Jun Lingcang's Attitude, Xiao Chen's Conditions, Help Me Kill Jun Xiaoyao!

As the Sequence One, he respectfully asked Ah-Jiu to become his master.

Ah-Jiu turned him down.

Now, however, she was willing to become Jun Xiaoyao's personal guardian.

The difference in treatment was simply too great.

Jun Lingcang admitted that he was a little jealous.

After all, he couldn't forget her.

When he was young, he was once attracted by the sound of a zither. He walked to a remote courtyard and saw the beautiful figure playing the zither under the moon.

One look was all it took to become unforgettable for him.

Even after Jun Lingcang's astonishing dual-pupils made him the Sequence One of the Highest Sequences, he never forgot that beautiful woman.

Now, he had returned from his training in the Ancient Forbidden Ground.

He thought that he was finally qualified to let Ah-Jiu take a look at him and become his master.

Unexpectedly, Ah-Jiu had long become Jun Xiaoyao's guardian.

Anyone else would've found it hard to accept.

However, Jun Lingcang lived up to his reputation as the Jun Family's Sequence One. His personality was deep and unfettered.

He wasn't angry at all. Instead, he was very calm.

On the other hand, Jun Daolin began to complain to Jun Lingcang.

"Sir Ling Cang, you have no idea how biased the family is towards the divine child. Last time, I wanted to collect ten pieces of the immortal source, but the elders in the family said that they needed to let the divine child cultivate."

At that thought, Jun Daolin felt rather depressed.

He wanted to test out a new array with a few pieces of the Source of Immortality, but he was told that Jun Xiaoyao needed to have all of the Source of Immortality.

This rendered Jun Daolin speechless. He was one of the ten sequences after all. Was this how he was treated?

"Indeed. The family is too biased towards the divine child. In fact, some of the resources that originally belonged to Sir Ling Cang were all given to the divine child," Jun Xiyu added from the side, feeling indignant for Jun Lingcang.

Her admiration for Jun Lingcang was equal to Jun Linglong and Jun Xuehuang's adoration for Jun Xiaoyao.

They simply believed that Jun Lingcang was the number one young cultivator in the Mystic Realm.

Even Jun Xiaoyao couldn't compare.

"That is indeed inappropriate," Jun Lingcang said calmly.

"That's why, Sir Ling Cang, you came back with great difficulty. You must suppress the divine child's prestige. Don't let the family side with him too much," Jun Daolin said.

Jun Lingcang said faintly, "Are you saying that I should go and suppress that cousin of mine?"

Jun Daolin and Jun Xiyu remained silent, but it was obvious that they meant what they said.


Jun Lingcang said with a slightly cold expression.

Jun Daolin and Jun Xiyu were both stunned, unable to come to their senses for a while.

"Did the clan raise you sequences just so you could scheme against each other?" Jun Lingcang reprimanded coldly.

"But Sir Ling Cang…" Jun Daolin and Jun Xiyu wanted to refute him.

They felt that the Jun family was being too biased towards Jun Xiaoyao and unfair to Jun Lingcang.

"Fighting is fine, but what you should be fighting for is to kill the Far ancient royal family and compete with the geniuses of the other Clan of the Ancients. You shouldn't be fighting amongst yourselves." Jun Lingcang stood up with an apathetic expression.

"I'm very disappointed in all of you." Jun Lingcang turned around and stood with his hands behind his back.

"Please forgive us, Sir Ling Cang!" The two of them hastily bowed.

The other elders of the family couldn't help but sigh at the sight.

Jun Lingcang truly was worthy of being the leader of the Sequences.

Just think about it, how could the prestigious Jun family of the Ancients let a perverse genius lead them?

"It's good that you know what you did wrong. There won't be a next time." Jun Lingcang's tone softened slightly.

The two of them then stood up.

However, not only did Jun Xiyu not feel wronged, but she also looked at Jun Lingcang with even more admiration.

This was the true leader of the Jun family. He was broad-minded and magnanimous.

On the other hand, although Jun Xiaoyao had a domineering personality, he was still a little selfish. He only cared about himself and didn't even leave any immortal source for them.

At that thought, Jun Xiyu felt rather indignant for Jun Lingcang.

Why was Sequence Zero Jun Xiaoyao instead of Jun Lingcang?

"Is my cousin still in seclusion?" Jun Lingcang asked.

"That's right," Jun Daolin replied.

Jun Lingcang shook his head slightly. "What a shame. I'd love to meet someone like that."

Jun Daolin, Jun Xiyu, and the other elders were all shocked to hear that.

It seemed that Jun Lingcang had not given up on fighting Jun Xiaoyao.

Ah-Jiu had always been a thorn in his side.

Jun Lingcang stood with his hands behind his back as he muttered to himself, "Jun Xiaoyao, I will defeat you fair and square. I will let Ah-Jiu understand I am worthy of being her follower…"

He wouldn't resort to underhanded methods.

He wanted to defeat Jun Xiaoyao fair and square.

That way, he could prove himself to Ah-Jiu.

The news of Jun Lingcang's return to the Jun family also spread throughout the family.

The forces that were hostile to the Jun family were all distressed.

Jun Xiaoyao alone was enough to suffocate people. Now, there was another Sequence One Dual Pupils.

Many people wondered if the younger generation of the Jun family was about to sweep across the entire Immortal Realm.

Among them, the Lair of Zulong was the most worried.

As the number one rival of the Jun family,

The Lair of Zulong lost one after another.

With Long Haotian killed, Long Bichi was so frightened by Jun Xiaoyao that her heart almost collapsed. Even the dragon skeletons were stolen by Jun Xiaoyao.

One could say that he was in a miserable state.

Long Aotian, the best genius of the Lair of Zulong, was still in seclusion.

As a result, the younger generation of the Lair of Zulong could hardly find anyone capable of fighting.

"The birth of the twin dragons and the rise of the Zulong. Is that prophecy true?"

Even some elders within the Lair of Zulong began to suspect something.

Just when the Lair of Zulong was about to turn pale from sorrow…

The Black Desert State, one of the three thousand mystical states.

A young man with blood all over his body and a deranged appearance was frantically rushing towards a place.

"We're finally all here. Jun Xiaoyao, you're dead meat. No one can save you this time!"

The young man was naturally Xiao Chen.

After Master Blue Dragon rescued him, Xiao Chen collected the blood of both boys and girls along the way. It didn't take him long to collect everything.

Xiao Chen only had one thought in his mind right now.

That was to kill Jun Xiaoyao!

"Sigh…" Master Blue Dragon sighed.

He was such a spirited young man, yet he was reduced to such a ghastly state. It was truly a sight to behold.

'The divine child of the Jun family is truly terrifying. Only the ancient freaks of the Lair of Zulong could overpower him,' Master Blue Dragon thought to himself.

Xiao Chen returned to the ancient lair a few days later.

The ancient freak sensed him the moment he stepped into the ancient lair.

"Heh… As I expected, you're here, mortal…" A sarcastic female voice was heard amidst the coldness.

It was as if everything was within her calculations and control.

"I've brought what you wanted, but I want you to agree to my conditions first." Xiao Chen's voice was hoarse, and his eyes were bloodshot as if he was about to devour someone.

"Speak," the woman said.

"I want you to kill Jun Xiaoyao, the current Divine Child of the Jun family!"

Xiao Chen uttered every single word with determination.