Shocking the Various Factions; Reincarnation of the Ye Family's Sword Demon; Reincarnation of the King; Reign of the King!

The incident at the Heavenly Dao Tower came to an end.

Instead of leaving right away, Jun Xiaoyao stayed in the Shengling Academy for a while.

The Shengling Academy was generous enough to give Jun Xiaoyao 500 Immortal Essence.

Previously, the three saint children had only obtained about a hundred immortal sources from the Shengling Academy.

Not to mention their immortal sources were all given to them by the forces behind them, not by the Academy.

This shows the Shengling Academy went all out.

Jun Xiaoyao was satisfied as well. Coupled with the immortal source he obtained at the combatants' meeting, he was very satisfied.

He already had more than a thousand Immortal Essence in his body, which was more than enough for him to refine the Zenith Heaven Immortal Bone.

During that time, Hua Xiqing's face turned red as she took the initiative to visit Jun Xiaoyao and ask him to discuss the Dao with her.

The successor of the Flower Dao Palace had truly fallen.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't refuse and casually chatted with her about life and dreams.

Hua Xiqing left in satisfaction.

While Jun Xiaoyao was at the Shengling Academy…

The incident at the Heavenly Dao Tower spread throughout the Huangtian Mystic Realm like wildfire.

Everyone who heard about it was left in an uproar.

It broke the record of the fifty floors of the Heavenly Dao Tower.

With a casual stroll, he crushed the Golden-Winged Little Peng King and the Buddhist Child of the Western Paradise with one hand.

Becoming the Holy Child of the Shengling Academy.

Every single thing that happened was enough to cause a huge commotion.

Jun Xiaoyao was the one who created all of this.

That was terrifying.

All the light fell upon Jun Xiaoyao.

Compared to him, both Jun Lingcang and Ji Qingyi paled in comparison, let alone the other geniuses.

"Haha, Xiaoyao never disappoints!"

Jun Zhantian, Jiang Rou, and the other relatives of the Jun family were all overjoyed. They were proud of Jun Xiaoyao.

The other elders of the Jun family were also very happy.

This time, the Jun family dominated the leaderboard of the Heavenly Dao Tower, which was enough to elevate the prestige of the Jun family.

On the other hand, the hostile forces all wore ugly expressions.

In the Dragon Palace of the Hong State…

Xiao Chen's fist landed hard on the ground, his expression grim.

Every time he received news about Jun Xiaoyao, he would fall into despair once again.

Now, Xiao Chen didn't even know if Long Ji could defeat Jun Xiaoyao, let alone kill him.

However, Xiao Chen still had a glimmer of hope when he sensed Princess Long Ji's increasingly powerful aura.

"Jun Xiaoyao will die when Princess Long Ji is fully accustomed to the aura of heaven and earth!" Xiao Chen said coldly.

On the other side, the family of the champion of the Panwu Celestial Dynasty…

After hearing some news about Wu Mingyue and Jun Xiaoyao, Yang Pan was furious and ashamed.

He killed more than a dozen servants in a fit of rage. All the servants of the Yang family were trembling in fear.

"Jun Xiaoyao, you deserve to die!" Yang Pan was furious.

Although he didn't become the prince consort successfully, he subconsciously saw Wu Mingyue as his woman.

Wu Mingyue ended up being so close to Jun Xiaoyao.

This was something that Yang Pan couldn't accept.

He was panting, his eyes bloodshot like a raging lion.

"Calm down. I'll have enough power to kill Jun Xiaoyao once I find the remaining Emperor Pan's Sword of Time and the Emperor Pan's Void Sword."

"The lower realm might be my chance…" Yang Pan's eyes flickered.

Previously, the Panwu Celestial Lord summoned him to the palace and told him about a major event.

The Ten Lands of the Lower Realms would probably undergo drastic changes.

The change of a world was enough to trigger a storm.

Much less the drastic change in the Ten Realms.

By that time, a heaven-defying opportunity would emerge. That would be a terrifying war of life and death where blood would flow for billions of miles.

