Ye Xingyun's Plan, the Age of Appearance. Is This the Power of a Disciple?

Shengling City, Heavenly Spirit State.

The vast city was where the Shengling Academy was located.

The entire city was named after the Shengling Academy.

Looking from afar, the entire Holy Spirit City was vast and boundless with towering walls.

From another perspective, it also showed the long history of the Shengling Academy.

At that moment, ancient beasts were seen soaring in the sky. Some were pulling carriages while others were flying airships across the void.

The ground was also packed with people. Like rivers converging into the sea, they all converged towards the Holy Spirit City.

The opening of the Heavenly Law Tower once a year was a grand event for young geniuses.

Even if many people were not qualified to enter the Heavenly Law Tower, it would not stop them from coming to admire the top geniuses of the younger generation.

A young man looked up at the sky and said, "I wonder how many young geniuses will come this time. The saint child and saintess will come…"

"When I heard that the divine child of the Jun family was coming, I immediately rushed here from the Cangyuan State without stopping to see him."

At the gate of the Sacred Spirit City, a pretty young girl looked up at the sky and said hopefully.

Another beautiful woman struck up a conversation with her. "Sister, are you here to see our divine child as well?"

"What divine child? He doesn't belong to your family!" Another girl pouted and glared at him.

A group of women joined in the argument, causing a small commotion.

"Tsk tsk, isn't the Divine Child of the Jun family way too popular?" Some male cultivators were envious and jealous of him.

At that moment, a handsome young man in a blue robe was seen from a pavilion. His expression was rather gloomy.

Sitting across from him was an old servant, Uncle Fu.

The young man was naturally Ye Xingyun.

He also came to the Heavenly Law Tower this time.

Uncle Fu said, "Young Master Xingyun, the old master said that you'd better not get into a conflict with the divine child this time. The Ye family can't afford to lose face like this."

As the saying goes, three things cannot be three.

It was the first time Ye Xingyun lost face at the Ten Years Old Banquet.

This was the second time the Panwu Celestial Dynasty was humiliated.

If Ye Xingyun still dared to provoke Jun Xiaoyao at the Heavenly Dao Tower this time, he would be humiliated.

The Ye family of the Clan of the Ancients was utterly humiliated.

Although he was not the only genius in the Ye family, the Ye family was humiliated time again.

"Don't worry. This time, I'm only here to seek opportunities at the Heavenly Dao Tower." Ye Xingyun's expression returned to normal, and his eyes were deep.

He felt that he would be able to find a great opportunity at the Heavenly Law Tower this time.

He might be able to awaken a lot of memories.

That included the magnificent palace in his memories.

If he could remember where the Star Palace was, he would be able to search for it and obtain the opportunity within.

By that time, his strength would advance by leaps and bounds, leaving Jun Xiaoyao several streets behind.

"The old master said that as long as Ye Guchen is born, the Ye family will be renowned throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm. No one among the younger generation will be a match for us," Uncle Fu said.

"The reincarnation of the Sword Demon, huh? He's been cultivating in seclusion the whole time, but he never showed up," Ye Xingyun said.

He felt rather indignant. If he could get his hands on the opportunity, he wouldn't be any weaker than the reincarnation of the Sword Demon.

Time gradually passed.

At some point in time, a golden light shimmered in the void outside of the Holy Spirit City, accompanied by the faint roar of a lion.

There was also violet qi permeating the air as if a Qilin was screaming.

"Coming, coming!"

Every living being in the entire Holy Spirit City, be it humans or the far ancient races, looked up at the sky at that moment.

The influential figures of the Huangtian Mystic Realm were finally arriving.


A nine-headed lion was galloping across the sky.

There was a group of people standing on it. The leader was a transcendent figure wearing an impeccable white robe.

His face was enveloped in divine light, but he could vaguely make out a corner of it.

Even so, that corner alone was enough to make many female cultivators who came all the way here climax on the spot.

The screaming never stopped.

"Huh? Is that Jun Lingcang, the Sequence One of the Jun family?" Some people also noticed him.

