Remains Of The Sacred Spirit Of Reincarnation, Comprehending The Truth Of Reincarnation, And The Shocked Geniuses Of The Four Directions

In her mind, the 49th Floor was her limit.

As for the 50th level, Ji Qingyi never even thought about it.

Ji Qingyi was not surprised that Jun Xiaoyao was able to reach the 49th Floor.

The figure that Jun Xiaoyao manifested with his back facing the common people was enough to prove his talents and strength.

"I can't fall behind either," Ji Qingyi said with determination.

Despite being a woman who has an aloof personality and looked like a goddess.

Even so, he still wanted to win.

After all, in the world of great conflicts, only those who could compete with others could prove themselves.

Ji Qingyi also had the heart to prove herself.

She waved her hand and manifested the Immortal Spiritual Seal, the Mystical Abhijnas of the Ren School, which pressed down on the phantom.

While all the geniuses in the Heaven Dao Tower were working hard to reach the 49th floor…

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, had cleared the stage.

He looked around and saw an ancient figure appearing in the desert far away.

That figure was draped in a sackcloth robe, covering his thin body.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes flashed as he strode over.

However, the closer he got to that lonely figure, the more Jun Xiaoyao felt pressured.

At the same time, a peculiar power of reincarnation pervaded the air.

With every step that Jun Xiaoyao took, the power of reincarnation grew stronger.

Jun Xiaoyao also sensed that his life essence was rapidly depleting.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao finally understood why this space appeared in the form of a desert.

Under the cycle of reincarnation, everything would wither and collapse.

If anyone else were to be here, they would probably fall into a state of weakness and become gray-haired after taking a few steps closer.

However, Jun Xiaoyao was different. As a Sacred Body of the Ancients, he had no shortage of Qi and blood.

It could be said that even the qi and blood of a young true dragon might not be better than Jun Xiaoyao's.

One step…

Two steps…

Three steps…

The closer they got, the thicker the power of reincarnation became. Eventually, it multiplied.

"Is this the power of the Sacred Spirit? No one can get close to it even if it's just a skeleton," Jun Xiaoyao mumbled to himself.

He knew that the true form of the Sacred Spirit was the Reincarnation Gold.

However, Jun Xiaoyao didn't expect such a terrifying power of reincarnation to be unleashed after his death.

Eventually, Jun Xiaoyao was only a few hundred feet away from the corpse.

The power of reincarnation here was extremely rich.

If it were any other genius, Ji Qingyi or Jun Lingcang probably wouldn't be able to withstand it and would age rapidly.

"No, that shouldn't be the case. The trial of the 50th level isn't over yet!" Jun Xiaoyao suddenly realized something.

On the 50th level, the final test was to resist the power of reincarnation.

However, the power of reincarnation was not something that could be easily dealt with.

Jun Xiaoyao pondered.

Suddenly, he noticed a withered sapling growing on the ground.

He had seen it before when he first entered this level.

"Reincarnation. Rebirth. Nirvana. Endless growth…" Jun Xiaoyao mumbled to himself in a daze.

He sat cross-legged on the spot and began to study it.

There was no doubt about Jun Xiaoyao's talents. Even without the blessing of the system, he could still be considered unparalleled in the world.

Jun Xiaoyao was able to comprehend the various Ultimate Abhijna of the Jun family with a single glance.

Now, he was enlightened and began to study it.

"Reincarnation is not just about dead silence. Living toward death and growing endlessly is the true essence of reincarnation."

Jun Xiaoyao fell into a state of enlightenment.

The Bones of Supremacy in his chest began to glow brilliantly.

The rich power of reincarnation gathered around the Bone of Supremacy like rivers converging into the ocean.

It was as if a terrifying Abhijna was brewing within.

At that moment, a glimmer of light that looked like a firefly suddenly emerged from the shriveled corpse draped in a sackcloth robe, carrying with it faint soul fluctuations.

"Is that the descendant of his lineage? He sure is talented and terrifying…"

A fluctuation came from the soul light that looked like a firefly.

Time passed.

