Creating Miracles; Achieving Floor 50; Fighting The Six Clones

As soon as the ghost-faced girl finished speaking, she was crushed into specks of light by the Hand of God.

Jun Xiaoyao was deep in thought.

The mark of an ancient genius that was left in the Heavenly Dao Tower should have been there for a long time.

Logically speaking, that ghost-faced girl should be someone from the past. How could she be his sister?

'I think she's mistaken,' Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

However, on second thought, it should be difficult to find someone as handsome as him.

How handsome must the ghost-faced girl's brother be to mistake him for Jun Xiaoyao?

Jun Xiaoyao shook his head. He didn't have any clues yet.

In fact, he didn't like being implicated in such inexplicable karma either.

"Next up is the 50th floor…" Jun Xiaoyao's eyes glittered.

Whether or not his Bones of Supremacy could be transformed and whether or not he could successfully check-in at the last level was up to him!

A ray of light wrapped around Jun Xiaoyao's body and carried him to the last floor.

Meanwhile, outside of the Heavenly Dao Tower…

The atmosphere was dead silent.

The clamor between heaven and earth seemed to have been sucked away, leaving only absolute silence.

Everyone stared blankly at the Heavenly Dao Tower.

The words representing Jun Xiaoyao passed all 49 Floors!

A cultivator exclaimed in horror, "The Holy Child of the Jun family passed Floor 49!"

"A miracle! I saw a living miracle!"

"The completion of the 49th Floor has broken a record in recent times. It is said that only some of the best ancient geniuses could pass the 49th Floor!"

The entire Shengling Academy was in an uproar.

Although many people had already anticipated that Jun Xiaoyao's result would be amazing,

However, his performance still made many people's minds tremble.

For the time being, the geniuses in the Heavenly Dao Tower had no idea what was happening with Jun Xiaoyao.

If they knew, they would've been so shocked that their scalp would've gone numb and their entire body would've shuddered.

"Aye, the dean's decision was right after all." The grand elder was rendered completely speechless.

Outside of the Heavenly Dao Tower, the crowd was in a frenzy.

Inside the Heavenly Dao Tower, the other geniuses were busy challenging the levels.

At that moment, Jun Xiaoyao appeared in a vast desert.

"Is this the last level?"

He wasn't surprised with what he saw.

Jun Xiaoyao vaguely sensed a strange power.

He lowered his head slightly and saw a withered sapling growing in the sand beneath his feet.

"Reincarnation…" Jun Xiaoyao muttered to himself.

It was said that the remains of the Sacred Spirit of Reincarnation was on the 50th level.

However, he looked around and saw only a vast expanse of sand.

At that moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance. Dressed in a white robe, he was enveloped in divine light.

"I knew it…"

Jun Xiaoyao sighed and laughed when he saw that figure.

He was a transcender after all, so he was rather familiar with some tricks.

The figure opposite him looked exactly like Jun Xiaoyao.

His appearance, aura, and cultivation stage were all the same.

"Just as I expected, I have to prove myself with a fight against myself." Jun Xiaoyao wasn't surprised at all. In fact, he felt rather bored.

The most powerful enemy was himself.

What a lame joke.

Just as Jun Xiaoyao had these thoughts…

A second figure appeared.

Jun Xiaoyao was slightly stunned. Was it different from what he guessed?

However, that figure was still exactly the same as Jun Xiaoyao. It seemed to have been copied and pasted.

Then, a third figure similar to Jun Xiaoyao appeared.

Then came the fourth one.

The fifth one.

Eventually, six figures appeared and surrounded Jun Xiaoyao.

Every single one of them was like him, extraordinary and imposing.

Even Jun Xiaoyao was left dumbfounded.


This floor didn't play by the rules.

What happened to the one-on-one battle?

How did it become six people beating him up?

"Does the Sacred Spirit of Samsara not want anyone to pass Floor 50 at all?" Jun Xiaoyao's mouth twitched slightly.

He finally understood why no one had ever been able to pass the 50th floor of the Heavenly Dao Tower.

That was because he wasn't just fighting against himself.

Instead, he was fighting six of himself!

Who could take this lying down!

No one from the ancient era, not even the ancient emperor, could deal with six Jun Xiaoyao's at once in the same realm.

What's more, all the methods, techniques, and even body types were exactly the same.


The six replicas of Jun Xiaoyao didn't give him any time to prepare before attacking.

Surging Divine Energy erupted. They also possessed the Sacred Body of the Ancients and even the Divine Elephant Overpowering Force.

Six golden divine elephants erupted at the same time, seemingly capable of shattering the heavens.

Even someone as powerful as Jun Xiaoyao felt suffocated.

He attacked as well, pushing his powers to the limit.

The golden Qi and blood surged and transformed into a golden divine elephant. With a swing of its trunk, the void shattered.

A huge collision took place there. The sky and the earth shook.

However, perhaps because the 50th floor was the resting place of the Sacred Spirit of Reincarnation, the space was relatively stable and didn't collapse right away.

The battle was so astonishing that the sky was about to collapse.

If outsiders could see it, they would definitely be shocked.

It didn't look like a fight between the geniuses of the Unifying Stage.

It felt more like seven Divine Kings were fighting each other!

Jun Xiaoyao immediately unleashed the Blue Sky Ancestral Dragon Armor.

Without any defense, it was impossible for him to block six of his attacks at the same time.

At the same time, the six clones unleashed the Blue Sky Ancestral Dragon Armor.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes dimmed slightly. This was probably the most serious fight he had ever experienced since he came into the world.

It was extremely difficult for ordinary people to deal with a single person like him. It was almost impossible to defeat him.

Not to mention six of him.

Jun Xiaoyao unleashed all kinds of techniques.

The Emperor of Yuanshi's Path Sword, the Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer, the Furnace of Hell, the Hand of the Heavens, and the vision of the Sacred Body.

However, the six clones also used the same technique.

Jun Xiaoyao withstood the attack with his own strength.

Any other genius, be it Ji Qingyi, the Golden-Winged Little Peng King, Ye Xingyun, or even Jun Lingcang, would not have been able to persevere.

No one could defeat six of his own selves!

However, Jun Xiaoyao's expression was cold and aloof, as if he was a supreme immortal king who had broken all shackles!

He didn't want to limit his achievements to that white-robed figure with his back facing all living beings.

Not to mention the six imposters.

"My way shall be invincible, suppressing all creatures throughout the ages!"

"How can six clones stand in my way!"

Jun Xiaoyao's expression was aloof, as if he was a deity descending upon the world. As his palm flipped over, the sky and earth shattered!

Under such stressful training, Jun Xiaoyao was surprised to find that the granules of the giant elephant in his body had transformed into granules of the dragon and elephant.

This was an extreme breakthrough under pressure!

Soon, Jun Xiaoyao transformed another twenty thousand granules of the giant elephant into granules of the dragon elephant.

His physical strength once again increased by 1.8 billion catties!

All of his strength added up to 3.7 billion catties!

With that punch, even the stars in the sky would crumble!

What surprised Jun Xiaoyao even more was that…

The clones didn't increase his physical strength.

In other words, these clones could only replicate Jun Xiaoyao's state when he stepped into the 50th level.

They couldn't become stronger along with him.

Just when Jun Xiaoyao was beginning to feel confident that he could deal with the clones…

The mechanical voice of the system rang out in his head.

"Ding, check-in at the Heavenly DaoTower. Do you wish to check-in?"

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes lit up. This was definitely his chance to turn the tables!