Jun Lingcang stood on top of the Qilin Beast with his hands behind his back. His eyes were hooded, making him look very dashing.

"That Dual Pupils guy from the Jun family is also very handsome. It's a shame that he's standing next to the divine child." Some girls were impressed, but they still shook their heads slightly.

Without Jun Xiaoyao, Jun Lingcang would naturally be the most eye-catching one.

Unfortunately, even the moon would be rendered completely dim before the sun.

"Cousin, your popularity is a little scary." Even Jun Lingcang felt rather speechless.

As the Sequence One of the Jun family, he attracted attention wherever he went.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao had stolen all the limelight.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled faintly and said, "That's what they do. Don't worry about it."

He was already used to these cute brainless fans.

At that moment, however, a group of young men and women walked over. All of them had impressive auras.

"It's the disciples of the Shengling Academy…" The people around them avoided him.

A cultivator said, "The divine child of the Jun family has only just arrived in the Holy Spirit City. Are these disciples already unable to hold themselves back?"

Everyone knew that Jun Xiaoyao crippled Ji Xuan.

It was understandable that the disciples of the Academy hated Jun Xiaoyao.

However, the female disciples among the group of disciples were all hesitant.

As they looked at Jun Xiaoyao's figure in the sky, their eyes couldn't help but glitter.

So what if he was bad?

Being handsome was enough.

The more handsome and naughty he was, the more they loved him.

A female disciple from the Academy stopped in her tracks and bit her lip before shouting, "I've decided. I'm no longer against the Jun Family's Divine Child."

Another young girl made a solemn vow. "Me too. There must be a reason why the divine child of the Jun family crippled Senior Brother Ji Xuan."

"That's right. I think so too. It must be because Senior Brother Ji Xuan provoked the divine child that the divine child reluctantly crippled him."

"Could it be that Senior Brother Ji Xuan did something bad and the divine child punished him?"

The more the female disciples talked about it, the more they felt that it was true.

If Ji Xuan were here and heard those words, he would most likely die of anger on the spot.

A female disciple clapped her hands and said, "I've made up my mind, sisters. I've turned from an anti-fan to a fan."

All the female disciples agreed with him.

"Is that even possible?"

The male disciples watching from the sidelines were left dumbfounded.

What happened to being united against outsiders?

What happened to the evil Divine Child of the Jun family?

Wasn't she betraying them for the enemy way too quickly?

In the sky, Jun Xiaoyao's expression was calm.

He never cared about the Shengling Academy.

If it weren't for the fact that the Bone of Supremacy was undergoing a metamorphosis, he probably wouldn't even come if the Shengling Academy wanted to invite him.

"You'd better not get on my bad side in the Shengling Academy. Otherwise, all of you will follow in Ji Xuan's footsteps," Jun Xiaoyao said with an indifferent expression.

Although the female disciples below had given up resisting,

However, the male disciples were still hostile towards Jun Xiaoyao.

"Jun Xiaoyao, you harmed Senior Brother Ji Xuan. How dare you come to our academy!"

"That's right. If you have the guts, don't even think about entering the Heavenly Dao Tower!"

Jun Xiaoyao didn't say anything in response to the clamoring of the male disciples.

The Nine-headed Lion let out a thunderous roar.

It was the Abhijna of its lineage, the Lion's Roar!


As the sound fell, the golden sound wave spread. The male disciples of the academy were all knocked to the ground. Each of them had a splitting headache as blood oozed out of their seven orifices.

Some of the more unsightly ones even had their lower bodies drenched and emitting a stench. They were so scared that they peed their pants!

"This is the strength of a disciple of the Shengling Academy. You should go home and get some milk as soon as possible," Jun Xiaoyao sneered.

The Nine-headed Lion carried them to their destination.

All that was left was a group of haggard disciples from the Academy.

Everyone fell silent as their eyes widened.

Logically speaking, if Jun Xiaoyao wanted to safely enter the Heavenly Law Tower, he should have found a way to reconcile with the Shengling Academy.

Why did it feel like Jun Xiaoyao was even more dismissive of the Shengling Academy now?