Powerful Clan Of The Foreign Realm, Heavenly Devil Clan, Mysterious Man From The Mystic Celestial Realm

The two iron cages exuded a very powerful aura.

However, Jun Xiaoyao ignored one of them and looked at the other one.

"What a powerful bloodline." Jun Xiaoyao was rather surprised.

He had very high expectations for ordinary geniuses.

Strength was secondary. The most important thing was potential growth.

For example, a genius who reached the Unifying Stage at the age of fourteen and a cultivator who reached the Divine Flame Stage at the age of several hundred.

Jun Xiaoyao would have chosen the former without hesitation.

Potential was more important than strength.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao sensed that the creature in one of the iron cages contained potent bloodline power.

It was as if a sun was burning.

In contrast, the aura in the other cage was extremely powerful and chilling, but it was nothing special.

At that moment, the old man presiding over the event also said, "Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the next scene. I'm sure none of you can figure out where the creature on the left came from."

As the old man spoke, he had someone remove the cloth covering him.

A creature with a pitch-black body, a pair of wings on its back, and a face like that of a demon appeared.

It let out a piercing shriek. The sound waves seemed capable of shattering a person's divine palace.

"That's…" Many cultivators stood up and stared at the ferocious creature in disbelief.

The younger cultivators were confused.

On the other hand, some of the older ones took a deep breath after observing the creature.

An old man with long white hair asked in surprise, "Is this… a being from the Heavenly Fiend Clan of the other realm?"

Many cultivators were shocked by his words.

"He's from the other realm?" Some young geniuses were also surprised.

Although they had heard of the foreign realm, they had never been close to that place, let alone know what the creatures of the other realm looked like.

Jun Xiaoyao also wore a surprised expression.

He remembered that Supreme Yuantian went to the foreign realm and brought back the first volume of the Body Book.

As a result, however, he was contaminated by the Dark Matter of the Foreign Realm and eventually perished in regret.

The old man in charge chuckled and said, "Hehe, you certainly have sharp eyes, fellow Daoist. That's right, this is a being from the Heavenly Fiend Clan of the other realm."

"How could a foreign being appear? Are they going to invade the Mystic Realm again?" Some of the elders couldn't stay calm.

Such things had happened before.

Not to mention ordinary people, even undying forces were unable to withstand the devastation that had caused the people of the Mystic Realm. Many were destroyed.

Such a calamity was enough to engulf the entire Nine Heavens Mystical Realm.

There wouldn't be a single piece of pure land left in the entire Mystic Realm.

"You're being too serious, Fellow Daoist. It's been a while since the other side made any big moves. At most, they would just have a small fight. Occasionally, some creatures would enter the Celestial Realm, but in the end, they would either be killed or captured alive," the hosting elder said with a smile.

Some of the elders heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing that.

At that moment, everyone began to size up the Heavenly Demon Tribe.

A cultivator clicked his tongue and said, "Tsk tsk, I never thought we'd actually catch a living member of the Heavenly Fiend Clan. This is a powerful clan from the other realm."

Like the Mystic Realm, the other realm also had countless races.

There were also many powerful clans and even the Immortal Emperor Clans, such as the Ancient Lan Clan, the Paramita Clan, the Zuan Clan, and so on.

Although the Heavenly Fiend Clan couldn't be considered the Immortal Emperor Clan yet, they were still a powerful royal clan of the other realm with profound foundations.

Being able to see a living member of the Heavenly Fiend Clan was something very rare for the cultivators present.

"This is the powerful Heavenly Fiend Clan of the foreign realm. The slave who went up against it is going to be in trouble."

"Yeah, the aura in that cage is also very strong. Unfortunately, we encountered the Heavenly Fiend Clan of the other realm."

The other cage had yet to be opened, but most people present believed that the Heavenly Fiend Clan would definitely win.

After all, they were powerful beings from the other realm. They naturally gave people the impression that they were very powerful.