Yang Pan sneered and said, "A man can't get rich without windfall, and a horse can't get fat without grass at night. With my luck, why would I worry about not having opportunities in the lower realm?"

Jun Xiaoyao would perish the day he made a comeback!

On a lone peak in the Ye family of the Clan of the Ancients.

A thin figure dressed in black was sitting cross-legged on a solitary mountain. Beside him was a divine statue.

This place was a restricted area of the Ye family. Without permission, even some elders were forbidden from entering.

It was a handsome young man dressed in black.

He had his eyes closed. On the ground before him, a sword was stabbed into the ground.

It was stained with blood and seemed to be brimming with murderous intent and sword intent.

At that moment, an elder of the Ye family cupped his hands and said, "Senior Ye, I have something to trouble you with."

The elder of the Ye family was a powerful cultivator in the Great Sage Stage, with a head full of white hair.

It was hard to imagine that he would actually salute the black-robed young man and address him as a senior. It simply didn't make sense.

On the lone peak, the teenager in black slowly opened his eyes.

At that moment, the Ye Family elder felt a terrifying sword intent as if it wanted to cut him into pieces.

What a terrifying and profound gaze!

The young man's eyes seemed to contain the vicissitudes of time, with a profoundness that shouldn't be present at his age.

"What is it?" the young man asked slowly.

Subsequently, the Ye family's old general told the young man about the chaos in the Ten Lands.

Other than that, she also told the young man about Jun Xiaoyao's stay at the Heavenly Dao Tower.

The young man remained silent. The atmosphere was suffocating.

The elder of the Ye family looked at the sword that was stained with blood with trepidation. His heart turned cold.

"Is that the sword stained with the Blood of the Emperor?" The Ye Family's elder sighed to himself.

The young man in black was none other than Ye Guchen, the reincarnation of the Sword Demon that everyone in the Ye family was talking about!

"The chaos of the Ten Lands is none of my business."

"As for Jun Xiaoyao…" Ye Guchen's expression remained calm.

He wasn't intimidated by Jun Xiaoyao's miracles at all.

That was the pride of the Sword Demon.

He was unafraid of anything from ancient times until now!

"Now is not the time for me to enter the world. Have you ever heard of this saying?" Ye Guchen closed his eyes.

"What is it?" the Ye family's elder asked.

"A king does not see a king without bloodshed!"

Ye Guchen's words caused tens of thousands of sword qi to surge around Gufeng.

The Imperial Slaughterer Sword that was stained with the Emperor's Blood also unleashed a torrential sword qi that seemed capable of slicing through the universe!

The elder of the Ye family was shocked!

A king never sees another king!

Anyone who saw it would definitely be stained with blood!

The divine child of the Jun family was a king!

The reincarnation of the Sword Demon of the Ye family was another king!

The elder of the Ye family cupped his hands and left, not daring to disturb him any longer.

Ye Guchen raised his hand and slowly stroked the sword.

"Old friend, countless years have passed. Do the people of the world still remember that under the starry sky…"

"A man and a sword slaying a Demon Emperor…"

While the various forces in the Huangtian Mystic Realm were reeling from the incident with Jun Xiaoyao…

Jun Xiaoyao, on the other hand, was preparing to return to the Jun family.

The grand elder of the Shengling Academy personally escorted Jun Xiaoyao out.

Although Wu Mingyue was reluctant to leave, she still had to return to the Panwu Celestial Dynasty.

That relieved Jun Linglong.

"Now, I have to go home and digest what I have gained from this trip. I'll continue to comprehend the meaning of reincarnation and then refine the Bones of Supremacy."

Jun Xiaoyao already had a plan in mind.

He had a vague feeling that the lower realm was about to be thrown into chaos. At that time, he would need to become even more powerful to deal with all challenges.

"Second volume of the Physical Book: Essence of the World, Ten Unbelievable Children. So many opportunities and leeks are waiting for me to harvest…"