Arrival Of A God; Excitement Of The Blackheaven Sect; Chasing After Mo Fan

His calm and indifferent voice rang in everyone's ears like the voice of a deity.

At that moment, the entire chaotic battle was frozen for the first time. Time seemed to have frozen at that moment.

Whether it was the Gold Horn Clan, the Silver Horn Clan, or the Limitless Star Palace, everyone's faces were filled with unprecedented shock!

The attack was unleashed by the Jun family for the Blackheaven Sect!

The heads of the Mystic Heavenly Sect and the others shuddered as if billions of thunderbolts were exploding. They were all stunned.

Then, there were endless surprises!

The Jun family!

It was the Jun family!

At that moment, all the cultivators of the Blackheaven Sect felt as if they were dreaming.

The Jun family that they had been thinking about was here already?

In the distance, a slender figure shrouded in hazy immortal light stepped through the air.

Dressed in a spotless white robe, he wielded an ancient sword that emanated the aura of time.

One person…

One slash…

He had an extraordinary demeanor!

A junior sister of the Blackheaven Sect muttered to herself as if she had lost her mind, "Aside from the three layers of snow covering his body, no one else in the world is worthy of a white robe…"

She had never seen such an extraordinary person before.

Compared to the excitement of the Blackheaven Sect,

The Golden Horn Clan and the Silver Horn Clan, on the other hand, looked frightened and uneasy.

Even the Golden Horned King and the Silver Horned King, who previously looked down on the Jun family, gulped nervously.

As for the people from the Wuji Star Palace, they were so scared that their faces turned pale.

Jun Xiaoyao's sword just now swept towards the forces of the Limitless Star Palace.

After one slash, more than half of the people were reduced to dust, scattering across the sky.

How terrifying was that? It was enough to make one's hair stand on end!

Even some Void Divinity and True Divinity powerhouses who were lucky enough to survive felt a sense of danger when facing this sword.

"Terrifying. This is terrifying. Who is this guy?" Mo Fan's face was still pale.

He felt as if he had just taken a trip to the gates of hell.

Mo Fan was almost annihilated by the sword light.

If it weren't for the fact that the tiny astral-being in his body eventually released a shield of stars to protect his body.

By now, Mo Fan had probably been reduced to dust.

Jun Xiaoyao surveyed his surroundings and said with an indifferent expression, "I came to the lower realm to kill the Ten Sinners. Are you guys ready to go to hell?"

Jun Xiaoyao's words made the experts of the Golden Horn Clan and the Silver Horn Clan wear ugly expressions. Their eyes even had a faint ominous glint.

Just when the Golden Horn King was about to say that Jun Xiaoyao was overestimating himself…

Patriarch Dongxuan and the others appeared.

Two Quasi-saints and one saint!

Such a lineup might not be invincible in the lower realm, but they could at least sweep across the realm.

To the lower realm, even a single quasi-saint could change the course of the battle, let alone two Quasi-saints and one Saint.

"This is wonderful…" The faces of the Sect Master of the Mystic Realm and the Deputy Sect Master turned red with excitement.

The hearts of the two experts of the Sin Clan sank.

The people from the Wuji Star Palace were feeling the same way.

Mo Fan's expression was extremely ugly.

Over the past year or so, he had risen to prominence once and for all. Everything had been smooth sailing for him. To be honest, he was starting to get carried away.

Not to mention geniuses from the lower realm, even some geniuses from the Mystic Realm weren't worthy of his attention.

However, Jun Xiaoyao's single slash made Mo Fan feel the fear of death.

He felt that even if he had the tiny astral-being, he probably wouldn't be a match for Jun Xiaoyao.

"Leave no one from the Golden Horn Clan, the Silver Horn Clan, and the Limitless Star Palace alive!" Jun Xiaoyao's tone was calm and indifferent, yet it carried a murderous intent.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't feel any pity for these sinners.