The old man stroked his beard and said, "Don't jump to conclusions yet. The other slave is not weak either."

As he spoke, the cloth covering the cage was pulled open.

Everyone looked over.

He found a young man sitting cross-legged in the cage.

The young man's long black hair hung to the ground. He was naked from the waist up, with golden patterns branded on his body. The patterns eventually converged on his chest, showing a totem of the sun.

Similarly, there were many hideous wounds on his body. One by one, they made people wonder how the man survived.

At that moment, the man had his eyes closed. He paid no attention to the commotion outside, as if he was meditating.

"That's it?"

Many cultivators were shocked to see the young man.

They thought that someone extraordinary would appear.

It turned out that he was just a young man with a decent cultivation base.

Compared to the Heavenly Fiend Clan of the other realm, this man was rather disappointing.

"Everyone, don't underestimate him. He should be from the Mystic Celestial Immortal Realm. It's very possible that he's the successor of a top force," the old man in charge said.

"Mystic Heaven Mystic Realm?"

At that moment, the eyes of some cultivators flickered.

In the middle of the nine Mystic Realms was a dimensional space separated by the boundless sea of stars.

Crossing a mystic realm was no simple matter.

It was obvious that the young man's cultivation level was not particularly high. He was probably brought here by other powerful cultivators.

In the end, he was the only one left.

The host didn't say anything else.

That was because the young man refused to divulge his identity and background.

It was obvious that the Myriad Treasures Chamber of Commerce didn't know much about the forces in the Mystic Heaven Mystic Realm, so they didn't know much about the man's background either.

It was only because he came from another mystic realm that he used it as a gimmick.

Now, both sides of the battle were clear.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the Heavenly Fiend Clan had an overwhelming victory.

Although the young man was from the Mystic Heaven Mystic Realm, no one knew his background.

No one knew which force he was from.

As such, almost no one was willing to bet on his victory.

"I, the Saint Child, bet 60 pieces of immortal resources on the victory of the Heavenly Fiend Clan," the Saint Child betted.

Only a fool wouldn't believe in something like picking up money for free.

"I also bet 50 immortal sources that the Heavenly Fiend Clan will win," the elegant man next to the Saint Child also placed his bet.

He was the crown prince of the Great Xia Dynasty, Xia Lan, and a saint child of the Shengling Academy.

"I'll just bet ten pieces of Immortal Essence," Hua Xiqing said regretfully.

Other than that, the Golden-Winged Roc King, Ye Xingyun, and the others also placed their bets on the Heavenly Fiend Clan.

To them, it was all for nothing.

At that moment, Wu Mingyue's voice rang out from a luxurious private room.

"We bet on that young man to win. Four hundred pieces of Immortal Essence!"

The entire venue fell into dead silence.

Everyone turned to look at the private room.

"I'm not hearing things, am I? 400 pieces of Immortal Essence? Which tycoon is this?"

"Even the descendants of immortal forces wouldn't be able to take out so many immortal sources so easily, right?"

"What's more, this bet isn't right at all. Are they trying to lose even their underpants?"

"Judging from the voice, it seems to be the Princess of the Celestial Dynasty…"

The entire venue was thrown into an uproar. Many people were stunned.

Previously, the young master of the Chamber of Commerce personally led Jun Xiaoyao into the VIP room in advance, so no one knew that it was Jun Xiaoyao's private room.

When Wu Mingyue went in later, everyone thought that it was the private room of the Princess of the Celestial Dynasty.

The Child of Yin and Yang laughed and said, "Aye, that princess sure is a rich lady. What a shame that she's so cold…"

He believed that Wu Mingyue was only wasting her immortal source.

While the crowd was clamoring, the young man sitting cross-legged in the iron cage suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Jun Xiaoyao's private room.

Those pure golden eyes covered in runes were as sharp as a hawk's. They seemed to pierce through the void as they locked eyes with Jun Xiaoyao!