Geniuses were teleported out of the Heavenly Dao Tower one after another after failing to clear the levels.

After all, not everyone could clear all the stages like Jun Xiaoyao.

Yin Yang Holy Child, Xia Lan, Hua Xiqing, and the others all stopped at floor 38.

Logically speaking, such a result was already considered very good.

After all, only a few geniuses had ever stepped onto the 40th floor of the Heavenly Dao Tower in the past.

This time, however, the grand elder couldn't bring himself to be happy.

There was no need to talk about Jun Xiaoyao.

The other sequences of the Jun family, and others such as the Golden-Winged Little Peng King, Ye Xingyun, and the Fozi of the West Sky, all performed exceptionally well.

Even the weakest member of the Jun family, Jun Linglong, was on the same level as the Saint Child of Yin and Yang.

The other sequences all reached the 40th step.

In contrast, the Holy Sons and Daughters of the Academy were behaving rather awkwardly.

When the likes of the Saint Child of Yin and Yang walked out in high spirits and saw Jun Xiaoyao, who was standing at the top of the mountain,

Their expressions were also dumbfounded.

Subsequently, both the Saint Child of Yin and Yang and Xia Lan suffered another fatal blow to their Dao Hearts, causing them to be unable to recover.

Hua Xiqing's eyes were filled with unprecedented adoration.

"The divine child of the Jun family is truly a godlike figure. He actually created an impossible miracle."

The thought of Jun Xiaoyao agreeing to discuss the Dao with her made her so excited that she couldn't even close her legs.

When the Little Peng King, Ye Xingyun, Fahai, and the others came out, they saw the brutal reality before they could even gloat about their results.

"How is this possible?" The Golden Peng King was unable to maintain his composure. He was beginning to doubt himself.

He thought that he could compete with Jun Xiaoyao, but the latter had long broken the record.

He was unable to accept such an outcome.

The fact that the Golden-Winged Roc King had made it past the 45th level meant that he was already considered a genius. However, he was nothing compared to Jun Xiaoyao!

Ye Xingyun and Fahai shared his sentiments.

Both of their faces were as black as the bottom of a pot.

A sense of helplessness filled their hearts.

Jun Lingcang and Ji Qingyi were naturally the most eye-catching people in the Heavenly Dao Tower.

One of them was a dual-pupiled cultivator, the Sequence One of the Jun family.

One of them was the divine lady of the Ji family, the saintess of the Renxian Sect.

If it weren't for Jun Xiaoyao's outstanding talents, the two of them would have been the most eye-catching ones today.

What made everyone gasp was that Jun Lingcang and Ji Qingyi both broke through the 48th level and reached the 49th level.

"The Jun Family's Sequence One truly is extraordinary."

"Yeah, I'm so envious of the Jun family for having so many geniuses."

"The divine lady of the Ji family is also very talented. I wonder if they can make it to the 50th level."

"I don't think so. After all, not everyone can compare to the divine child of the Jun family. The divine child is a freak."

While everyone was talking about it, the result was out.

The two of them had indeed stopped at the 49th level.

However, such a result was already extremely astonishing. It meant that they were all destined to be the best of their generation.

"What a pity…"

Jun Lingcang walked out of the Heavenly Dai Tower with his hands behind his back. His eyes were still covered with a piece of cloth.

However, everyone could vaguely sense that Jun Lingcang's aura had become even stronger.

Jun Lingcang had also obtained a stroke of luck in the Heavenly Dao Tower. His double pupils had undergone a massive transformation.

On the other side, Ji Qingyi also walked out gracefully.

She shook her head and muttered to herself, "That ghost-faced girl is indeed powerful and strange. It's too difficult to defeat her."

Ji Qingyi then recalled the strange happenings at the Heavenly Dao Tower.

"Could it be that Jun Xiaoyao really passed Floor 49?" Ji Qingyi looked up subconsciously.

With one look, her fair face revealed a rare expression of astonishment, as if she had lost her soul.

"Floor 50?" Ji Qingyi couldn't help but cover her red lips with her hand.