He would kill when he felt like it!

The Limitless Star Palace, on the other hand, was the instigator of this calamity. Naturally, Jun Xiaoyao wouldn't let it go.

"Yes, Sir Divine Child!"

Patriarch Dongxuan and the other two attacked.

Two saints and one demi-saint were enough to turn the tables.

"Disciples of the Blackheaven Sect, join forces with the Jun Family and annihilate the sinkins!" the Sect Master of the Mystic Heavenly Sect shouted.

"Understood!" The cultivators of the Blackheaven Sect were all in high spirits as they began their counterattack.

Jun Xiaoyao made his move as well. Wielding the Sword of the Longevity of Pan Emperor in his hand, a thick power of time permeated the air.

Not to mention cultivators of the same level, even cultivators of the Dao Integration Stage, Nirvana Stage, Heavenly Completion Stage, and even Divine Fire Stage would be terrified by Jun Xiaoyao's sword light.

With the Sword Chant of the Immortal Slayer augmented by the Pan Emperor's Sword of Time, Jun Xiaoyao's own immense power was further enhanced.

Nirvana experts were easily killed.

Even Heaven Ascension Stage and Divine Fire Stage cultivators would be severely injured and on the verge of death.

Jun Xiaoyao was unstoppable as he slaughtered his way through the crowd.

Yi Yu and Su Ziqiong also made their moves. They were both ruthless and decisive.

At that moment, the people from the Limitless Star Palace panicked and began to retreat.

There was no need for them to get involved, but a single misstep could lead to eternal regret. It was too late for regrets now.

The Limitless Star Palace never thought that the Jun family of the Huangtian Mystic Realm would send someone so soon.

Just when Mo Fan was about to retreat, he saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.

"Liu Qianqian… she… how is that possible?" Mo Fan's mind buzzed.

Didn't he torture Liu Qianqian so badly that she looked like a human?

The more miserable Liu Qianqian was, the more satisfied he felt.

But now?

Not only was Liu Qianqian doing well, but her cultivation seemed to have increased.

She was also fighting alongside Jun Xiaoyao. Her eyes were filled with adoration, infatuation, and longing as she looked at him.

"Damn it, it's all because of that divine child of the Jun family. He must have saved Liu Qianqian. Damn it!" The veins on Mo Fan's temples were throbbing as he wore a ferocious expression.

Liu Qianqian was his obsession.

The more miserable she was, the more clear Mo Fan's thoughts became.

Now that Jun Xiaoyao had saved Liu Qianqian, it undoubtedly triggered Mo Fan's anger.

'If I have the chance, I'll make sure that the divine child of the Jun family regrets saving Liu Qianqian,' Mo Fan thought to himself coldly. He then began to retreat.

Mo Fan wasn't stupid. He knew that there was no way he could beat Jun Xiaoyao now.

Unless he could get his hands on the treasure of the Star Palace in his memories.

At that moment, Liu Qianqian also noticed Mo Fan, who was about to leave. Her beautiful eyes burned with anger as she let out an angry yell, "Mo Fan, you coward, don't run!"

"Huh?" Jun Xiaoyao turned around and saw Mo Fan.

Seeing this, Mo Fan took out a talisman and stuck it on his body. Then, he turned into a ray of silver light and escaped.

"Is that him?" Jun Xiaoyao was about to make his move.

At that moment, a group of experts from the Wuji Star Palace surrounded him.

Mo Fan was the core of the Unbounded Star Palace. He couldn't afford to lose.

"A mantis trying to stop a chariot." Jun Xiaoyao wielded the Pan Emperor's Sword of Time. As the edge of the sword vibrated, the masters of the Wuji Star Palace were all reduced to dust.

"Yi Yu, get him here," Jun Xiaoyao ordered.

"Understood!" Yi Yu retreated. His entire body was burning with the True Fire of the Sun. He transformed into a ray of blazing light and chased after Mo Fan.