The Blood Cleansing of the Far Ancient Sacred Mountain; Lin Feng's Revenge Gathers at the Nalan Family

In a sacred place of the human race in the Dongxuan Mystic Realm of the Tianxuan Continent…

The sounds of slaughter rang out as smoke billowed into the sky.

Huge demonic spiders appeared in the sky.

Numerous holes appeared on the ground, from which black and ferocious demonic spiders poured out.

They came from an ancient divine mountain in the central forbidden zone of the Tian Xuan Land known as the Demon Spirit Mountain.

The Heavenly Demon Spider Clan resided there.

The Heavenly Demon Spider Clan was an extremely powerful far ancient royal family. Furthermore, they were known for their cruelty and slaughter.

Soon, the sacred ground of the human race was close to being destroyed.

On the other side, a great war broke out in a human temple in the western mystic realm.

Giants that were three feet tall appeared one after another.

Their skin seemed to be covered in a layer of rock armor. Not only did they have amazing defensive power, but they also had extraordinary strength.

They were from the Southern Meteorite Mountain, the Clan of the Stone Golems of the far ancient era.

"The human race shall be destroyed. From now on, the Tianxuan Continent will belong to the far ancient races!"

A stone giant at the Saint Stage roared and hammered a quasi-saint monk to death with a giant stick.

Similar scenes were playing out across the four regions of the Tianxuan Continent.

The Supreme Divine Mountain of the far ancient era, which was extremely powerful, wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the Ten Realms to massacre the world and establish the supreme order of the far ancient races.

Faced with the sudden attack from the Sacred Mountain of the Far Ancient, the sacred grounds of the human race, the hidden families, and so on, none of them could react in time. They were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses.

To be honest, even if the humans had the time to deal with it, the outcome wouldn't change much.

The reason why the Central Forbidden Zone was known as the Central Forbidden Zone was that the far ancient races were simply too powerful.

The human forces simply couldn't deal with it. That was why they called that area a forbidden zone.

As such, the far ancient races wanted to massacre the entire Tianxuan Continent. Even if the human forces were prepared, it would still be difficult for them to resist.

Meanwhile, in the Dongxuan Dao Sect…

All around you see ruins. Broken walls and debris were scattered everywhere.

The corpses of countless cultivators from the Dongxuan Dao Sect were strewn across the ground.

A group of creatures with blue wings on their backs stood in midair.

It was the Heavenly Mountain, the Blue Sky Roc Clan.

However, there was one anomaly among the creatures of the Blue Sky Roc Clan.

It was a young man dressed in a blue robe. His eyes were filled with a bone-chilling intent for revenge.

It was Lin Feng!

"Dongxuan Dao Sect, you have to listen to Jun Xiaoyao. He destroyed the Lin Family and killed my father and the others. This is the price you have to pay!"

Lin Feng's expression was stern.

Back then, when Jun Xiaoyao said that he wanted to destroy the Lin family, Sect Master Dongxuan was the first to speak up.

He probably never thought that destroying a tiny family back then would result in the revenge of such an annihilation.

Aside from the Sect Master of the Dongxuan Mystic Sect and a few other powerful cultivators, all the other cultivators in the entire Dongxuan Mystic Sect had perished.

Just when Lin Feng was feeling emotionally unstable, a slender young girl with short blue hair stepped forward and comforted him. "Don't be sad, Lin Lang. At least the East Mystic Dao Sect has been destroyed. You can finally avenge your family."

The young girl with short blue hair was none other than the young genius of the Heavenly Mountain, Peng Ling.

It was her brother Pengfei who discovered the unconscious Lin Feng.

As for why she was so concerned about Lin Feng, it was naturally because she liked him.

Why do you think I like him?

Don't ask. If you ask, it's the aura of a lead character.

As the lead character of the world in the Tian Xuan Land, how could Lin Feng be a lead character if he couldn't even conquer a young girl?

If Jun Xiaoyao relied on his charisma to conquer tens of thousands of girls,

In that case, Lin Feng was simply a protagonist.

His ups and downs, as well as his unyielding character, made Peng Ling quite fond of him.

Despite being comforted by Peng Ling, the hatred on Lin Feng's face remained.

"I have yet to avenge my family. The root of all this is Jun Xiaoyao!"

"If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be in such a miserable state. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have failed. If it weren't for him, my Lin Clan wouldn't have been destroyed."

"That's why I, Lin Feng, have to kill Jun Xiaoyao with my own hands. Otherwise, I won't be able to ease the hatred in my heart!" Lin Feng gritted his teeth as his eyes burned with fury.

"Hehe, I'd like to meet that Jun Xiaoyao as well. I wonder who is stronger between him and the Little Peng King of the Mystic Realm."

On the other side, Peng Ling's brother, Peng Fei, also spoke. His eyes were filled with curiosity and fighting spirit.

In his mind, the Golden Peng King was an almost invincible existence in the Mystic Realm.

As for Jun Xiaoyao, he wondered how much power he had at his disposal.

"Thank you, Brother Pengfei. However, I'd still like to deal with Jun Xiaoyao myself," Lin Feng said.

During this period of time, Lin Feng didn't let Jun Xiaoyao down. He collected all of the source of the world.

He was far more powerful than before.

"Where are we going next?" Peng Ling asked.

Lin Feng said with a cold expression, "There is only one place. Sect Master Dongxuan and the others will probably escape to that place. Even the human forces will want to go there."

"Mister Lin, you mean…" Peng Ling was confused.

"The Nalan family's residence in the Secluded Clan, the Ancient Spirit Mountain!" Lin Feng said with certainty.

As for why Lin Feng was so certain, it was because the Nalan family was now a prestigious family in the entire Tian Xuan Land.

Now, the Archaean Divine Mountain was wreaking havoc and massacring the world.

The only place where human forces could hide was the Nalan family.

"Since that's the case, let's call for the other Sacred Mountains of the far ancient era to attack the Nalan family together!" said Pengfei.

The truth was as Lin Feng expected.

Many forces throughout the entire Tianxuan Continent gathered towards the Nalan family.

As for why?

Naturally, it was because the Nalan family was related to Jun Xiaoyao.

As the divine child of the Clan of the Ancients and a human of the Mystic Realm, Jun Xiaoyao's status and influence were unparalleled.

In the minds of the humans of the Tianxuan Continent, the divine child of the Jun family was the only possibility that he could confront the Sacred Mountain of the far ancient era.

Aside from the divine child of the Jun family, the other forces couldn't find anyone else who could lead them against the Sacred Mountain of the Ancients.

At that moment, the Nalan family in the Old Spirit Mountain was also thrown into chaos.

The Sect Leader of the Dongxuan Sect and a few others fled with ashen faces.

"Family Head Nalan, you have to send a message to the divine child and ask him to help us!" Sect Master Dongxuan shouted.

Nalan Zhan sighed and said, "Ah… well, we don't have the young master's contact information. Besides, the young master has his own matters to attend to. We shouldn't disturb him."

He wanted to look for Jun Xiaoyao as well.

However, he had no way of contacting him.

Even if they did, they didn't dare to disturb Jun Xiaoyao.

"What should we do then? I'm afraid the Sacred Mountain of the Ancients is about to attack. By then, we'll all be finished," the Sect Master of the Dongxuan Sect lamented.

He was considered to be in a miserable state. The few of them were the only ones left in the entire Dongxuan Dao Sect.

Beside him, a young girl with an exquisitely beautiful face also wore a worried expression. It was Nalan Ruoxi.

"Will the young master come?" Nalan Lanxi muttered to herself.

She just wanted to see Jun Xiaoyao again.