Breaking Three Stages of Records in a Row Like a Miracle. The Great Elder's Heart Was Dropping Blood

"Oh, it's the divine child."

Unexpectedly, not only was the grand elder not angry, but he also wore a smile that was uglier than crying as he cupped his hands at Jun Xiaoyao.

Previously, the dean and the vice dean of the academy had warned him not to provoke the divine child of the Jun family. They told him to stay as far away from the divine child as possible.

However, the grand elder had no choice but to step forward when he saw the two injured Saint children.

Seeing how even a mighty Holy Lord powerhouse treated Jun Xiaoyao in such a friendly manner, the cultivators from various forces around clicked their tongues and sighed.

"Great Elder…" The faces of the Saint Child and the others turned pale.

They were just glad that the Great Elder would uphold justice for them.

The grand elder was even more terrified.

"Well, I guess I'll just treat it as entertainment then." Jun Xiaoyao stepped into the void and began ascending the 99th step.

The Little Peng King and the others were very cautious when challenging the three stages.

If they were not careful, they could get into trouble.

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, looked relaxed and at ease, as if he was treading on blue grass.

Countless cultivators at the scene turned their eyes toward the direction of the voice without blinking, not wanting to miss a single detail.

Previously, they were all very curious about whether Jun Xiaoyao, who possessed unparalleled talents, would be able to break the record of an ancient genius. Now, they could finally solve the doubts in their hearts.

Hua Xiqing's clear eyes followed the figure in white closely without blinking.

Compared to the two Holy Sons, she, the Holy Maiden, was wise enough to protect herself from being implicated.

Jun Xiaoyao was dressed in an impeccable white robe. The sleeves of his robe fluttered in the wind, making him look like a deity descending from the heavens.

He didn't slow down at all as he made his way up the stairs. From the beginning to the end, he never slowed down at all.

Jun Xiaoyao's speed was still the same as before, even though the pressure increased exponentially after reaching the 70th level.

Such pressure was child's play for Jun Xiaoyao, who possessed the Sacred Body of the Ancients and cultivated the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

Without a doubt, Jun Xiaoyao had broken through level 90.

"He really did reach the 90th level!" many cultivators exclaimed, but they were not surprised.

There was no doubt about Jun Xiaoyao's strength. It should've been normal for him to reach level 90.

However, it would be very difficult after the 90th level.

"Every level after the 90th level of the Heavenly Stairway is ten times more stressful than the previous ones. Divine Child of the Jun family, can you make it through?" the Great Elder thought to himself.

To be honest, he did want to see Jun Xiaoyao suffer.

After all, the divine child's prestige was so great that the Shengling Academy was humiliated.

However, reality was destined to disappoint the grand elder.

Divine light surged from Jun Xiaoyao's body, making him look like a White-clad Divine King. Every step he took caused the void to tremble as if a war drum was being struck.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Jun Xiaoyao took nine steps in one breath.

The most difficult of the nine flights of stairs was actually cleared by him in one go!

How shocking!


It was unbelievable!

All the disciples, deacons, and even the grand elder of the Shengling Academy were stunned.

As members of the Academy, they were well aware of the difficulty of the ninety-nine stairs.

Now, however, Jun Xiaoyao easily cleared the level and reached the peak!

Light rained down from the sky. An auspicious beast manifested while the specters of ancient geniuses flickered as if they were worshipping Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao passed all 99 steps of the Heavenly Stairway.

The Golden Peng King's expression froze.

Ye Xingyun couldn't help but take a deep breath.

The Buddhist Child of Xiaotian's expression stiffened.

Jun Xiaoyao easily broke the record that they never broke.

From the looks of it, it couldn't be any easier.

"Next stage."

Without taking a break, Jun Xiaoyao proceeded to the second stage.

The second stage was to ring the heavy ancient bell.

Previously, the Little Peng King only sounded 15 times.

"I think that the divine child of the Jun family has a very high chance of reaching the record of the 18th echo!" a genius shouted in excitement.

They were witnessing a miracle!

The eyes of some cultivators flickered. They were guessing that Jun Xiaoyao might be able to break the record and reach the 18th echo.

Jun Xiaoyao drove the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force and threw a punch!

Ninety thousand granules of the giant elephant and ten thousand granules of the dragon elephant burst out from Jun Xiaoyao's fist with a force of 1.9 billion catties.

At the same time, the phantom of the Dragon Elephant exploded with the punch.

Dragons and elephants were the pinnacle of power, representing supreme power.

Jun Xiaoyao was the embodiment of supreme power!


Jun Xiaoyao's fist landed on the ancient bell with a dull sound.

Everyone held their breaths, waiting for the next sound.


After that sound, the ancient bell fell silent.

"What's going on?" Many people were dumbfounded.

Why was there only one sound?

This was completely different from what they expected.

"That's impossible. No matter how powerful the divine child of the Jun family is, he can't just make the ancient bell ring once, right?"

The genius who guessed that Jun Xiaoyao could break the record couldn't help but ask.

Although Xia Lan and the others didn't know why, it didn't stop them from wearing sarcastic expressions.

On the other hand, Golden Peng King, Ye Xingyun, and the others felt that something was amiss.

With an indifferent expression, Jun Xiaoyao retracted his fist.

"The third stage…"

Jun Xiaoyao walked directly to the venue of the third stage without giving any explanation, leaving his back to the crowd.

Just when everyone was feeling extremely confused…


A faint shattering sound was heard.

A crack appeared on the ancient bell.

As if it triggered a chain reaction, a series of cracking sounds rang out.

The entire ancient bell shattered into countless pieces right before everyone's shocked eyes!

At that moment, the entire realm seemed dead silent!

The sarcastic smiles on the faces of the Shengzi and Xia Lan froze, making them look rather comical.

Even the grand elder of the Saint Stage felt his scalp go numb.

The ancient bell shattered!

At that moment, everyone looked at Jun Xiaoyao's back as if they were admiring a god!

One of the geniuses couldn't help but exclaim in excitement, "The divine child of the Jun family truly has the bearing of a god! He's a natural born great emperor!"

Jun Linglong, Wu Mingyue, Jun Zhangjian, Yi Yu, and the others all wore expressions of unprecedented fervor and worship.

Even Hua Xiqing's eyes sparkled.

The geniuses she had met in the past couldn't even compare to a single finger of Jun Xiaoyao.

As for the Saint Child and Xia Lan?

They couldn't even withstand a single blow from Jun Xiaoyao's follower.

The entire Shengling Academy was in an uproar. Many cultivators followed behind Jun Xiaoyao, wanting to see him jump through the Dragon Gate at the last stage.

At that moment, the grand elder suddenly slapped his forehead and whispered, "Oh no, it's going to be dangerous!"

He wasn't referring to Jun Xiaoyao, but rather the golden-horned flood dragons in the lake.

He was the one who raised them!

However, when the grand elder came to his senses,

The place where the Dragon Gate was located in the distance erupted in cheers once again.

Jun Xiaoyao threw a punch. The golden divine elephant crashed into the lake, killing all the golden-horned flood dragons in the lake.

Leave none alive!

None of them survived!

"Holy shit!"

The Great Elder yelled at the top of his lungs. His eyes were bloodshot and his heart was bleeding.

Those were all precious pets that he had carefully nurtured, yet they were all killed by Jun Xiaoyao!