Jun Xiaoyao Shocks The World Again; His Bet With Wu Mingyue

After the banquet of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty ended.

News of what happened spread throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm.

Jun Xiaoyao once again became the object of many people's astonishment.

The last time he caused such a commotion was when he was fighting against the Supreme Devil Corpse in the Supreme Treasure of Yuantian.

This time, however, it was even more sensational.

That was because Jun Xiaoyao had just humiliated a Immortal Dynasty!

Of course, some men also felt sorry for Wu Mingyue.

She was such a beautiful woman, yet she ended up losing her chance to pick a husband.

Jun Xiaoyao, who was supposed to be the prince consort, didn't like Wu Mingyue at all.

This made many male cultivators furious. How could the difference between people be so great?

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, didn't care about the unattainable goddess that they could only dream of. He couldn't be bothered with her.

After the banquet ended, the various forces left. Jiang Luoli and the others also left reluctantly.

Jiang Luoli grew to like and admire Jun Xiaoyao even more after what happened.

At the very least, Jun Xiaoyao was not the kind of man who would take in all women.

Jun Xiaoyao felt very helpless as well. He just didn't want to marry his female slave.

How did he suddenly become the best man in the eyes of other women?

These women were so imaginative.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't leave immediately afterward. Instead, he stayed in the imperial capital for a few days.

The reason why he stayed was naturally because he still had something to do.

It was late at night in the forbidden city of the royal palace.

A figure dressed in white quietly arrived at a side hall. It was Jun Xiaoyao.

A young maid was napping at the door. It was Wu Mingyue's personal maid, Xi'er.

Xi'er was still feeling rather groggy when she suddenly saw a figure dressed in extraordinary white slowly walking toward her under the moon. She was momentarily confused.

"Is he an immortal?" Xi'er mumbled.

She thought she was dreaming.

"Wu Mingyue is in there, right?" Jun Xiaoyao said faintly.

"It's… it's the divine child of the Jun family!" Xi'er came to her senses and widened her eyes in excitement.

She nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and said, "Her Highness is here."

"Alright." Jun Xiaoyao pushed the door open and entered.

Xi'er put her hands together, looking very drunk.

"I can't believe Xi'er is having a conversation with the divine child of the Jun family. My goodness, the divine child looks even more perfect from a close distance. He looks like a deity who is banished by the moon…"

Xi'er was still mesmerized by Jun Xiaoyao's charm, unable to extricate himself.

Inside the hall, in front of a dressing table.

Wu Mingyue's beautiful face was haggard as she looked at the bronze mirror in front of her, feeling very hurt.

What happened recently was extremely brutal for a woman like her.

He was forced to cut off all ties with Xiao Chen and was publicly shunned by Jun Xiaoyao.

She was the Royal Princess of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty, yet she had now become a laughingstock.

No woman would be able to endure such a thing. They might even have the urge to kill themselves.

Despite that, Wu Mingyue remained strong. She still had a pillar of support in her heart.

That was Xiao Chen.

She believed that with Xiao Chen's determination and perseverance, he would definitely rise again.

At that moment, a figure dressed in white unknowingly appeared behind her.

A handsome and dashing face was reflected in the mirror.

"Jun Xiaoyao!"

Wu Mingyue suddenly came to her senses, looking shocked. She didn't expect Jun Xiaoyao to come looking for her.

"What should you call me?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

Wu Mingyue's voice faltered for a bit before she squeezed out two words through gritted teeth.


"Very well. It seems that you haven't forgotten your status as a maid." Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly.

Wu Mingyue clenched her fists and lowered her head slightly, feeling humiliated.

"Didn't you say that I'm not good enough for you? Then why are you still here?" Wu Mingyue's tone was slightly cold.

"Are you… being spiteful?" Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows slightly.

Why did she sound like a resentful woman who had been abandoned by her husband?

"No way." Wu Mingyue turned her face away. How could she have such feelings?

She was relieved that Jun Xiaoyao didn't become the prince consort.

However, being belittled by Jun Xiaoyao in front of everyone made Wu Mingyue feel rather exasperated.

"Heh… I'm sorry for letting you suffer. I didn't take your feelings into consideration." Jun Xiaoyao smiled gently.

Wu Mingyue raised her head slightly, looking rather surprised.

Jun Xiaoyao was apologizing to her?

What was with that warm smile?

Why was it so dazzling?

Wu Mingyue's thoughts were in a mess. For a moment, she didn't know how to react.

Was Jun Xiaoyao here to comfort her?

Just as Wu Mingyue was thinking to herself.

The smile on Jun Xiaoyao's face deepened as he said, "I came to you this time to ask how much of the immortal source you have. Hand it over and don't let me force myself on you."

Wu Mingyue: "????"

She was overthinking things.

Jun Xiaoyao wasn't there to comfort her at all. He was there to rob the Source of Immortality.

It turned out that Jun Xiaoyao was still smiling like a devil!

"Jun Xiaoyao… you!" Wu Mingyue's face was flushed red. She was so angry that she wanted to bite Jun Xiaoyao!

This man was too despicable!

"What? You're not giving it to me?" Jun Xiaoyao's expression immediately darkened.

The smile on his face moments ago was now replaced by a storm.

Wu Mingyue gritted her teeth and said, "I only have fifty pieces on me."

"Hand it over," Jun Xiaoyao said coldly.

Wu Mingyue angrily handed over more than fifty pieces of Immortal Essence and glared at Jun Xiaoyao.

As expected, she couldn't harbor any fantasies about Jun Xiaoyao.

Devil, blockhead, and straight man!

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head to himself after receiving the immortal source.

It seemed that the princess of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty wasn't as wealthy as he thought she was.

Looking at Wu Mingyue's expressionless face, Jun Xiaoyao thought for a bit and said, "Are you still harboring fantasies about Xiao Chen?"

Wu Mingyue remained silent, biting her lip with her teeth.

Jun Xiaoyao chuckled and said, "It seems like you still don't know Xiao Chen's true colors. He wanted to make use of you from the very beginning to gain the support of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty so that he could go against me."

"Don't think that everyone is like you!" Wu Mingyue said coldly.

She firmly believed in Xiao Chen's character in this regard.

"How about we make a bet then?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

"What bet?" Wu Mingyue asked.

"Let's bet on Xiao Chen. If his character is truly as good as you say, then consider it my loss. I can remove your slave seal," Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Are you serious?"

Wu Mingyue was delighted to hear that Jun Xiaoyao would remove her Seal of Slavery.

She wanted Jun Xiaoyao to remove the Seal of Slavery day and night.

Jun Xiaoyao waved his sleeve and said casually, "Of course. If I'm right, I want you to submit to me willingly!"

Wu Mingyue nodded without hesitation.

In her opinion, Jun Xiaoyao was giving her a chance to remove the Seal of Slavery.

"Alright, that's the deal then." Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly and left.

Wu Mingyue wore a hopeful expression.

Soon, she would be free from Jun Xiaoyao's restrictions.

Jun Xiaoyao's lips curled into a smile as he shook his head to himself.

"This stupid princess, reality is cruel…"

Jun Xiaoyao had noticed Xiao Chen's madness and ruthlessness when he left earlier.

A madman could do anything.

This was also a trap that Jun Xiaoyao set for Wu Mingyue.

The Royal Princess of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty was completely played by Jun Xiaoyao!