panwu Hill. That item would most likely be priceless.

Of course, Jun Xiaoyao came to the Panwu Celestial Dynasty for the sake of the Panwu Hill.

On one hand, it was to check-in, and on the other hand, it was to awaken the next vision of the sacred body.

No matter what, Jun Xiaoyao had to get his hands on the Panwu Hill.

However, the Panwu Celestial Lord wanted to use this opportunity to tie Jun Xiaoyao and the Panwu Celestial Dynasty together. That would be wishful thinking.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't say much. He simply said, "Then, can you let me enter the Panwu Hill?"

"Jun Xiaoyao, did you agree?" Lord Panwu smiled faintly.

"Let me enter the Panwu Hill first," Jun Xiaoyao said calmly.

Even when facing the Master of the Divine Dynasty, his expression remained unchanged.

The divine child of the Jun family was a perfect match for the crown princess of the Divine Dynasty.

Lord Panwu wanted Jun Xiaoyao and Wu Mingyue to be married right away.

That way, everything would be settled.

Wu Mingyue's face turned pale upon hearing that.

At that moment, someone shouted, "No! Mingyue, you can't agree to this!"

Xiao Chen was the one who spoke.

His eyes were bloodshot.

If Wu Mingyue were to end up being together with his enemy from the Blood Sea, Xiao Chen would be driven mad.

Not only was he cheated on, but it was also with his enemy.

It was simply double happiness… no, double pain.

"Xiao Chen, I…" Wu Mingyue bit her lip with a complicated look in her eyes.

She knew deep down that Xiao Chen was just fantasizing about being with her.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flickered. A hint of playfulness appeared on his face as he sent a telepathic message to Wu Mingyue.

However, Wu Mingyue, who heard Jun Xiaoyao's rumors, suddenly wore a cold and angry expression.

That was because Jun Xiaoyao wanted her to completely cut off Xiao Chen's delusions.

If she didn't do as he said, Jun Xiaoyao would directly expose her identity as a female slave.

"Jun Xiaoyao, aren't you being too much of a bastard?!" Wu Mingyue said coldly.

"Heh, I'm doing this for Xiao Chen's sake. After all, it's not good to keep him hanging around all day, is it?"

"Why don't we just make him give up all hope and let go of everything?"

Jun Xiaoyao sent a telepathic message with a smirk on his face.

Of course, Jun Xiaoyao's real goal was to see what other opportunities Xiao Chen had.

Wu Mingyue's beautiful eyes showed signs of struggle.

If she didn't say anything, her identity as a female slave would be exposed.

"Three… two…" Jun Xiaoyao's expression remained calm as he began counting down.

Wu Mingyue took a deep breath as her chest rose and fell.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Chen. Things between us are never going to work out. Just end it like this and forget about me."

Wu Mingyue's hands trembled slightly as she spoke.

Xiao Chen was left dumbfounded by what he heard.

"Mingyue… what did you just say?" Xiao Chen couldn't believe his ears.

Wu Mingyue was the woman he was in love with!

Although they had never been intimate with each other, Xiao Chen already saw her as his woman.

Now, Wu Mingyue actually said such heartless words.

How could she just forget him like that?

Xiao Chen couldn't believe it. His eyes were bloodshot as he shook his head frantically. He gritted his teeth and said, "Is it because of the pressure from the Panwu Celestial Dynasty? Mingyue, this is definitely not what you meant!"

Wu Mingyue bit her lip, feeling very uncomfortable.

"Continue…" Jun Xiaoyao sent a faint voice transmission.

Wu Mingyue wore a reluctant expression, but she still spoke.

"Xiao Chen, you and I are truly from two different worlds. It's over."

Xiao Chen stood rooted to the ground like a statue.

At that moment, Wu Mingyue reminded him of Bai Yu'er.

They were both so cold, heartless, and selfish.

Then, he looked at Jun Xiaoyao and felt his anger surge to his head.

"I get it now. It's because of Jun Xiaoyao. You still think he's better, don't you?!" Xiao Chen shouted furiously, feeling as if his temples were about to explode.

Wu Mingyue must have fallen for Jun Xiaoyao after witnessing his remarkable performance.

That was why she rejected him.

That was what Xiao Chen was thinking right now.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't compare to Jun Xiaoyao!

"Wu Mingyue, you bitch. I've been nothing but sincere to you. That's how you treat me. What's the difference between you and my unfaithful fiancé, Bai Yu'er?"

Xiao Chen went completely insane. Every single blood vessel in his body seemed to be twitching.

His fiancé was gone.

His father was killed.

The Ancient Kingdom of Dragon was destroyed.

Now, even his last hope, Wu Mingyue, had abandoned him.

His dream of becoming the prince consort was shattered.

Revenge was even more out of reach. The gap between him and Jun Xiaoyao would only grow larger.

This was insane!

Xiao Chen went completely crazy!

"How dare you!"

Upon seeing Xiao Chen berating Wu Mingyue for being such a bitch on the stage, the face of Emperor Panwu of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty sank as he waved his hand.


Xiao Chen was sent flying with blood spewing from his mouth before crashing heavily onto the ground.

If it weren't for the fact that Master Blue Dragon had secretly shielded Xiao Chen's internal organs with the power of his divine soul, Xiao Chen would've died right away.

However, Xiao Chen was still laughing maniacally.

"Haha, everyone betrayed me and left me. Haha!"

Xiao Chen's clothes were in tatters, and his face was covered in dirt and blood. He was laughing maniacally.

"It's not like that. I was forced…" Wu Mingyue was crying quietly, feeling very distressed.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, watched the scene unfold with indifference.

He was never a saint, nor did he consider himself to be righteous.

Sometimes, he might be kind enough to help Qin Xuan and abuse Yang Pan.

However, if one were to become Jun Xiaoyao's enemy, they would have to be prepared to be played to death.

"Xiao Chen… Sigh…" Master Blue Dragon was rendered completely speechless.

Xiao Chen was truly miserable. Even with his help, things were still the same.

"No… I haven't lost yet. I still have one last chance…"

Xiao Chen came to his senses with a hint of madness in his eyes.

"The ancient freak in the Lair of the Ancients told me that as long as I could find 99 male children and 99 female Children's blood to help her break the seal, she could grant me a wish!"

Xiao Chen's face twisted in an unprecedented frenzy at the thought of this.

Previously, he thought that such things were utterly heartless.

Now, however, nothing else mattered.

As long as he could kill Jun Xiaoyao. Even if Xiao Chen turned into a devil, he would be fine.

Xiao Chen staggered out of the Forbidden City, looking like a devil from hell.

Wu Mingyue watched Xiao Chen leave, but she couldn't make him stay.

She glared at Jun Xiaoyao with icy eyes and berated him through telepathy.

"Jun Xiaoyao, you're a man-eating devil!"

"Oh, is that so? Then how do you know that Xiao Chen, whom you like, isn't a devil?" Jun Xiaoyao wore a playful smile.

Wu Mingyue said with certainty, "That's impossible. He's so determined. Even if he encounters another setback, he'll get excited and won't do anything that goes against the rules."

That was why she liked Xiao Chen.

She appreciated Xiao Chen's character.

"Heh… the human heart can change." Jun Xiaoyao chuckled.